Chapter 13: Hiking on a Date at the Everglades
It was the day of Ilyas' first official date with the Genius of the Sky of herself, Io Shirai. Since the two both agreed to hike for their first date, Ilyas took the time to purchase two digital passes for himself and Io to Florida's Everglades National Park.
While doing that, he took the time to research the hiking routes within the park and has found the routes they can choose from such as the Flamingo trail and the Pine Island trail, since they're both accessible along the main entrance of the park.
With the two digital passes in order and the two routes on location, Ilyas texted and updated Io about the passes and hiking routes. Then he got ready and proceeded to wash up before going to Io's apartment building to pick her up.
Io was also getting ready as well and got the Descendant's message regarding the pass and hiking routes. She smiled and appreciated his effort to make their first date the best.
Then an idea flew into Io's head as she got an idea of what she'll wear while a mischievous smirk is on her face.
(A few minutes later)
After washing up, Io picked out her hiking outfit, which was her black top and jean shorts.
The Joshi Judas smirked as she checked out herself on the mirror and knowing that Ilyas will blush since she always like to tease him.
Then she got a message from Ilyas.
Ilyas: good morning Io-san, are you ready for our date?
Io smiled as she replied back to him.
Io: hai, I'm ready to go Ilyas-kun, I just got dressed. You can come pick me up now
Ilyas: okay, I'm on my way
Io sat on the couch and crossed her thicc legs while she waited for Ilyas to come pick her up.
(A few minutes later)
Ilyas parked in front of Io's apartment building and went upstairs to her and Kairi's door and then knocked on it.
Io smirked as she went and open the door to see Ilyas.
Ilyas: ohayo, Io-san-
The Descendant's eyes widen and mouth hung open as he saw Io in her hiking outfit. Io giggled as she saw his expression.
Io: konichiwa Ilyas-kun, do you like what I'm wearing?
Ilyas: h-hai, y-you look hot- I mean nice! You look nice
Io giggled from his cute reaction.
Io: arigato, I'm ready
Ilyas: okay, let's go
The two left the building and went in the Descendant's car to drive off to the Everglades. Io was smirking to herself as she thought to herself that it's the first time for Ilyas to see her full bare thighs, given the fact that they're covered by her ring attire.
Io saw Ilyas' hand resting on the handbrake and smirked as their car stop at a traffic light. She then took his free hand and placed it on her thicc pale thigh.
Ilyas: hmm, what's this, Io-san? Your hiking bag? Why is it so soft?
Ilyas gave a light squeeze which resulted in a light moan. The Descendant's eyes widen as he turned to see his hand on Io's thigh.
Ilyas: o-oh! Sorry Io-san!
Io giggled as she lightly pinched his cheek.
Io: you're so kawaii Ilyas-kun, it's okay. I don't mind it at all, you did touch my leg before
Ilyas: I did?
Io: hai, when you helped me stretch before my match and you put my leg on your shoulder
She smirked and teased him.
Ilyas: o-oh yeah, I'm still impressed of your flexibility
Io: I can do the splits too, I can show you later
Ilyas blushed as he continued to drive while Io again held his hand and rest it on her thigh as she relaxes and enjoys the ride while Ilyas gets to feel on her soft skin.
(25 minutes later)
The two arrived at the main entrance of Everglades National Park. Before they got out, Ilyas took out some mosquito repellant.
Ilyas: better apply this on
Io: oh good idea, can I borrow after you're done?
Ilyas: oh sure you can
The Descendant applied the repellent on his arms and legs, before giving the spray to Io. The Joshi Judas sprayed the repellant on her arms and legs, then proceeded to rub her thighs so the repellant is evenly distributed all over.
Ilyas was entranced from Io rubbing her legs in front of him. He wiped some saliva that was dripping from his mouth as Io finished.
Io: hai, let's go?
Ilyas: yup
The two got out of the car and Ilyas presented the two digital passes to the ranger and are given access to enter the hiking route.
Io: wow, it's so nice here
Ilyas: oh I agree, this is my first time to be here
Io: wow really?!
Ilyas: hai
Io: well good thing your first time here at the park is with me
Io smirked as she said with a flirty tone in her voice, making Ilyas blush a bit.
The two walked along and stayed on the trail, so they won't get lost while they admired the scenery of the trees. As they walked, Io stepped on and slipped on a tree root.
Io: whoa!
Ilyas: I got you Io-san!
But Ilyas caught her just before she fell on her butt. Io had her arm wrapped around Ilyas' neck to keep her balance while Ilyas' hands were on Io's hips. Then they see that their faces are literally inches apart while they blush heavily.
Io regained her balance and the two regained their senses.
Io: thanks for catching me, Ilyas-kun
Ilyas: n-no problem, Io-san
The two continued their walk until they saw a walkway that is built over the park's West Lake. The two walked along and looked down at the lake to see some plant life and frogs. As Io admired the clear lake, Ilyas gathered up all his courage and put his arm around Io's shoulder.
Io smiled and melted as she laid her head on the Descendant's shoulder while she had a cute smile on her face.
Io: Ilyas-kun, this is a perfect photo opportunity
Ilyas: oh I agree, with this nice scenery as a nice background
Io: hai, let's do it!
Ilyas took his phone out and proceeded to take a picture of a smiling Io with the lake as the background.
Ilyas: let's take one more with the two of us together
Io: hai, good idea
Ilyas got the camera in position with a perfect shot on the lake. Then Io came into the shot and lays her head on Ilyas' chest while she wrap her arms around him for a hug. The two smiled for the camera as Ilyas took the picture.
Io: let me see
She said with a smile on her face. Ilyas showed the picture and the Joshi Judas smiled big.
Io: send me that
Ilyas: you got it
Io: this is the best date ever, especially it's our first official date
Ilyas: oh yeah, I had a great time, with you it was really fun, despite you keep teasing me
Io giggled.
Io: that's how I am, so you have to get used to it
Ilyas: I will, and Io-san, you want to do this again sometime?
Io smiled and melted inside as Ilyas asked her out on another date.
Io: oh yes, I would love to Ilyas-kun, I can't wait already
Ilyas smiled and felt all confident after Io accepted another date with him. Then the two hiked back and follow the route back to the main gate of the park with some sunlight visible. They got into the Descendant's car and drove back to the city.
Io: the hike was exhausting, but it was fun
Ilyas: oh I agree, a great workout for the both of us
Io giggled.
Io: hai, Ilyas-kun, you're funny
Ilyas chuckled as he said.
Ilyas: it's part of my personality
Io: that's what I like about you, Ilyas-kun
Ilyas smiled while Io realized what she said and blushed a bit.
Io: gome! F-forget what I said-
Ilyas chuckled.
Ilyas: it's okay Io-san. I appreciate that, and you're kawaii when you're flustered
Io blushed more from Ilyas' compliment of her cute personality and melted inside while she smiled to herself.
(Time skip)
Night has fallen, and Ilyas dropped Io off at her apartment building.
Ilyas: here is your stop, Io-san
Io: arigato Ilyas-kun, I'll see you next week and I'm looking forward to our second date
She said with a smile.
Ilyas: have a safe night, Io-san
Io: arigato Ilyas-kun. Good night
She said with a smile and gave Ilyas a kiss on his cheek before she got out of his car and got inside her building. Ilyas smiled and drove back to his apartment building.
(In his apartment room)
Ilyas was in bed looking over at the picture he took with Io at the lake with her hugging him while she smiled. He put his phone away and slept while looking forward to next week.
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