Forty Three
Walking into the lobby where we will be having our Oral Boards down here San Francisco, I notice Meredith isn't looking that good "Mere? You alright?"
She shakes her head no "Zola has the flu"
"Okay?" I ask sitting on the arm of an armchair here in the lobby "the twins and Ned had the flu too a few days ago" that was a fun day, it was hard watching my babies be sick and not doing anything to help but making them spicy soup. Feed the heat, starve the cold. That is what Adele did for me when I got the flu once, I remember her telling me that in order to get rid of a fever you need to feed the heat and let the cold starve. So I made my kids spicy soup-which they threw up.
"How do you do that?" Alex asks April
"Do what?" I ask
"We've been here, like" Alex thinks "two minutes and she got that guy over there" I look over "to instantly hate her"
"My examiner is gonna hate me too" shaking her head, looking ready to cry "instantly"
"April" I snap at her lowly, she looks at me "you are a trauma fucking surgeon! Not some pansy ass cry baby now are you?" She shakes her head no.
"Don't psych yourself out" Cristina shakes her head "if you do that then Luna may kick your ass"
"One in five people fail their boards" she says
"It's just a test" Jackson says to her "we've all dealt with worse, no one's bleeding out on your table"
"But they will say that" they look at me "what? They will-look April, guys the whole point to these boards is to see what you'd do. So no prying to god because even he can't help you" giving April a look "he doesn't answer every prayer, so right now it's just based on your ability to be a surgeon. They ask you what you'll do, you say what you would do in an ER April"
"I'm going to register" standing up "then how about we get some lunch outside of the hotel? Go down to the beach? The boards aren't till tomorrow"
Nodding their heads "I'm cool with that"
April went over to tell Cristina and Meredith, Meredith throws up "Oh fuck" she said Zola has the flu. I quickly get an IV bag to get for Meredith.
April tells the others and now they are all far away from us, I'm next to her since I already got it and there isn't a chance I'll get it again "Zola has the stomach flu and you didn't say anything?"
"Where" Meredith asks me when I go to put an IV in her arm "did you get an IV bag?"
"We're in a building filled with doctors" reminding her as I have her sit down having the IV bag be on the table "don't move"
"How could you?" April demands "are you trying to sabotage us all?"
"It's not like" I tell them since Meredith passed out "it's the black plague"
"She is supposed to be our friend" April is crying now, shaking my head as Jackson holds her.
"Hey" Alex holds his hand out "where are you going?"
"I already had it!" Hissing at them "I won't get it again, think for a damn fucking minute!"
"Let's go register" Alex orders
"I'll get your package" I tell my sister leaving her as she groans, shaking my head I go into line and wait. After a moment, I quickly look over and grab my package then I go to grab Meredith's.
"Luna!" Looking over I smile seeing Catherine
"Hi Catherine!" Hugging her as she hugs me "here to torture the future urologists?"
"You know me too well" she laughs "let's get some drinks, first time away from the family?"
Nodding my head "First I've got to bring my sick sister to her room then I've got to go check in on my dad since apparently he's convinced that my grandmother is killing people"
"Oh" she lets out a laugh since she knows my dad and how weird he can be "you go, have fun!"
"You too!" I say goi my over to Meredith "come on, let's go to our hotel rooms" my phone rings and I see it's John so I answer it "Hey"
"Hey" he says back "how's San Francisco?"
"Meredith has the stomach flu" I tell him as I help Meredith to her room "everyone is convinced she's Typhoid Mary" John let's out a chuckle "how are the kids?"
"We want mommy!" I hear my kids chanting
"Oh" I start to get teary eyed and also I hear my babies crying so my boobs start to leak "my babies need me"
"No" John firmly says "our babies are perfectly fine, you don't need to come flying up here because of their little rebellion"
Getting to the hotel rooms, Meredith goes to bed while I close the door then go to my room "Are you sure?" Grabbing my breast pump to pump my milk "because I can visit for a bit so that our babies know that I love them"
"Their okay" John calmly says "now how's Meredith? Does she need to come back?"
"She's going to stay" I say "call Elliot and tell him to fly down here to take care of his wife while you take care of Zola and Ellis since Ellis will get the flu soon and I love you"
"In that case I'll call Amy, I love you too" he hangs up, oh yes Amelia helps us with the kids. Since her baby died, she's spent more time with her nieces and nephews giving me and John us time.
"There's my baby" dad hugs me and I start to cry "what's wrong? Who do I need to kill?" I've decided to visit dad since apparently grandma escaped from Hell and is somewhere on earth in a newly dead body.
"No one" shaking my head "I just miss my babies"
"Oh" dad rubs my back as I cry "it'll be okay"
"Why is she crying?" Looking over, I see a blonde woman but I sense that light anywhere.
"Grandma?" I ask
"Oh!" Smiling to me as she holds out her arms, I go over and hug her "my grand baby, my beautiful grand baby. Are you alright? Do I need to kill that human spouse of yours?"
"No" shaking my head "I just miss my babies"
"Oh" clapping her hands "are they here? I want to see my great grand babies!"
"Their back in Washington" wiping my tears away "I'm here to take a test"
"Oh yes" she nods her head "you wish to help those humans, why? I'll never understand. Help the animals, they need it more especially given your power"
"What power?" I ask
She looks at me shocked "You don't know?" Know what? "My dear, one of yours powers is to manipulate fertility. For instance take that plant over there" we look over "in time you can make the plant bigger. Fertility doesn't just mean having babies, but also to help life"
"Is this why I'm so fertile?" I ask
She nods her head smiling "You can even cause a woman to become barren if you want" so Cristina? I mean, if I do that then she won't need to worry about children. I could also help Meredith and Addison, Meredith and Elliot have been trying to have another baby again while Addison what's another baby but she doesn't try anymore since she has Henry.
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