So, how many of you cry? I know I do. How many of you think if you cry it means your weak? I don't need to know how many people think that to know that there are to many. Believe it or not crying is one of the best things that we can do for our mental health. Humans cry for many reasons, one of which is pain. Which is probably where the belief that crying means you're weak originated from. So you might be asking yourself what makes us cry?
Well the answer is both really complex and really simple. Everything.
Firstly let's get this out there: we have 3 different kinds of tears. Basal, reflex, and psychic tears.
Basal tears: they keep your eyes (specifically your conea) nourished and lubricated. These tears keep your eyes from drying out.
Reflex tears: these tears wash out any irritations/foreign particles or vapours from your eyes.
Psychic tears: these ones are the ones you cry when feeling a strong emotion. They have leucine enkephalin in them to which is a natural painkiller.
Everything and anything can and will make the tear ducts open. And that's ok. Here's why you cry:
So I'm not gonna go into the scientific reasons for this I'm just gonna explain this best I can simple as I can. Cuz we don't need all those big words.
Basically we cry when there is to much. When we feel to much of one emotion we are going to cry. It can be any emotion be it happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, fear, embarrassment, shame and pretty much any other emotion you can think of. If you feel to much of it at one time it basically overloads your brain and in order to get rid of it safley (to not lash out and punch a wall) you cry. Generally speaking that's why you feel better after having a good cry.
Still don't understand? That's ok :) Allow me to further elaborate.
Have you ever heard of the term "all bottled up" when reffering to peoples emotions? If not it basically means that you contain all of your emotions (specifically your negative emotions) and don't let them out. Ever. Until the metaphorical bottle that you've been containing your emtions in explodes and every little thing that's been pent up comes out in one full swoop of emotions. It can make it look like you over react easily because usually what causes that bottle to break is one tiny thing. Kind of like in this episode of Wild Kratts from 4:33-4:50
Chris was falling and caught himself on the branch. Despite the branch partially breaking due to his weight it was fairly obvious that it wasn't going to break any more as long as he moved slowly and carefully to get off of it and onto a sturdier branch. Except a draco lizard landed on it. Despite its small size of 8 inches (couldn't find how much it weighs and I only did a quick google cuz it dosen't matter much) it was enough to break the branch. Yes this was used to make the audience laugh but it's a good explanation of this. You're Chris, the branch is your "bottle", and the draco lizard is that tiny miniscule thing that irritated you just a bit. Each time you feel a negative emotion and bottle it up you become heavier and further break the branch, after a while you reach your breaking point which is more often then not caused by one small thing, and when you try to put that on your branch it breaks. By never giving your emotions an outlet when your branch finally breaks due to the weight being too heavy you'll be forced to give it an outlet and it won't be a pretty sight. This is where crying comes in. Crying is the brains way of giving you a safe outlet because it won't harm anyone. You'll actually find you feel a lot better if you let it out.
The more pent up emotions you have the more you'll feel yourself being dragged through the dirt. But if you let it out you won't have that weight to drag you down. You might also find yourself being able to properly reason through whatever it is that is going on as you won't have as much emotional bagage to work through.
So in other words, cry when your frustrated, cry when your sad, cry when your angry. Just cry because it's not only ok to cry, it's normal to cry, it's good to cry. If you want to hide in your room to cry that's ok. If you want to cry with your friends there that's ok too. Just let it out. It's not good nor healthy to keep it in. Let it out. :)
If you really don't like crying and you have mixed feelings about this here's another tip. When you cry wipe your tears around your face if you have bad acne. Because of the reflex tears (really from what I've seen any kind of your tears will do) it cleans your face really well. Whenever I do this I always find my acne looks a lot better the next day cuz tears do a surprisingly good cleaning.
Well I hope this helps :)
So if you have any questions about this chap or have a request for any natural remedies (just tell me what's ailing you and I'll post the remedies for it) message me or put down a comment :)
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