Twenty Nine
~A Few Months Later~
"Is that your sister Amelia?" I ask seeing Amelia Shepherd with Mark Sloan. It has been a few months since the shooting and many things have changed. For one, Cristina is having PTSD from the shooting. Jackson, Cristina and April know how I'm part angel and the Devil's daughter. They met my dad who came up to visit when he heard what happened. They were very scared when meeting my dad, they saw he was a chill dude but they were very scared nonetheless. Dad retired from being the King of Hell so Uncle A is more pissed, neither is asking me to help since they know I have a family who needs me right now maybe when my kids are adults will I take over for dad. Cristina married Owen. Meredith thankfully didn't lose her baby with Elliot, Meredith was ordered on bed rest for a month before she traveled to Spain with Elliot. John, the twins, Ned and I moved out of our home and into our new home that we are planning on throwing a house party soon. Derek told Meredith when she returned how he felt and Meredith didn't know what to do so she told the truth and Derek is heartbroken since Meredith picked Elliot. Elliot found out and punched Derek in the face which led everyone to finding out the truth about how Derek is still in love with Meredith. John and I called their sisters and Mama Shepherd, Nancy came out here to talk to him and also meet Ned. They met the girls for Thanksgiving. Lastly that I can think of that is significant is the fact that my daughters are both now two years old, their walking and also learning new words.
"That is" John confirms "Amy?"
"John!" She runs over and jumps into his arms, I push the stroller with the twins and Ned who is napping while the girls are looking around "Hi Luna" she hugs me and I hug her back, pulling away she looks at the kids "and these must be my nieces and nephew" oh yeah, she hasn't met them. She kneels before the girls "Hi, I'm to it Aunt Amy. What's your names?"
"Naya" Naya introduced themselves, Amara is the more quiet one "that Amara"
"You girls are so adorable" Amelia wags her finger before them "I could eat you up" standing up she holds her purse looking at us "I'm glad to see one of my brothers here bothers to talk to me"
"Derek isn't talking to you?" John asks, from what I know Derek essentially became Amelia's mother figure of sorts. After the shooting I talked to Maggie who was frantic and came out to visit us, wanting to see with her own eyes that we were okay. I even told her the truth which she was shocked at.
Shaking her head "So I brought him a present" waving to a person "or a bribe or peace offering"
"Is Derek experimenting in that area?" I ask
John snorts "No, he's very much straight...does this guy have a brain tumor?"
Amelia nods her head smiling "He does" we see Derek come over with Cristina, earlier the surgeons were determining whether they should let her go or continuing teaching Cristina.
"Oh come on" he complains lowly
"Does Derek" I ask John "have a problem with Amelia?"
"Amy as you know" he whispered to me "has a drug problem, she stole Derek's prescription pad and OD'ed. She was dead for three minutes before she came back-ever since then she has tried to change her life and show our family but...I'm the only one who cares enough to check in and make sure she's alive. Even our mom doesn't help, I don't know why. She loves Amy, she does but it's hard for her"
Poor Amelia "Amelia" she looks my way after Derek basically dismissed her "while your in town do you want to stay with us?"
She smiles "I'd love to, thank you Luna. Plus this gives me a chance to spend more time with my nieces and nephew and show how much I'm the best aunt ever"
"So Amy?" John asks "where do you work?"
Meredith she comes over "Hey, is it just me or does Derek seem more...meaner lately?"
"He's heartbroken" I say "don't feel bad, how's everything with you and the baby?"
"We are fine" she tells me "Elliot will be coming in tomorrow because I have an appointment then" looking between me and John, John is smiling with Amelia as she holds Ned in her arms carefully "have you told him?" Shaking my head no. Let's just say, I have something to tell John and I am shocked at the news "we're you two trying?"
Tilting my head back and forth "Yes and no, after Ned was born we focused on us. We also went to therapy, did you know that my dad is going to therapy now?"
"Really?" She asks "and don't change the subject"
"We talked about trying again" Amelia and John walk off when Ned gets fussy, Ned likes it when you walk around when you hold him "I'm happy about this I am, I don't know. Maybe it's too soon maybe it isn't, maybe it's the right time...I just know that I am happy about this"
"Then I'm happy too" she smiles "Elliot wants us to do a gender reveal, what's that?"
Only she wouldn't know what that is "Basically you have this cake or balloon in most cases-the cake is filled with blue or pink dye while the balloon is filled with pink or blue paint of confetti and when you pop the balloon it shows you what color the dye is and that is the baby's gender"
"I feel like I'll have one of those babies with ten heads and twenty feet" she mutters "and really?"
"You can probably do scrubs?" I suggest "like you have blue or pink scrubs for a onesie and we can make it so that when you show the onesie that's what the future surgeon will be. Dr Baby Boy or Dr Baby Girl"
"I like that" she says "more than cake or paint"
~Time Skip~
"My first time" were going around telling our first times having sex, right now Alex is up "I was fifteen, school nurse, back of her car"
"Fifteen? Impressive" Jackson says
"When I was sixteen she taught me how to drive the same car" we laugh when Alex says that.
"Sophomore in high school" Meredith says "he had absolutely no idea what he was doing"
"I fucked him" I say eating some chips "Paul, after we drank four shots of tequila"
"How old were you?" Alex asks "for your first time?"
I think about that "Okay...I was eleven? Twelve? One of the two" shaking my head "I was in LA visiting my dad and said I didn't want to be a virgin anymore and he got Maze to find some guy who knew what he was doing. Same weekend I had my first orgy"
"Twelve?" Jackson and April exclaim
"Luna" Meredith says "had a very different kind of upbringing. While most fathers objected to their daughter having sex, Lucifer encouraged it and even taught Luna a few things"
"Impressive" Cristina says "so, your pregnant again?"
"You told her?" I ask Meredith
"Really?" Alex asks
"Yeah" nodding my head "I had an ultrasound and I'm apparently five weeks and no one say anything since I still have to tell John"
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