Chapter 28: Japan Trip Part 2 - Godzilla
(Tokyo, Japan)
After a long well deserved rest, Io and Ilyas woke up on their first day of Japan, after enduring the ever dreaded jetlag. Io was in the bathroom washing up while Ilyas drank some coffee while admiring the skyline from the hotel window.
He remembered that Io will bring him somewhere that he would like. Ilyas is an avid fan of anything that is anime such as Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokemon, Naruto, Spy x Family, etc. and especially, Japan's iconic giant radioactive lizard Godzilla.
(A few minutes later)
After the two washed up and got dressed, they left their hotel and walked around the crowded streets of Tokyo. However, the place where Io will bring Ilyas, they will have to ride a cab.
Io: Ilyas-kun, let's go ride in a cab, the ride to the city where I will take you will be short
Ilyas: hai okay, you will be my tour guide
Io smiled and the two went around and found a cab. Seeing that the cab's destination is exactly the city where it will travel, Io smiled and the two got in the cab.
Ilyas: Io-san, where is it you're taking me?
Io: I won't tell you the surprise babe
Ilyas: alright
Io: but tell me, do you like anything from Japan's pop culture?
Ilyas: oh hai, I like a lot. Anime mostly, but I am an avid fan of Godzilla
Io: oh Gojira?
Ilyas: hai, giant kaiju movie
Io: ohh okay, interesting
Io smiled as she know more of her love's personal hobbies, especially on one of Japan's iconic pop culture franchises.
(16 minutes later)
The cab stopped in one of Tokyo's wards known as Shinjuku. The two got out and took in the colorful city of Shinjuku.
Ilyas: so what was the surprise, Io-san?
Io smiled.
Io: look up there, babe
Ilyas looked up and gasped as he saw a giant Godzilla statue peeking out from a top of a building. Seeing his favorite kaiju brought the fanboy out of the Descendant.
Ilyas: G-Gojira!
Io: surprise!
Ilyas: oh my goodness, that is awesome!
The Descendant got his phone out and took a picture of the giant kaiju statue.
Io: wanna go up there for a closer look?
Ilyas: oh! We can go up there?!
Io: hai, it's located within a hotel called the Gracery, but we have to be either a guest for the hotel or a customer for their café
Ilyas: okay, perfect timing. I am already hungry
Io: hai, let's go
The couple went in the hotel and rode the elevator to the 8th floor lobby. As the elevator doors opened, they were greeted by a diorama of Godzilla stomping through the city.
Ilyas: oh... my... this is awesome...
The Descendant carefully went around the diorama admiring it. Io smiled and sneakily took candid pictures of her love pretending to be a kaiju.
Ilyas: Godzilla vs. The Descendant
Io giggled as she sees Ilyas' inner child coming out.
Io: so kawaii
After admiring the diorama for a good few minutes, they continued to walk through the lobby until they saw the hallway was decorated with every Godzilla movie poster released by Toho, ranging from the first Gojira movie released in 1954 to the latest project called Godzilla: Minus One.
Ilyas: wow... it's every Toho released Godzilla poster
Io: sugoi... (wow)
They slowly walked through the hall to admire every movie poster until they spot a sign pointing at the direction of the terrace and the Godzilla head.
They then sat down at a table and ordered some cakes and coffee. Io took pictures of the cake, coffee, and Ilyas with the Godzilla head as the background.
Ilyas: this view is great and the cake is delicious
Io: a good place for a date
And as Ilyas was about to say something, the giant Godzilla behind him began to roar, causing the Descendant to almost fall out of his seat.
Ilyas: whoa! What in the world?!
Io giggled as the two watched and listened the Godzilla statue roar while water sprayed from its mouth to give the effect and illusion of the signature atomic breath.
Ilyas got his phone and recorded the whole show to save it as a memory for his Japan experience.
Ilyas: that was awesome!
Io: you got startled from the first roar
Ilyas: it caught me off guard, babe
Io: but you looked so kawaii when you were watching
She said as she giggled.
Ilyas: yeah, but this was a nice place babe. Arigato
Io: don't thank me yet, we still have one more place to go to
Ilyas: do we need to take a cab?
Io: hai, the ride is a few minutes longer
Ilyas: okay, let me pay for us, and we can be on our way
After Ilyas paid for their snacks and took some last few pictures of the Godzilla head, the couple flagged down another cab and rode to their next destination.
(19 minutes later)
The cab stopped in another ward within Tokyo called Chiyoda.
Io: welcome to Chiyoda, Ilyas-kun
Ilyas: wow, this place is beautiful
The Descendant took in the beautiful scenery of the ward as he saw colorful trees and buildings, along with some stone bridges and structures.
Io: come Ilyas-kun, there is a certain statue you need to see
Ilyas: right behind you, babe
The two ran around the ward while Io was excited as she is bringing her babe to the certain statue.
Io: alright babe, surprise!
Ilyas' eyes widened as he gasped.
Ilyas: oh... my...
The Descendant was speechless as right in front of him is a big statue of Shin Godzilla.
The Descendant was in awe of the statue of his favorite version of the Kaiju King.
Io: stand in front of it babe, let me take a picture
Ilyas: oh hai!
The NXT North American Champion stood in front of the statue and posed. Io took a couple pictures of her love. Then an idea came as she went close to him and switched the camera to the selfie mode.
Io positioned the camera so that she, Ilyas and the statue are in frame. The two posed for the selfies with one of them kissing each other's lips.
Ilyas: this is the best day ever. I saw some statues of my favorite kaiju and I got to experience it with the love of my life
Io: aww aishiteru Ilyas-kun
Ilyas: I love you too, Io-san
The two smiled at each other and kissed each other on their lips.
After a few minutes of admiring the Shin Godzilla statue, the couple rode back to their hotel and took a nap as they were tired after two trips to Tokyo's wards.
They still have a couple of days left of their week long vacation, which is enough time for them to experience much of the Japanese culture from both traditional and pop, and possibly... a bit of the country's entertainment side.
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