I woke up early in the morning feeling my stomach grumbling.Feeling a sudden urge to puke, I rushed in the bathroom not before wrapping the white sheet around my naked body. Last night, Krrish had not let me to sleep keeping me busy in doing something else ,u could have guessed already.I puked all the contents of my stomach feeling bit relief now. I splashed some water on my face and grabbed my tooth paste. After brushing my teeth, I did my morning buisness and took a hot shower.
After bathing for almost half an hour, I draped my body in a towel and came out of the bathroom to find Krrish, leaning on the headboard scrolling through his phone,shirtless. Sensing my presence, he stood up and strode towards me, concern written all over on his face. He traced his finger on my temple and I sighed in satisfaction.
"What happened, baby? U look quiet pal. R u OK?" He asked.
"No, I am fine. I just vomited the content I had yesterday. Probably because I ate too much of junk food yesterday." I shrugged off my shoulder passing him a smile. Yesterday, Krrish took me to a candle-light dinner where we had the most delicious meal and so I ate a lot filling my stomach fully.
"U seriously scared me. Next time, be careful and stop having junk food." He said pinching my cheeks when I giggled. Again I felt little dizziness but I ignored the feeling.
"Ok, u freahen up. I am gonna make u breakfast." I said and he kissed on my forehead. When I was going to move, my vision blurred a little as I stumbled on my feet. Krrish was instantly on my side saving me from hitting the floor. He caught me before something happened.
"Baby, u r really very unwell. U don't have to do any work today. Take a rest."
He said and picked me up in bridal style. He carried me to the bed and gently laid me there. I didn't protest much since I was really feeling very weak. He then helped me to dress up and he too got freshened up. After a lot of arguments and promises, I thankfully made him agreed not to take leave from his office while he was whining like a kid not wanting to go for his office. But he stole five kisses from me as a punishment before leaving for his work along with Karan.
Ritika had taken Anita to school. So I had become alone in the house and I felt bored. I decided to call Ankita for giving me company. She made immediate appearance when I told her to come.
We decided to watch "The Vampire Diaries". In the middle of the series , I again felt nauseous. Wasting no times, I went to the washroom, covering my mouth with my hand and ended up pouring the lunch which I had few hours ago. I sprinkled some water on my face. I looked at the mirror and I looked absolutely terrible. I looked pal and I had got bags under eyes. My hairs were tied into a messy bun and I was just in my pinkish pajama and white top.
I trailed my gaze from mirror to my stomach where I placed my hand. Am I pregnant ? There was 95% possibility of getting pregnant since we had barely used protections during doing sex for the last few days. Besides, the symptoms were screaming about pregnancy.
There was a knock at the door ,interrupting me in my thoughts. I ran my hands through my hairs and opened the door. It was Ankita and she looked worried.
"Ruhi, r u OK? U suddenly came into washroom in the middle of the series and look at u. U look so pal and your eyes r puffy." She said while tracing one finger under my eyes.
"I guess that I am pregnant. My stomach is sick." I replied shaking my head when she gave me a knowing gaze.
"I am not sure though. " I said wondering about this newfound fact.
"Wow,that's great news. I am buying pregnancy test. No buts. Just stay here until I come back." She said sternly and I rolled my eyes. Later, I agreed and she went out for bringing a pregnancy test.
After she came back here, she directly dragged me into the bathroom with her. I sighed and entered in the bathroom with a hint of nervousness and happiness.
After I had taken the test, I didn't know why but I was feeling extremely nervous. I slowly took the test with my trembling hands and saw the result.
Two lines.
"Positive" I muttered under my breath, my eyes widening in shock. I smiled heartily and I couldn't hold myself more. I caressed my stomach feeling a bubble of happiness beaming through my heart.
"Ruhi, r u done ?" Ankita asked behind the door and I moved to open the door.
"I am dying out of curiosity. Just say it that what I am assuming is true." She said impatiently.
"It's positive. I am pregnant. " I exclaimed with a wide smile tugging up my lips.
"Oh my goddddd!!! I am so happy for u. I am going to be aunt." She squealed in joy and hugged me tightly congratulating me.
"So now just say, when r u going to tell Krrish that u r pregnant?" She asked pulling away from the hug. I was going to say when I was cut off by a voice.
"What will u tell me ?" A voice asked behind us. Turing to the side, I found Krrish looking at us with amusement and bewilderment.
"Ok now, tell him by yourself. I am going." Ankita whispered in my eyes and left from the room. I watched Krrish walking towards me.
He came and stood infront of me when I bowed my head down blushing furiously due to his intense gaze and my pregnancy. He gripped my chin and made me to look at me.
"What did I hear ? U r pregnant?" He asked with wide eyes.
I shook my head smilingly and replied, "Yes, I am pregnant. U r going to be father."
As soon as I pronounced those words, his smile got bigger and he scooped me in his arms swirling me around.
"Krrish" I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck.
He set me down carefully and captured my lips for a passionate kiss.
"Oh my God, I can't believe. I am going to be a father. I am so happy." He screamed clapping his hands and started pappering kisses on my whole face as I giggled.
"Thank u so much for coming in my life as a blessing and an angle."
Saying this he kissed on my forehead.
"Thank u for changing me."
A kiss on my left cheek.
"Thank u for forgiving me and giving a second chance."
A kiss on right cheek.
"Thank u for being my best friend and later my wife"
A kiss on one of my eyelids.
"Thank u for filling my life with meaningful happiness.
A kiss on my other eyelid.
"Thank u for giving me the ultimate joy - making me a father."
A kiss on my nose.
I giggled on how he kept kissing me while saying those things to me. After kissing my nose, he plunged his eyes deeply into me as he cupped my cheeks. He braught his face closer to me ,his eyes focusing on my lips and my gaze was also on his lips.
"And lastly thanks for loving me. I love u, Ruhi Singh Chauhan."
Saying this, he crashed his lips over mine pulling me impossibly closer to his body. My arms locked around his nape tugging on his hair tenderly when he groaned deepening the kiss more. His tounge slipped on my mouth as he kissed me with a different kind of passion making me forget about everything. It felt so right when our lips mounded together in a perfect sync.
Feeling the need to get some air, we pulled away panting for air, our foreheads resting against each other.
"I love u too." I said and hugged him tightly.
9 months later
(Imagine Ruhi)
I was helping Ritika with the dishes. She didn't want me to do any work. But I was absolutely bored. So I decided to help her for washing utensils after dinner. Krrish, Karan and Anita were in the living room watching TV.
"Ruhi, keep those plates in the rack and go now. I will do the rest of dishes." She suggested.
I was going to decline when she gave me a stern look.
"U r pregnant and I don't want anything would happen to u and your baby while doing works. I have already forbidden u many times but u r very stubborn. But I won't listen anything now. Just go and sleep." She said seriously.
I just nodded pouting and placed my hand on my baby bump. I was 9 months pregnant and my due-date was close. I was going to labor soon as it had completed 9 months almost.
I was going to arrive in the living room, I felt a sharp pain on my stomach. I felt water flowing from my legs.
"Ahhhhhh" I cried loudly in pain and collapsed on the floor maintaining the support by keeping my one hand on the kitchen slab.
"Ruhi!!!" Ritika shouted and came towards me. She held me by my shoulders and I kept my head on her chest.
"Karan!!! Krrish!!! Ruhi's water broke." Ritika shouted.
I was going through some important documents related to my new deal and Anita was asleep on my lap. Karan was watching sports. I was very much tensed nowadays as Ruhi's due date was in this month. These 9 months were quite distressing to handle Ruhi and Ruhi's mood-swings. At the same time , I enjoyed it also. Last time, I was unable to stay by her side but this I made sure not to leave her side for a second except my working hours. Karan and Ritika had supported her very much where Ankita also came time to time to keep a check on Ruhi. Abhishek and Siya had congratulated us when they got to know the news. But they couldn't make it here since they were struck in Los Angles with their works. But they promised to visit us during the vacation.
My tray of thoughts broke when I heard Ritika's voice from the kitchen. We immediately rushed towards the kitchen. My face turned white seeing her crawling on the floor with her hand pressing on her stomach, water and some blood were on the floor.
"Krrish, call the ambulance. Her water broke." She said while rubbing her hands.
"Fuckkkk! Karan bro, call the ambulance now." I yelled.
"Yes, I am calling." Karan said and left for calling the doctor. I went to Ruhi and held her on my chest.
"Ruhi, nothing will happen. Just keep patience. The doctor is coming. " I said seeing her crying in helplessness. Honestly, I was absolutely scared to see her like that. It was so painful.
"Krrish, give some water to her." Ritika ordered. I was going to give water when Anita came running here with a glass of water.
"Give it to aunt. I have braught it." She gave the water to me and I made her to drink the water.
"Oh my poor Aunty, I won't let anything happen to u." She said with a gloomy face while wiping the tears of Ruhi. Her small gesture made Ruhi a smile a little.
"Ruhi, just tolerate a bit. The doctor is coming my girl." Karan said while coming in the kitchen.
"Bro, should we take her to the couch instead of keeping her here ?" I asked.
"No , it could be harmful for baby since her water already broke here. Let the doctor come first and then we will do what he will mention" Ritika said caressing her belly.
"Don't be afraid, Ruhi. U r going to be mother. We will have a happy family.Trust me, I will fulfil everything u will want." I and Ritika tried to keep her distracted from the pain.
Within few minutes, I heard sirens and the doctor along with nurses came and checked her.
"We couldn't take her to hospital. She is in her labor. " The doctor said. This made me more stressed.
"Then do what it's required to do" I yelled frustratingly.
"Help me to take her to the bedroom. " He said. I nodded and I scooped her in my arms and we took her to Karan and Ritika's bedroom since our bedroom was upstairs and it was impossible to go there in this situation.
I kept her on the bed when she clutched my hand tightly.
"Krrish, say that u won't stop loving me if the baby is born ?" She asked in this moment.
Suppressing my laughter in this situation , I kissed on her forehead.
"Don't worry. I will love u the most even after thousands of babies r born. I love u." I said smiling a little.
"I love u too. Don't stop loving me. I am your first love, not your babies." She exclaimed crying loudly. The doctors chuckled. I nodded and left the room.
I was anxious and excited at the same time. It had been 4 hours I was tensely sitting outside the room with Ritika. Karan was with Anita. I could hear her screams in the room which was making my pulse rate high. Ritika was trying to calm me down.
Finally after what felt like hours ,the cries stopped. After some times ,when the doctor called, I stood up and went in the room. There I saw my baby. My little baby. A boy.
The nurse was holding him. She came and smiled at me.
"Congratulations, u have a baby boy." She said. They had cleaned my boy and wrapped him in a white sheet.
"Can I hold him ?" I asked her smiling widely seeing my baby sleeping peacefully in her hands.
"Sorry Mr. Chauhan, we can't allow anyone to hold the baby after it's birth." She said and I felt a bit sad but I nodded understandingly.
I kept staring at my little boy. I wanted to hold him in my hands. Then the nurse took him away and kept him in the cradle which I had bought just a month ago for my baby. I then turned to Ruhi who was smiling at me warmly. My love, the mother of my son and my everything. I went towards her and sat beside her. I kissed on her knuckles and cheeks.
"Thank u so much for this wonderful gift." I said.
"Same to u." Saying this, she pecked my my lips. I smiled and wrapped her in a hug.
In the morning, I was finally able to take my baby in my arms after bathing.
I kissed on his forehead. My baby boy. He was so tiny. He was looking at me like he was trying to recognize me.
"Hey baby, it's your father my boy. Dad loves u." I said and smiled.
This is the most magical moment in my life. I was holding my baby. Finally, I am a father. I looked at his mother who was sleeping after being completely exhausted due to delivery.
6 years later
"Uncleeeeeeee, Ricky has again broken doll house." 9 years old Anita shouted.
"No dad, she is lying." My 5 years old son shouted.
"They have woke up ?" My husband asked beside me when I hummed in response. I pushed his hand away from my waist and went to get up when he pulled me again hovering over me.
"Good Morning." He said nuzzling on the crook of my neck.
"Good Morning." I said and softly kissed him on his lips. Soon it turned into passionate when he didn't try to pull away. Then we pulled apart when I found him smirking.
"Pervert." I mumbled glaring at him when he smiled sheepishly. Tieing the rob around my body, I went to the cradle where my 1 year old daughter was still sleeping. Placing a kiss on her forehead, I headed to the room where Anita and Ricky were staying.
Yeah, I am now blessed with a boy and a girl. Ricky's real name is Reyansh where we have kept our girl's name Hazel. Hazel has just been 1 year old before a few days where Reyansh is 4 year old. He is extremely naughty and he is always pulling legs of Anita. He has grown into a cute boy and is absolutely adorable like his father. He has got some features of Krrish also. He is also hyperactive and when Hazel was born,he pinched her legs making her cry which I have still remembered.Hazel has got dark brown eyes like me and she is also very adorable.
(An/- Aww, isn't she so cute ?🥺)
When I entered, Anita came running near me and hugged my waist. She was crying. I looked at Ricky who was looking here and there avoiding my gaze.
"What happened, Anita ?" I asked her bending in her level.
"Ricky has broken my doll house which I built with hard work." She said pointing at her doll house which had been broken.
"Don't worry, I will scold your brother. U know that Krrish uncle loves u very much. He will buy u another doll house." I said assuringly when she nodded and kissed my cheeks. I then turned to Ricky who was standing on the bed biting his nail and avoiding my gaze. I walked near his bed.
"Why did u break her doll house, Ricky ?" I glared at him. He smiled sheepishly and said "Sorry, Mom"
"U did break her house for the 3rd time." I scolded him.
"Mom, I am sorry. I promise that I won't do it again." He said holding his ears.
"No, u have become naughtier day by day. Now I will beat u if u do any mischief." I said pointing my one finger at him.
"No, u won't beat my son." Krrish said while coming in the room with Hazel in his arms who was looking at all of us confusingly.
"Shut up. Stop pampering your children." I glared at him.
"Exactly Krrish, u r the reason for spoiling the kids. Why do u always pamper them ?" Karan asked patting on Krrish's back as he came in the room.
"My wish." He pouted. Karan gave a side glance to me and then took Hazel in his arms. Anita jumped into Krrish's arms when she saw Hazel going in her father's lap.
"U all r such little kiddos. Look at me. I am still standing here like a king and u all r climbing on your dad's lap." Ricky said proudly to which I smacked his head. He made an irritating face.
"That's like my boy." Krrish said while putting Anita down. Ricky smiled and jumped on the floor running towards Krrish. They did ball fist together. I shook my head seeing their childish behavior.
I was breastfeeding Hazel when Krrish came from his office. Hazel immediately turned towards the door and giggled.
"Dal..lll" She said while smiling widely. Yeah, she can speak a few words like "Dad", "mom" ,"water" and "bro" but her words r not clear.
I tried to make her feed again but she turned her head towards Krrish. Signing , I wore my top. Krrish came and picked her in his arms. She giggled and kissed his cheeks. Krrish has taught her to kiss on cheeks. Isn't it cute ?
"Mom, has Dad come home ?" Ricky came into our room. Seeing Krrish with Hazel,he scrunched his nose. I picked him up and kissed his cheeks.
"My little boy is angry." I playfully said.
"Dad never takes me in his lap. He doesn't love me." He whined as tears left from his eyes. Krrish immediately placed Hazel on the bed and took Ricky in his arms.
"Who says that I don't love my baby boy? I am here,my son." He said and whirled him when he made an pout. They played for some more times while Hazel slept on my lap. After Ricky had gone to the living room with Anita and Krrish had gone to washroom, I kept Hazel in her cradle and sat on the bed. Krrish came out of the washroom ,a towel wrapping around his waist. He looked at Hazel and then at me. He smirked and closed the door. In a swift moment, he came near me and claimed my lips in a perfect and meaningful kiss.
"I love u." He said pulling away.
"I love u too." I said before capturing his lips again as he lowered his body over me. I gasped as he explored flesh of my body. Slowly, we started undressing ourselves and then we made passionate love until we were lost in our own blissful world.
This is the end of this journey. A story of 50 chapters including two bonus chapters. I hope that u have liked this part. It was such a terrible experience of writing about these types things like pregnancy and baby things. I am totally illiterate about it. I still remembered how I had to be embaressed when my mom was giving me weird looks as I was asking her about these types of pregnancy symptoms and the rules after new born.
I was flushed when my mom asked me about why I was asking these types of questions. And u know what my answer was. I said that those information was needed as I am doing a BABY PROJECT as additional project in school. 🌝🌝
Can u believe me ? Baby project, like seriously? My mom said that she had never heard about this type of project. I then replied "NEW GENERATION". This is fucking embaressing. 💀
You might think why I didn't take help from Google. Well, it's my mom's phone. If she somehow sees this search history, it will put me in hell. I hope that you can imagine now. 🙂
Anyway, do check out my new books which I have begun writing. I am sure that you will like them.
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