Iyasu meets Sanji!
"But mister I can't stay here for that long!" Luffy whined as he followed the chef around the kitchen trying his best to negotiate a better deal with the head chef. "You should've thought about that before destroying my restaurant brat and WHY THE HELL IS THERE A GIRL CLINGING ON YOU?" Zeff yelled. He tried his best to ignore Iyasu who clung desperately onto Luffy's back but his curiosity got the best of him. And it was just downright bizarre.
You see, Iyasu had placed her head in the crook of Luffy's neck, legs around his torso, and arms around his midsection, completely hanging on for dear life. "Oh because I put her there." Luffy explained completely, like it wasnt an unusual thing. "Anyways chef, I'll need to get back to my crew soon."
"DON'T CHANGE THE TOPIC" The blonde chef raged on.
"You see mister big chef, I didn't want to get off Luffy's lap so he had to bring me with him, and this is easier for him to carry me around," Iyasu gave him a misbehaving grin. Honestly what surprised Zeff the most was that Luffy could move with such a woman holding onto him, but he'd never say that aloud knowing the consequences of insulting a woman's weight. "But I guess I should get down now so the captain can hurry up with his chores, I'll wait outside. Maybe even order something," towards the end she began to mumble to herself as she excited the kitchen.
Exiting from the swing door, Iyasu took long strong strides to the nearest open booth. Her walk showcased her strong, thick golden legs drawing the attention of a certain smoker as she walked past him. But it was the whiff of her perfume that drew him in. Her sharp expression and deadly eyes had him hooked, her curved and bigger body was seductive and Sanji couldn't help but fall in love right there. He stared at her outfit, she appeared to be in fancy robes clearly meaning she had money, power, and a title. She was everything Sanji could want.
Watching as she slid into a booth and picked up the menu, taking his opportunity, Sanji basically sped walked over and leaned against the table. With hearts in his eyes he watched as Iyasu moved her gaze from the plastic in her hands to him, and ever so graciously smiled at him. "So what do you reccomend cutie?"
With that sanji flew back with his nose bleeding, Iyasu watched with wide eyes, quite familiar with the feeling since she often felt that way watching Zoro workout. "I'm in love," He whispered amongst himself, getting up he adjusted his tie. Walking back over the flustered boy cleared his throat acting as if nothing happened. He was quite nervous now, usually he flirted with girls and never got anything of the sort back. But now here sat a pretty girl who took the initiative of flirting with him first. Sanji wouldn't dare screw up this perfect opportunity.
"Iyasu! There you are," A strict voice yelled out over the room making Iyasu turn from Sanji to who called her name. Nami,Zoro, and Usopp. "Hey guys" Iyasu cheesed, waving them over.
"Zoro you missed me so bad you came too? How vulgar kukuku~" Zoro groaned at her crazy assumptions. She Rapidly patted the seat next to her to encourage the green hair boy to sit next to her to which he declined and sat next to Usopp. Her smile faltered for a moment, which Sanji noticed and automatically made him dislike the green haired boy Iyasu called Zoro.
Sanji cleared his throat, "Don't stop smiling gorgeous ill cook you something to cheer you right up. On the house for you and that beautiful friend of yours." Hearing free food Iyasu cheered while Nami lowkey cringed at his name calling.
"Thank you..."
"Thank you Sanji! Me and Nami appreciate it!"
"Yeah we appreciate it," Usopp grinned, mouth already drooling at the idea of a nice cooked meal. Usopp's comment made Sanji's mood do a 180 and rear his face back in disgust, "Not you for two. Men pay."
This made Iyasu laugh, satisfied by the payback Zoro was getting. "Don't worry since you've been good I'll give you some of my food Usopp. To thank you for your hard work on the boat."
Usopp shed many tears at the table, "You really are an angel."
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