Chapter 16: Tribute to the Batman
(A/N: Before I start the chapter...)
Rest in Peace: Kevin Conroy (1955-2022)
The man who has voiced my childhood superhero Batman for over 30 years has passed away at the age of 66. Kevin has voiced the Dark Knight since the popular Batman: The Animated Series and will go on to voice him on my childhood superhero shows Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and Batman Beyond. I feel like I was Batman whenever I played the Arkham games because he was the man behind the voice.
I was pumped when he was cast to play as the live action Bruce Wayne for the Crisis on the Infinite Earths special. Although there were backlash, I appreciate and admired his performance as Bruce Wayne.
He is vengeance. He is the night. He is our Batman.
Thank you, Kevin
(NXT Tuesday)
One of the matches for tonight's show is a six-woman tag team match as Io teams up with Cora and Roxanne to take on the Golden Toxic Attraction to see who will gain momentum and that Cora, Io and Roxanne are worthy challengers for the titles. Roxanne Perez, one of the newcomers has captured the attention of Toxic Attraction, however the Prodigy instantly made friends with Io and especially Cora, since the two are like sisters. Io has decided to give her tag spot to Roxanne, so the two young stars can pursue the NXT Women's Tag Titles while the Genius of the Sky looks to end the year long Toxic reign of Mandy Rose.
As for Ilyas, the news of Batman actor Kevin Conroy has reached him and it deeply affected him as he grew up hearing Kevin's Batman voice as a kid. The Descendant wants to pay homage to the late voice actor in his match tonight.
NXT General Manager Shawn Michaels has arranged for a non-title one on one match as Ilyas will go against the current NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes with Trick Williams in the A-Champion's corner as the main event.
Ilyas had special gear made for him for this match which featured the Philippine Sun with the Bat symbol overlaying the sun on the right leg and the Batman Animated Series logo on the left leg.
Ilyas' mentor Gunther was notified of the match and talked it over with his student.
Gunther: I have taught you of how to use the numbers in your favor
Ilyas: yes general, if you have seen me in Japan, I move around like I was Batman himself
Gunther: honor him tonight
Ilyas: yes sir
The Ring General left Ilyas, so the Descendant can focus and warm up for his tribute match while he watched on his TV the six woman tag team match, which was about to start.
(Io Shirai, Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez vs. Toxic Attraction)
The two women who started off the match were Cora and Gigi. The two former partners of the Women's Dusty Classic locked up in a test of strength to see who will gain an early advantage.
Gigi has gotten the strength advantage as she traps Cora in an ab stretch hold, however Jade got out with elbow strikes and grabs Dolin for a snap suplex. Cora got a hold of Gigi's arm and tagged her 2001 partner The Prodigy Roxanne Perez and the two took down the Toxic Harlot with tandem offense.
Roxanne went for an early cover and Gigi kicked out at one, Gigi quickly crawled to her team's corner and tagged in the other half of the NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Jacy Jayne. The two women locked up and Jacy got a hold of Roxanne's arm and the Prodigy tries to untwist her arm to get back in the offense.
(Fast forward)
Roxanne has created separation from herself and Mandy as both women slowly crawled to their corners as they both tagged in Io and Gigi. The Joshi Judas sprinted to get to the NXT Women's Champion, but Rose got out in time, so Shirai turned her attention to the Harlot with combos of punches and kicks while Mandy can only watch from the outside. Jacy attempted to help her partner, but she too was taken down by Shirai. Then Io took down Gigi with a backbreaker, but as she went for the pin, Mandy slid in to break the pin up, which proved to be a mistake for the champion as Io got up and stared down at Rose. Mandy quickly got out of the ring while Io took down Jayne with an Air Raid Crash before tagging in Cora. Io gave chase to Mandy as she pursued her to the ramp.
Back in the ring, Roxanne took out Gigi with Pop Rox while Cora got the pinfall victory for her team after flattening Jacy with a diving senton.
Io smiled as she heard the result of the match as she taunted Mandy that her title reign will soon come to an end.
Ilyas nodded and smiled as he was satisfied of the result of the match.
The Descendant's match was a few minutes away and he mentally and physically prepared himself, the same way how Conroy's Batman always does, so he can outsmart his opponents and always stays one step ahead of them.
(In the ring)
The A-Champion and Trick Williams made their way to the ring while they were watching their backs for the two top threats who are after the North American Championship, the six foot tall Von Wagner and the resident Arrogant Aussie Grayson Waller.
Then Ilyas made his entrance in his Batman inspired attire while the crowd chanted Kevin's name as he also looks to be a threat to Hayes' championship reign as well.
Ilyas Rizal vs. Carmelo Hayes - non-title one on one match
Ilyas and Carmelo locked up for the first time as each man has an advantage. Carmelo has the speed while Ilyas has the striker and technical advantages of European wrestling along with what he learned from the Ring General.
The Descendant blocked Hayes' quick shots, but the A-Champion made a mistake of delivering a chop to Ilyas' chest, the Descendant fired back with a hard chop of his own, knocking down Carmelo and making him roll out of the ring to recover.
Ilyas pursued Hayes to the outside, but he was blocked by Williams, the Descendant grabbed Williams and threw him over the barricade, right into the timekeeper's area. Then Ilyas dragged Hayes back in the ring for an early pinfall, but the champion kicked out.
(Fast forward)
Ilyas nailed Hayes with a powerbomb and rolled through for another pin, only for the A-Champion to kick out.
Williams tried to interfere again by bringing in the North American title, but the referee stopped him while Rizal took Trick down with a boot to the face.
The Descendant picked up Hayes and looks to end it with the Death March Stomp, but Carmelo dodged it and fazed the Descendant with a superkick, followed by another kick to the gut, the A-Champion looks to take advantage and finished Ilyas off with the diving leg drop he calls Nothing But Net, but Ilyas countered with an uppercut followed by the Death March as Ilyas has pinned the North American Champion for the victory.
Ilyas then grab a hold of the North American Championship and the crowd was cheering loud while the Descendant looked at the title before raising it high before dropping it on Hayes.
The show ended with Ilyas pointing up to the heavens, paying his respects to the late great voice actor of his childhood hero, Kevin Conroy.
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