~A Couple Months Later~
"Why aren't you going to fight to be chief?" I ask John as I stand between him and Addison, Addison and I have grown closer since what I did months ago with Denny Duquette and how the other interns besides Alex went to Izzie's side while I didn't. This all could have been avoided if I had just been more vigilant or something, unfortunately that wasn't the case.
"Because" John looks at me "being Chief is an administrative job, takes up most of my day so I won't be able to spend time with you. I've seen how the Chief acts, how he is now going through a divorce because of his job and I don't want that"
"Oh" placing my hand on his cheek "I love you"
"I love you too" leaning into each other we kiss briefly before seeing Derek come up to the chief to kiss his ass about wanting to be the new chief of surgery. Burke first came up but now it's Derek.
"I don't think the chief will give up being chief of surgery" I say leaning on the counter. Clicking my tongue "because Adele as kind and wonderful as she is, she isn't enough"
"What would be enough?" Addison asks me
"At this point death" I say "I mean, being Chief is all he knows and if he doesn't be chief anymore he won't know what to do. He could travel but he'll want to go back to surgery...maybe if my mom was lucid he would let her be chief and have a life with her...I don't know. We don't know"
"How are things with Meredith and Elliot Grey?" Oh yes, my sister even though we have a strained relationship she and I are slowly getting back to one another with trust. As are the others but more so Mere, but yeah she and Elliot are really happy. Elliot wants to introduce her to his family and she is very scared.
"Are t you going to get in there?" Mark asks Addison
"Why don't you have a baby?" I ask Addison, she looks at me "be a single mom"
"I'm dead set on being chief" she says "I'll let them kill each other then I'll swoop in being he only one left standing"
"There's also me" Mark says "you guys underestimate me"
"Do you know what I find scary?" My fiancé, Addison and Mark look at me "I truly believe Mark would make a better Chief than the four candidates"
"That is scary" Addison agrees
"John? Luna? Care to see the new free clinic that Bailey opened up?" Oh yes, Izzie used eight million dollars that she was given by Denny after he died to open a free clinic. The Denny Duquette memorial clinic.
"Sure" nodding our heads
Once we are by the Chief, Mark asks "Chief? John, Luna and I were about to go visit the new clinic? Care to join us? Show Dr. Bailey support since this is the first day it's opening"
"I'd be happy to" he nods his head "count me in, gentlemen if you shall excuse me" John wraps an arm around my shoulder as I wrap one around his waist "so John? Luna? How are wedding plannings coming along?"
"We've decided to get married October first" John tells them "we hired a wedding planner since we have crazy schedules and yeah, Luna is actually going to be trying on wedding dresses soon since my sisters will be visiting"
"All of them?" Mark snorts "I'm sure that will be fun"
"It'll be fine, Meredith will be there along with my other brides maids" I say "because that day we will also be choosing bridesmaid dresses"
"So you have any idea what your dress will look like?" Chief Webber asks
Nodding my head "But I'm not telling you wit John here, I want him to be surprised"
We open the doors and Mark says "Dr. Bailey, congratulations on the opening of the clinic"
"It is open" the Chief asks "isn't it?"
"Is Dr. Barbie alright?" I ask seeing Izzie just stare at the door. I still can't believe they let her back in to being a surgeon and I can't do anything because if I do then the hospital will no longer be a place for organ donor transplant surgeries. Here she is, under probation obviously.
Looking around the place, I click my tongue "I thought the curtains would be purple for some reason"
"She's watching the door"
"Someone's coming!" Izzie exclaims excited. Looking over we see George and Callie come in "Dammit!"
"O'Malley welcome back" Bailey doesn't look up when she says that and I get a phone call from Meredith.
"Hey Mere"
"She's lucid" Meredith cuts me off
"What?" I ask
"Mom" she says "we're in the ER but mom is lucid"
I hang up "Chief? Can I be given the day off?"
"Why?" He asks
"My mom" looking at him "she's lucid sir, she's in the ER—but"
"She's lucid?" He asks, I nod my head "of course, take as much time as you need off. Your sister has the time off as well"
Nodding my head, I go to leave but stop when I hear George say "We got married in Vegas!" Motioning to the two of them "We're married!"
"Congratulations!" I tell them going over to hug them "can I see the ring?" She shows me "oh, it's beautiful"
"I know it's small" Callie says
"It's beautiful" I tell her "also remind me to throw you a post marriage thing party" she smiles at that "now I've got to get to the ER, John?"
He follows behind as we go to the ER "Are you really happy for them?"
"Yes and no" I say "but as a good friend you support their decision—even if it may be a terrible one"
"So your mom is lucid" he says after some time "how will she react to me?"
"She's going to interrogate us" I say as we see mom and Meredith "be prepared" going over to mom as she looks at me "mom?"
Mom smiles to me "Oh my beautiful angel"
"So you remember?" I ask taking her hand
"Dr. Grey" Burke cuts us off when he waves a nurse over "this is Nurse Simmons, she will take you to get some tests because of your arrhythmias"
"Your a surgical intern" mom smiles as she gets into a wheelchair "just like Meredith, who's this?"
Waving John over "Mom this is my fiancé Dr. John Shepherd, he's the Head of OB also he's one of the best fetal surgeons to practice"
"Hello Dr. Grey" they shake hands "it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm a big fan of your work"
"Fiancé?" Mom asks and sees my ring "beautiful ring...did he meet your father?"
Nodding my head "Yes, he's met dad"
"So he knows" she states
"Dad approves of him" I say smiling "and I hope you do too" mom smiles taking my hand. Whenever I'm near she's always nicer to Meredith which she is grateful for.
"Are you dating anyone Meredith?" Mom asks
Nodding her head "Yes, I'm dating. He's not a doctor, he is a billionaire though. You know Dr. Grace Trevelyan Grey?"
"Yes" nodding her head "I have heard of the Grey's, my daughters are dating successful men and becoming successes themselves—I'm very proud of you girls"
"Thanks mom" we both say
~Time Skip~
"Mom?" Meredith has been avoiding mom while I've been spending time with mom, John had a few cases to get to so now I'm here "I know about Maggie"
"Maggie?" Mom asks
"Margaret Pierce" I say, she still doesn't know what I mean "your daughter you had with Richard Webber" mom stiffens "no one but me Why did you give her up?"
"She's Richard's daughter" mom says "he broke my heart and she wouldn't have had an easy life living with a white mother who was gone most of the time"
"She's studying to be a cardiologist" mom looks intrigued "I want to meet her mom, I hired a PI and he told me how she skipped a few grades and she too is a surgical intern"
Mom smiles at that "What else?"
"She was top of her class" I say "she lives in Boston, from what I know she was the smartest kid in her class...Richard and Meredith deserve to know"
Mom doesn't say anything "Luna make me a promise" nodding my head "you can find Maggie, but if you do you will do it after I'm gone"
"Promise me" she takes my hand squeezing it hard "promise me"
Nodding my head "I promise" we see Meredith come in "Mere? What's wrong?"
"A patient" she tells me "her blood is toxic and we need all the help we can"
"What do you mean?" I ask, she tells us about a patient whose blood is toxic causing everyone to faint "I'll get into scrubs, mom?"
"Go" she waves "go save lives" I go to the locker room and quickly get into some scrubs before going to the OR room and scrubbing in.
Once I have, Dr. Webber says "Okay damage control, we still have to pack her and wrap her so that she's stable for transport—we work in shifts, one doctor at a time no one stays in for more than twenty seconds"
"Dr Webber" he looks at me "I can hold my breath for ten minutes" everyone stares at me "I can go in, just guide me"
"Alright" he nods his head "the less people the better, I'll guide you through it—Dr. Sloan?" Mark puts on glasses and a mask as I grab the lap pads "your gonna wet then and pack the cavity" being calm I walk into the OR holding my breath as I remain calm, wetting the pads before packing her. Once I do I walk over where I'm handed a long yellow drape "remove the drape and secure the plastic along her sides" nodding my head I walk back into the OR and do that "now make sure you wrap it tight, once it inflates come back" I pat the plastic and it soon inflated.
Leaving the OR I am given oxygen, after some deep breaths I go to John who is in the ER with an oxygen mask "John!" Wrapping my arms around his neck, he hugs me "oh thank my grandfather"
"I'm okay" he tells me as we hold one another "I'm okay"
"Never" I say "do that again, if you do that again then it means I'll have to decapitate you"
Someone snorts, we look over at the other attendings "why" Burke asks "would you need to decapitate him?"
"So that I can keep his head in a glass jar to keep forever"
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