Thirty Four
~One Week Later~
"Mommy loves you kids so much" I kiss my daughters foreheads then my sons foreheads, when John pulls me away from the kids I wave to them and promise "mommy will be back soon"
"See you soon mommy" the girls say before they go play.
"Oh" sighing as I look at John "just yesterday our girls were babies and needed us to be changed, held, fed and now they are independent young women" I start to cry.
"You know we could try to make another baby" rubbing my shoulders, oh yes. Because of my angel physiology I heal much quicker than normal women after having a baby "soon"
"Is this your way of saying you want to keep me filled with your babies?" I ask "cause" shaking my head no.
"Maybe" my arm is around his waist as his arm is around my shoulders "I picture with you this huge family"
"I do too" agreeing with him "but we need to keep a much closer eye on Ned since he's at the age when I got my wings...my aunt Remi is prepared to take him if he reveals his wings and bring him to heaven. I'll go get him of course but he'll need angel baby sitters after that"
We see Derek and he shakes his head at me walking away "He's not angry with you, he's angry at Meredith"
"Of course" shaking my head "I don't understand how she doesn't understand that she ruined millions of lives, we don't even know if the drug would have worked or not—this whole study was for Meredith, even though none of us want to admit it. Derek did this for Meredith"
"I feel bad for Meredith" he says "if Meredith someone kept her job, Derek will blackball her from any surgery he has"
"As will Bailey" I say "Bailey made it clear to me that she raised an incompetent Grey, that she's glad that only one Grey she is proud of. This is like with our mom all over again, if mom was alive she'd be yelling at Meredith even worse—I love Mere but"
"She infuriates you" finishing my thought
Nodding my head "I wonder if Owen and Cristina will have a baby?" I heard the extra heartbeat coming from Cristina and I know she's been staying with Meredith lately since Meredith and Elliot have temporary custody of Zola. Elliot knows what Meredith did and even though he doesn't understand fully why she did what she did, he's on her side. I mean Maggie, I told her and she was flabbergasted since she too could have ended up with the Alzheimer's gene so now she and Meredith aren't talking to one another. Lexie she's on Meredith's side since even though she's upset about what Meredith did, she loved Meredith and will want her to continue being a doctor.
"Owen told me how Cristina doesn't want a baby" he says "that she won't even listen to how he'll do all the work"
"I've got to go" when we are in the ER, we stop. John needs to head up to OB while I need to get gowned since there is an incoming trauma "I love you, never forget that"
"I love you too" our lips press together, we are together for a few moments until I pull away to head outside "okay, because of the incoming trauma I don't want you all fighting over patients. Karev, you will go into the field with Hunt and Torres to help"
"He's helped enough" Cristina sneers at him
"Hey!" I snap at her "look you are all angry with Alex for what happened but you all have to admit that deep down your angry with Meredith because she not only ruined the lives of the patients in the clinical trial but millions. That drug could have worked or it couldn't, we don't know because of her decision. She cost this hospital the reputation to even have any clinical trials that we are lucky that the FDA hadn't shut us down for the diabetes one. Mere will be lucky if she is even hired again by anyone after what she did. I don't want to hear anymore of this, what Alex did is done. Enough!" Alex because of what happened was kicked out so he's living with me, John and the kids. I made it clear that he needs to find a job away from the others, that he needs to save up his money to find his own place cause he isn't going to be living with us forever. That once he passes his boards he is out of my home.
Bailey looks at me impressed, the doors open and Owen comes out and I motion for Karev to go "Where are you going?" April asks
"Woman's trapped under her car" Owen tells us "you guys are going to get swamped with bodies, Morningstar-Shepherd your in charge until I get back"
I notice Meredith come out "There's bound to be a bunch of head trauma's, Derek can't blackball you from them all"
"I got fired" she says
"Alex go" I order as Lexie demands "What?"
"The Chief fired me!" Meredith calls out to Alex as he goes into one of the ambulances that takes him to the scene.
"That son of a bitch" Cristina shakes her head about to attack but I hold her back that she complains "OW! OW! OW!"
"Enough!" I snap at them all, they look at me as I turn to Meredith "You brought this on yourself Mere, I'm sorry but you did. What do you think was going to happen? They weren't going to let you walk away from this—even if Alex didn't say anything which he should have the moment he saw you attempt to tamper there are security cameras that the people watching could have ratted you out. The truth about certain things always comes out" She stares at me feeling a bit betrayed "You don't even care how you destroyed millions of lives including Maggie's since she could also get the disease. Leave the ER Mere, if your fired then I don't want you anywhere near the incoming trauma. Get out of those scrubs and go to your family"
A paramedic comes out saying "Forty two year old female lost consciousness en route, unable to get airway secondary to tracheal injury"
"Meredith leave" I order when she came close
"Last BP was eighty nine over sixty" the paramedic continues.
"Don't worry" Cristina says "we'll figure something out"
Shaking my head I look at April, Lexie and Jackson "I want you three ready for three incoming trauma. Jackson you are with Sloan today, April your with Bailey, Lexie your with Shepherd"
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