Chapter 3: Inazuma
Emo's P.O.V.
I was on Beidou's ship heading towards Liyue Harbor. "Are we there yet?" I pouted. "Do you see anything but ocean? I didn't think so," Beidou said obviously getting annoyed. I used to be part of her crew when I first came to Liyue a few decades ago so she wouldn't get too mad at me.
Time Skip
The boat docked at Liyue Harbor and I hopped off. I walked through the city saying hi to a few old friends and Morax. I then started to head off to Wangshu Inn.
I had made it to Wangshu Inn and saw my best friend Matrix's diplomat's carriage. I looked through the window and saw he wasn't in there. I decided to go check inside the inn. As I made it to the elevator I saw it coming down with Matrix and Flora's voices talking. I had a brilliant spook idea. I hid so they wouldn't see me. "I don't get it. Usually he's here bothering Xiao by now," I heard Matrix say. "Well maybe he got stuck in Liyue Harbor. It has gotten busier there ever since Morax faked his death," I heard Flora say. "Maybe," Matrix said. I heard the two walking toward my hiding spot. I jumped out while yelling "BOO!". "Nice try Emo. I know all your schemes," Matrix said. "Well he certainly got me,"Flora said in a spooked stance. I giggled. "So Matrix why are you in Liyue?" I asked. "There's a strange song being heard on the peak of Mount Aocang that the Adventurer's Guild and the Ministry of Civil Affairs wants me to check out. So why not bring friends?" Matrix said. "Damn. Well let's go my two friends," I said as we walked back to Matrix's carriage. "Wait one sec," I said and ran into Wangshu Inn. I looked around for my Yaksha and found him brooding on the balcony. "Classic Xiao-Xiao," I said to myself. I rushed towards his and hugged him from behind. "Hey Xiao-Xiao~" I whispered in his ear. "Hello Emo. What do you want?" Xiao said. "C'mon. Is the Vigilant Yaksha not allowed to have his boyfriend talk to him?" I pouted. Xiao gave me his signature 'are you joking right now' look. "Fine. Me,Flora,and Matrix are going to check out the peak of Mount Aocang to investigate a strange song being heard there. You wanna come?" I said. "U-uh. No I have work to do," Xiao said before teleporting away. "No fun," I said. I hopped off the balcony and onto the carriage roof as Matrix and Flora were approaching it. "Well Xiao doesn't wanna come," I said. "This is an Adeptus we're talking about of course he has stuff to do and doesn't wanna come," Matrix said. I pouted and hopped into the carriage. Matrix and Flora got in the carriage and we headed toward Mount Aocang.
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