Chapter 12: Big Change
A huge event has shaken up within WWE's corporate offices in Connecticut. On July 22, just a few weeks after Ilyas aligned himself with Barthel and Walter while Io and Cora are starting to be a good team, WWE's big boss, the Chief Executive Officer of the company Vince McMahon has called for his retirement and has stepped down from his position as he tweeted out on that day.
Stephanie McMahon has been appointed as the new CEO of the company while Triple H has taken over as the head of creative, which drew a lot of positive feedback from both the wrestlers and fans.
Over the first few weeks of the Game in charge, recently released WWE wrestlers returned such as Karrion Kross and Dakota Kai.
And there were plans for NXT 2.0 to revert back to its black and gold roots. But as of now, 2.0 is still rolling for the mean time.
This week's NXT, a new feud is starting for the Descendant of Jose Rizal as the Arrogant Aussie Grayson Waller had called him out on social media. What Waller doesn't know is that Ilyas has big back up in the form of Imperium.
As for Io, she has a one on one match with Cora in her corner as she takes on Toxic Attraction's Jacy Jayne.
While in his locker room, Ilyas can only smirk and can only laugh at Waller's call out on Twitter. Then he heard a knock on his door; he went to open it and saw that no one was there. Then Ilyas was caught off guard as Io playfully trapped him in a side headlock while she smiled and giggled.
Io: konichiwa Ilyas-kun!
Ilyas: ah! Good to see you too, Io-san
Io giggled and kept the lock on as she walked inside Ilyas' locker room.
Ilyas: let me go
Io: not until you tap out to me
Ilyas didn't want to tap, but had an idea by poking Io's hips, making the Joshi Judas yelp and giggle, and breaking the side headlock on him.
Io: what are you up to?
Ilyas: oh just watching this video of Waller calling me out
Io: baka (idiot)
Luke: yeah, it will be the biggest mistake he ever made. How about you?
Io: I have a match against Gigi-san
Ilyas: oh wow, that will be a great match
Io: hai, and hopefully one step closer to a tag title shot for me and Cora-san
Then Ilyas bravely decided to make his move since he was spending a lot of time with Io.
Ilyas: uhh Io-san, can I ask you something?
Io: hai, what is it, Ilyas-kun?
Io said with a cute smile on her face while Ilyas took a deep breath.
Ilyas: we spend a lot of time together, just the two of us as friends. But... I want to tell you now Io-san, do you want to go on a first date with me?
Io's eyes widen in surprise from Ilyas' bold move, but she knew and agreed inside that she has spent a lot and hung out with Ilyas alone and she also wanted a first date with him, but couldn't find the courage to ask.
Io: hai, I would love to Ilyas-kun!
She smiled and blushed a bit while Ilyas breathed a sigh of relief as his confidence boosted.
Io: where will you take me for our first date?
Ilyas: hmm, how about we go on a hike?
Io: ooh, that sounds exciting!
Ilyas: and don't worry about lunch, I'll cook some for our walk
Io: I'm already excited and I can't wait for the weekend
Ilyas: well for now, we some arrogant asses to kick tonight for work
Io: hai, I'll see you later, Ilyas-kun
Then Io suddenly kissed Ilyas on his cheek; realized what she has done, Io can only blush heavily while her cheeks felt hot while they turned red; Ilyas was caught off guard but was also blushing from the kiss. After a second of silence, Io left quickly while she is still blushing.
Ilyas chuckled from her cuteness as he held the cheek where Io kissed.
(In the ring)
Grayson Waller was in the ring with an arrogant smirk on his face that is the size of his ego.
Grayson: alright we are all here for one reason, and that is Ilyas Rizal. How come that a newbie who is here for just a few months get so much hype and attention than me? Well I want some answers now, Ilyas! Get out here!
Ilyas came out to a loud ovation from the crowd as he theme played while the Descendant stood on the stage with his arms behind his back. Ilyas got in the ring and stared down at Waller unfazed.
Grayson: here you are in my ring, Mr. Big Shot
Ilyas had a stone look on his face as he listened to Grayson running his mouth.
Grayson: I can give you credit, you're trained under the Ring General and won a lot of titles all over-
Ilyas: says the guy who hides behind his phone instead of having the balls to come say what he needs to say right in my face
Grayson: whoa whoa, slow down there mate
Ilyas: then say what you need to say, I'm right here and you're wasting my damn time
Grayson: I want to prove that I'm a better man than you, I want a match against you, one on one
Ilyas: oh, just to prove that you're a bigger man than me, huh? You are a disgrace to this sport, using Twitter and Instagram to call out people instead of confronting them face to face. And look what got you, you got your ass whooped by the Phenomenal One
The Descendant paused for a second while Grayson tried to deny the loss against AJ Styles.
Ilyas: this mat is sacred, and yet you taint it with your idiocy and arrogance. Here you are in this ring taking on a role of a low budget Miz wannabe
The crowed ohhed while Grayson was insulted.
Ilyas: you only won your feud against LA Knight because you had a 7 foot jackass do your dirty laundry. Now you have no back up and yet you cheat your way to victory
Grayson: I do whatever I can to win
Ilyas: I'll accept your challenge Waller. You will feel what Walter taught me along with some skills I learned back home
Grayson: oy oy, since you mentioned your home country; are you still a bit salty that my fellow homeboy and pro boxer Jeff Horn defeated your so called Philippine People's Champ Manny Pacquiao?
Ilyas smirked as Waller brought up the controversial boxing fight between Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao and Aussie boxer Jeff Horn. The result had Horn won by split decision even with the obvious battle scars displayed on his face, the result would've been the opposite had the referee stopped the fight for Horn's safety.
Ilyas: at first, I was upset about it, but I realize that Horn put up more of a fight than you ever would
Grayson's smirk faded as Ilyas played an Uno reverse card on him.
Ilyas: and since you mentioned the Ring General-
Ilyas pointed at the opposite direction, making Grayson turn and was immediately grounded by a vicious knife edge chop from Walter. The crowd reacted to the sound of the impact while the Arrogant Aussie screamed in pain.
Ilyas and Walter looked down at Waller while they stood in the center of the ring. They then looked up and put their arms behind their backs.
Shawn Michaels has confirmed for next week's NXT 2.0, Ilyas Rizal will go one on one with Grayson Waller.
(Minutes later)
Io was ready for her one on one match against Gigi Dolin and she currently doing some pre-match stretching; Ilyas walked to see the Genius of the Sky stretching and he was at awe of her impressive flexibility plus the fact that her attire shows off her curves and sexy body outline well. Ilyas shook his head and approached the Genius of the Sky.
Ilyas: hi Io-san, you're ready to go
Io: hai, I am. Just one more stretch, uhh... can you help me with this last stretch?
Ilyas: sure, what can I do?
Io: just hold my leg and pull it up as much as you can
Ilyas blushed a bit and nodded as he held and stretched Io's leg all the way up, while also admiring her flexibility.
Io: mmhh, there you go, that feels good
Ilyas put Io's leg down and the Joshi Judas was all pumped out.
Io: watch me win
Ilyas: oh I will, good luck Io-san
The Joshi Judas joined with Cora to the gorilla and waited for Io's theme to play. Ilyas joined Walter and Barthel in the catering area to watch the women's match.
(Io Shirai w/ Cora Jade vs. Gigi Dolin w/ Jacy Jayne)
Io and Gigi were battling in the ring while their respective partners were spectating and lurking at ringside. Gigi got Shirai in a side headlock, but Io managed to push Dolin off and takes down the Toxic Harlot with a jumping dropkick. Io went for an Irish whip, but Gigi reversed it and launched Io to the ropes; then the Joshi Judas showed off her high flying skills as she did a cartwheel and back flip.
Gigi lunged, but Io took her down with a head scissors takedown, making Dolin roll out to regroup and catch her breath.
(Fast forward)
Following a distraction from Jayne, the match turned in Gigi's favor as the Toxic Harlot sent Io to the floor with a kick. Gigi grabbed Io and pushed her back in the ring for an attempted cover, but Io managed to kick out. Then Gigi trapped Io in a crossface in the middle of the ring. Io managed to maneuver her body and escape the hold.
Io ducked a right hand, and kicked Gigi from the back making her stumble and lean on the ropes. The Joshi Judas ran and nailed Dolin with a 619. Io looked to end the match as she climbed the top turnbuckle and flattened Gigi with the moonsault, but as she went for the cover, NXT Women's Champion Mandy Rose slid in the ring and took down Io with a running knee, causing the match to end in a disqualification.
Cora slid in and helped her partner out, but the numbers game was too much for her and Io. However help arrived in the form of one of NXT's youngest competitors, Roxanne Perez.
Roxanne ran down and threw punches on the members of Toxic Attraction. Roxanne's arrival was the equalizer as Io and Cora got back up causing a brawl to ensue between all six women. As the dust settled, Toxic Attraction slid out of the ring and retreated up the ramp while Io, Cora and Roxanne stood tall in the ring and taunted at Rose, Dolin and Jayne, telling them that they're coming for their championships.
(Small time skip)
Ilyas and Io were driving back home while the Joshi Judas was feeling a little dazed from Mandy's knee strike.
Ilyas: wanna lay down Io-san? You can pull on that lever on the side of your seat and lay down
Io smiled and felt appreciated of Ilyas' concern of her welfare, feeling grateful she got an idea of how she'll ease her aching head. Instead of pulling on the lever to move the seat, Io gathered her courage and laid her head on Ilyas' shoulder, making the Descendant's eyes widen as he was caught a little off guard.
Ilyas: Io-san?
Io: mmhh, onegai (please) let me lay and rest here, Ilyas-kun
Ilyas knew that Io was feeling a little dizzy, he let the Joshi Judas rest her head on his shoulder.
(A few minutes later)
Ilyas has parked in front of their apartment building, and noticed that Io was fast asleep on her shoulder. Not wanting to wake her up, Ilyas turned off his car and grabbed his and Io's bags. Then he went to the passenger side and carried the sleeping Io Shirai up to her room. He knocked on her door to see Kairi at the doorway.
Kairi smiled and let Ilyas in to set Io down on her bed.
Kairi: I'll take care of her Ilyas-kun, arigato and good night
Ilyas: good night, Kairi-san
He smiled and left for his apartment room.
(In Ilyas' apartment)
Ilyas was in bed as recapped the events that happened earlier that night. He had the courage to ask Io out for their first official date. Ilyas was smiling and knew that he and Io had grown closer over the last few weeks.
The Descendant rested for the night and looked forward for his hiking date with Io this coming weekend.
Io was fast asleep on her bed with a smile on her face and was already excited inside as she can't wait for her hiking date with Ilyas and already knew in her mind what she will wear for the hike.
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