Twenty Five
~Eight Weeks Later~
"And this is Seattle Grace" I tell my lovely girls as they look around quiet, they are very quiet babies. I'm kind of concerned with how quiet they are. After a eight weeks on leave for John and I, we are back at Seattle Grace for the girls eight week check up "where mommy and daddy work both as surgeons"
"Look who it is" I see Alex state when he sees me and John "finally come back to cut some people open?"
"The girls check up" John says "their eight weeks old today"
"How is it" Izzie asks "you both look amazing with two newborns?" It's true. See John and I have a schedule down. During the night he will change and feed the babies letting me sleep while in the day I feed and change them along with doing other stuff you do with babies like take them to the park. I mean right now I'm looking amazing in my outfit which is a white tank top with light blue skinny jeans, a brown leather jacket with open toe brown wedges. John is in some casual clothing too.
"Well Barbie" I say "it all depends on a strong foundation of trust and love and having a schedule"
"This stroller looks amazing" Izzie says "where did you get it?" We have a black stroller with gold on the bars and two nursing bags filled with diapers and breast milk that we buy from a milk bank. John was surprised I knew about milk banks, the only reason I know is because sometimes in the past I get people who like calling me mommy or the idea of fucking a new mommy. It's a thing. But hey! Everyone has their kinks.
"One of my sisters sent it as a gift" oh yes, when we let out that we have a new baby people sent us gifts. Kathleen sent us the stroller. Maggie sent us a bunch of adorable clothes, she's even coming out soon to help us and she also told us that the girls have kitchen hair? Whatever that means. Probably means learn how to do their hair, which is why I've been on YouTube along with John "Come on, we can't be late for the appointment"
Going up to the peds ward, pushing the stroller through the hospital we wait for our names to be called. "Are we going to talk about it?" I ask
"Talk about what?" John asks me
"Jorge Castillo" oh yes, before coming here a henchman of Jorge Castillo essentially threatened us to give him the girls. So now, it means war. Aka call my dad and ask him to call in favors, I'm not losing these girls. I know what I said about taking time to start a family but when you know deep down that the time is right then it is. This is the right time for me and John, us adopting the girls which is taking a long time since Jorge Castillo doesn't want the girls adopted by us.
"What do we do about him?" He asks me "what if he just wants to meet his grandkids?"
"Amiyah made it clear" shaking my head "Naya and Amara will not know him" Amiyah's mother from what I dug up from a different PI is that she is a drunken mistress to Jorge Castillo.
"Then what do we do?"
"I'm calling my dad" Naya gets fussy so I pick her up and rock her in my arms "Oh, don't worry Naya. Mommy won't let the bad man take you from me" looking over at John who smiles at me "what?"
"You being a mom" he says "it just looks so natural"
Smiling I lean over to kiss him before pulling back "But yeah, I'm calling my dad and you don't mess with a Morningstar"
"Also God's granddaughter" he whispers that part
Nodding my head "My Aunt Remiel visited and everyone wants to meet the twins, including my grandparents" I can essentially hear John's heart race at that "my grandpa loves you"
"That may be so" nodding his head "but he is very scary I mean...he created us all, he can definitely uncreate me"
"He won't do that" shaking my head "my grandmother would most likely do that and she's in Hell right now"
When our names are called, the exam takes about an hour. The girls are given their vaccinations before we leave. When we do, we run into Derek and Mrs. Shepherd "Mom?" John asks "I didn't know you were visiting"
"I wanted to surprise you!" She hugs us both "oh! Are these my granddaughters? May I?" Nodding our heads, she picks up Amara "which one is this?"
"The one your holding is Amara" I answer "and this little one is Naya"
"Beautiful names" she says looking down at Amara who stares at her "Hi, I'm Nana Shepherd your grandmother"
"So mom?" John asks "Liz told me that you were going on a cruise, is this a layover or"
"Layover" she confirms "perfect time to meet the newest Shepherds" looking at Derek "Now where is this Rose?" Oh yes, the surgical nurse Rose who he has been dating to get his mind off of Meredith who recently got engaged to Elliot. He proposed in Jo's bar and Meredith didn't hesitate in saying yes. Izzie has gone into wedding planning mode since she wants Meredith to have this huge wedding like John and I had but Meredith isn't like us.
"If you'll excuse me" I tell them "I need to power my nose" going to the bathroom I check the stalls before calling dad.
He answers after four calls "My little devil! What calls you this fine morning?"
"I need your help" I say "the twins grandfather is trying to take our girls from us and he's Jorge Castillo and dad help"
"What?!" Dad yells "don't worry my little devil, daddy will call in his favors and make sure this man knows you don't mess with the Devil's daughter" hanging up, I smile knowing dad and how he works.
~Time Skip~
"You must be Jorge Castillo" taking a sip of my drink as I wait in the hotel bar of the Fairwick for Jorge Castillo. Jorge Castillo has short graying hair with tan skin, dark eyes and from what I'm told a South American accent.
"Your the woman keeping me from my grandchildren" he states pulling out some forms he hands them to me "I assume you want to do the right thing in giving them to me"
I look at the papers before tearing them up "You underestimate me douchebag, you don't mess with me. You don't even scare me-while you control your minions, my family essentially controls the world. I know that the FBI is just trying everything to put your ass in jail, my father knows many people in the FBI and a few favors they'll make up some shit just to put you away to pay my father off from what they owe him. You try to kill me or anyone I love and I'll destroy your entire family making sure that the Castillo name ends with your daughter Laurel" leaning in close "I'll make you suffer if you try to take my daughters from me"
His face is essentially red with anger as I sip my dirty martini "You" pointing my well manicured nail at him "may think your a powerful man, but compared to me you aren't. I'll do whatever for my daughters, you will never be apart of their lives nor will Amiyah's mother" standing up as I pay the bartender "keep the tip" the bartender nods his head as I look at Jorge leaning in to whisper "do not cross me, remember...my family owns this world, you barely own a part of it"
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