Erzas wish and Iyasus nightmare!
Her eyes dilated. Fear coursing through her veins.
"ZORO!" an agonizing, terrified voice screamed as they watched their crewmate be cut down with two deadly blows. There was a silence that filled the air as Iyasu raced forward as fast as she could to catch him before he fell off the small boat. Many negative thoughts swarmed her mind as she was forced to remember a similar scene in her head.
"Iyasu, stay back and watch mommy make you proud. Ill show you how to protect the legacy of our clan." Her name was Erza, and it matched the fiery red of her burning passion to be known as the greatest female fighting warrior. She was also Erza, known as Iyasu's mother. She was the greatest person and inspiration to the 6 year old girl. Iyasu watched from the ground as her mother blocked the incoming attacks with her machete.
"Erza for your affiliation with that dreadful clan I'm afraid I must end you here, then that weapon."
Erza's brows tensed, "My child is no weapon!" She yelled with her whole chest as she lurched forward with speed like no other with her sword postioned to her side, ready to swing. "Bless this holy blade, lord of the sky, land, and sea. Give it divine light." Her chanting echoed through the room as her golden eyes began to light up, illuminating with a powerful glow. Her blade begin to change formed into a long and heavy Greatsword spadone. Its hilt was purely black and its blade had enchanted red writing on it. It said, Honor, Family, Pride, and Strength. "Divine Red Slasher attack!" With both hands positioned on the sword she swung with so much force that the sound of the wind whipping in the air was louder then Erza and Iyasus panting.
Though as the attack was powering up Sakazuku gave a dark smile as he coated his blade with the burning hot magma that covered his body and slashed Erza through her chest twice sending her stumbling back. The only thing that Iyasu remembered clearly from that night was her mothers screams. She had never seen someone in that much pain before. She was left to hopelessly watch her mother burn and struggle in unbearable pain. "IYASU GO RUN!"
Iyasu stumbled to her feet and ran over to her mother, grabbing her underneath both her arms and trying to pick up in a weak attempt to carry her mother with her as she escaped. Though at the sudden movement her mother only screamed again, her face contorted in pain and despair. It made Iyasu tremble with hot tears running down her face. "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMMYYY," She yelled as white wings bigger then Iyasu herself erupted from her back on instinct.
Noticing that they were trying to make an escape Sakazuku punched Iyasu in her face, careful not to kill her. Iyasu forcefully flew back on the impact and bit her lip to stop herself from screaming. She panted heavily before pushing herself on her knees then running back to her mom only to be sent flying once more. Iyasu groaned, delirious and dizzy. "I.. I will not run! You'll have to kill me first!" The child declared with a menacing look. This made Sakazuku smirk. Expecting her to charge once more he was surprised when feathers shot at him, temporarily blinded by this sudden attack he put his arm up to block. But by the time he realized the attack was weak Iyasu and her mother were gone.
"Iyasu leave me and run." Iyasu ignored her mother and continued to try her best to carry her mother back to their village. Though she struggled immensely and flew close to the ground unable to go any higher with her lack of strength. And eventually she tumbled causing her and her mother to go rolling onto ground making Erza groan in pain. Blood seeping through her chest at a alarming rate. Though they barley had time to stop and see if one another were okay when they heard Sakazuku and his men nearing closer.
"Iyasu stop! Run Iyasu. Run and live for me! I want you to be happy and make friends. Dont be afraid to disobey your father to be happy okay? Life isnt meant to be followed by rules youre supposed to wake up and be excited to do something new. I wasnt able to do that which is why I need you to live and experience that for me. My beautiful girl I wish for you to live and run!" With the final last of her strength Erza gave her daughter a push, sending her tumbling down the hill and onto the beach shore where Iyasu cried knowing her mother would not surive those blows. She was scared, scared to lose her mother, scared to die, scare to be captured, scared of her father, so she ran. She ran and didnt look back. "Mommmy" She wailed as she ran as she could down the long beach before using her wings to escape the island and fly high over the sea.
"Zoro.." Iyasu whispered in a worried manner, her face trembling with fear. Her arms safely laid him on her lap, her eyes stinging from trying to hold back the tears. "Please not again, I'm scared. I'm scared."
Her light colorless eyes looked up and sent a glowered look towards Mihawk who silently stared. "I'm surprise you're not running like you always do." Then after saying what he needed to he wordlessly sauntered over to his small boat sending Iyasu a meaningful mocking look before he eventually disappeared in the mist surrounding the area.
"Iyasu, can you heal him?" Iyasu frowned. Looking up at Luffy who shared a similar serious expression as her own. She was grateful for him not questioning her history with Mihawk and made a mental note to thank her captain later. "No, my ability to heal helps the mind rather then the body. If the person was in pain I can heal the feeling not the actual wound. Its why I don't call myself a doctor I'm not worthy of the title. I cant help him, I cant help my friend. I'm only able to give him simple care."
As Iyasu closed her eyes struggling to burn the imagine of her mother out of her mind when a cold rough calloused hand grabbed her closed fist and lightly held it. Quickly Iyasu looked up to see Zoro giving her a bored look, "I'm fine. Stop worrying idiot." Iyasu gave him a blank stare but she began to smile. "Yeah of course!" She laughed a little, "Lets get to bandaged up so we can get Nami and the going merry back!"
"Luffy can you handle that guy?"
Luffy gave her a give grin and held his thumb up, "Of course!"
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