"So there is your baby" I point to the screen as April and Jackson look at the screen "you look to be about nine weeks" moving the wand around taking measurements "everything looks good, though your blood pressure does worry me since it's a bit hight but other then that" pulling away "I just think that someone mixed up your results with someone else's, that's why you thought you weren't pregnant-I'm putting you on bed rest April"
"What?!" She exclaims "why?"
Waving to her entire form "This is why, your very stressed out right not. Actually can I run one test?" She nodded her head "please place your legs on the leg rests, she does and I grab the one wand that we use for pelvic exams and put a condom over it "tell me if you feel any pain"
Putting the tip in, I slowly thrust the wand in that she shoot's up grabbing my wrist "Ow! What the fuck?"
Pulling the wand out nodding my head "Yeah, you need to take it easy April cause your close to having a miscarriage. Bed rest, one month"
"What?" She exclaims "you can't be serious"
"I am" nodding my head "but because it's Bailey's wedding and there is nothing stressful about a wedding, you can go to that but after bed rest" cleaning everything up before standing up "congratulations you two, now if you shall excuse me I have someone waiting to talk to me" and I need to figure out a way to avoid that person. Wait! I need to change!
Going to the attending locker room, I grab my dress and put it on. Or it takes me about twenty minutes to before I need to use the bathroom so I quickly take off my dress before using the bathroom. Washing my hands I change back in just as the door opens to Demetri "Going somewhere?"
"What the fuck are you?" I demand, he stares at me "and before you make up some bullshit lie I'm having a baby who doesn't have genetic markers for being human, I've been needing more fluids lately more specifically blood" oh yes, I've been craving blood "why would I need to crave blood?"
He freezes looking down at my belly before looking up at me "You might want to sit down?" He suggests, I stand for a moment before sitting down "the reason your craving blood, I don't know how this is possible but...I'm a vampire"
"I'm sorry?" I ask "also what is this bright light between you and me"
Tilting his head "you can see the" I hit him upside the head "right...that would be a tenor your seeing. Some vampires have gifts, I can track people psychologically so I can find them anywhere in the world...I can't find you however"
I smirk "My Aunt Maze made it so that those with a psychological gift like tracking can't find me"
He is confused looking around "I have so many questions-first why aren't you freaking out about this? I mean most would"
"Oh" nodding my head "I'm the Devil's daughter" he stares at me "you know? Lucifer Morningstar? Fallen Archangel?" He just stares at me "king of hell?" Looking out the window that is closed, I stand up and bring out my wings and his eyes widen as I bring my wings back in.
Just staring at me as I sit down, I grab the magazine "When your ready" starting to read on the latest fashion "but I've got a wedding to get to in like twenty minutes"
The door opens and in comes Meredith who like me is wearing a red dress "Hey" she smiles closing the door "who's this?"
"Demetri, Demetri this is my sister who is a human Meredith" introducing them "I told him about my nature"
"Oh so you know she's a nephilim?" Meredith asks before chuckling "he's processing isn't he?"
"Yup" putting the magazine down "oh, remember what I told you about the one baby not being like the others?" She nods her head "apparently it's part vampire" her eyes widen "yeah, Demetri here he's the father but he's a vampire"
That snaps Demetri out of his trance and shakes his head "Did you just tell a human about what I am?"
"Is there a problem?" I ask "she knows about my nephilim nature and won't tell anyone"
"In my world there are rules" he says "I mean"
"Dude" holding my hand up "chill" my babies kicks "even the babies are saying chill"
"Can I feel?" He asks "the babies kicking?" Nodding my head putting his hands where the two are kicking on opposite sides.
Looking at Meredith who sits down "So vampires are real?" She asks "like witches?"
"You know about witches?" Demetri asks
Nodding her head drinking water "a few other people here know about witches and Luna's physiology, some even met her grandfather God"
"God's real?" He looks at me, I nod my head "so Heaven and Hell?"
"Very real" nodding my head
"Um" he thinks this over as the babies kick "so is it because of your angelic side that I was able to impregnate you because my loins should be frozen"
"I guess" shrugging my shoulders "I do have fertility powers, I don't know how to use them really so it's a strong possibility"
"Oh hey" Meredith asks "because your a vampire what happens if someone who isn't under the protection of angels finds out about your species?"
"Oh yeah" we have this distant cousin who we met who kept babbling about vampires in her diary "like if a coven of vampires told a human but never turned or killed the human, leaving the human be?"
He stares at me "That is very specific, if something like that happened the human needs to be killed"
"Ok" grabbing Demetri's shoulder groaning "woah"
"Luna?" They both ask
I feel something wet and look down my leg, I see blood "No" shaking my head, Meredith comes to my side "my babies"
She goes to the door and orders for a gurney, I cry in more pain "What's going on?" Demetri demands
"The babies, their coming right now" crying to him "but their not supposed to be ready-their a month too early" feeling dizzy, everything turns black.
~Demetri's POV~
"What is going on Demetri?" Felix demands when I call him from the lobby, Luna is in surgery right now because her appendix burst while the babies came right now. No one knew I was coming to Seattle but when Luna wouldn't answer my texts or calls I got worried since Felix was on edge and there was something telling me to come here.
"Luna's appendix burst" I tell him as I wait in the lobby "she's having the babies right now" I know I'm taking a big risk right now, especially with how on edge Felix has been.
"Babies? I thought it was one?" He demands "Are you with my mate!!"
"Felix" I calmly say since he's going to find out "Il tuo compagno ha un dono... e questo regalo... uno dei bambini... è mio" Your mate has a gift...and this of the's mine
I turn the volume down as he screamed "What?!"
"Felix vieni a Seattle" Felix come to Seattle I order "Ho detto la verità a Luna, non le ho ancora parlato delle anime gemelle, basta arrivare qui. Sono a Seattle Grace Mercy West" I told Luna the truth, I haven't told her about soulmates yet-just get here. I'm at Seattle Grace Mercy West
"So Demetri" that Lizzie is next to me "are you the father of Luna's second child?" I stare at her "I read her chart, I don't blame her or am mad at her. She's grieving and Amelia tells me that Luna's only way she's been coping is through sex"
"I didn't know I could have children" I tell her "I saw this fertility doctor with my wife and it turned out that my sperm count was very low, that if I did have a baby with my wife it would be a miracle since she too had problems. Her FHS levels were higher than something else"
"How does your wife feel about this?" She asks
"We divorced a year later when I found her in bed with the fertility doctor" I say "turned out my wife only wanted me for a baby, she was into women" complete lie, but better then the truth "aren't you supposed to be getting surgery?"
"Yeah, their hacking up my nerves" she tells me "for my brother Derek, I'm waiting till after I meet my niece and matter what Luna will always be family. I just hope she can find love again"
Meredith comes our way "Demetri? Lizzie? Do you want to see the babies? Their in the NICU" we nod our heads and follow her. Going up to the NICU we out on the pink gowns before seeing them, I follow the tenor to the baby that is mine and look down at the little girl who this tube in her mouth.
"Why do they have tubes?" I ask
"To help them breathe" Lizzie tells me "they were born early so they need help"
"We can do a paternity test"
Shaking my head "I know this one is mine" staring down at my little girl who is sleeping "call it parents intuition"
"We still need to do one" Meredith tells me "so I'll need to get some DNA"
"My saliva" I tell her lying "I can't donate blood" she nods her head leaving and ten minutes later comes back with some DNA stuff. I swab my cheek handing it to her before she leaves after picking my little girl taking a bit of her blood.
"Their beautiful" Lizzie says "aren't they? Luna makes pretty babies"
Nodding my head, I stroke my little one's head "She's perfect"
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