Student's Book
hu du wa
English Course
Liz and John Soars
Unit Grammar Vocabulary
I Hello everybody! Verb to be Countries
p6 awl is/are Mexico, Japan p p)t
I'm front German). Using a bilingual dictionary p10
He's it doctor. p6, p9 Everyday objects
Possessive adjectives a key, it newspaper p 10
ray, your, his, her p6, p7 Plural nouns
bags, apples P10
2 Meeting people Verb to be The family
p1 Questions and negatives urother, uncle p14-15
What's her first name? p 12 Opposite adjectives
Site isn't married. p 13 old - young p16
Negatives and short answers Food and drink
No, she isn't. p 12 harnburger•and chips
Possessive 'S tea, Coffee pI8
Patrick's daughter p 14
3 The world of work Present Simple I Verbs
p20 he/she/it p21) help, make, serve p24
I-Ie works 16 hours a day. p20 lolls
Questions and negatives A pilot flies planes. p26
Does he speak French? No, he doesn't. p22
4 Take it easy! Present Simple 2 Verbs
P28 I/youl we/they relax, cat out, start p29
I go to the gyni. Leisure activities
We don't go out on Friday evenings. dancing, skiing p34
Why do you like your job? p29
Stop and check 1 Teacher's Book p138
5 Where do you live? There is/are Rooms
p36 There's a book on the table. p36 living room, kitchen p36
How many ... ? Household goods
How many books are there? p36 curnclmir, lamp
Prepositions of place cupboard, washing machine p36
in front of the fire p36 What's in your bag?
some and any letter, bus ticket, mobile phone p39
Them are some cups. Parts of it plane
There aren't any plates. p38 cockpit. steps p40
this, that, these, those Places
This is the kitchen. cincnm, pub p43
What's in these cupboards? p38
6 Can you speak English? can/can't Countries and languages
p44 I can ski really well. Italy, Italian p44
Site can't speak Japanese. p44 Verbs
was/were translate, check, laugh p45
Where were you last night? p46 Words that sound the same
could 1, eye; no, know p50
I could swim when I ivas Jive. p46
was horn
He was born in London. p47
7 Then and now Past Simple i I 1 Verbs
p.; 2 Regular verbs carry, ,,tarry, die p53
She started work when site was eight. p52 Verbs
Irregular verbs begin, leave, become p54
He left school in 1994. p54 Spelling and silent letters
Time expressions boot(,, listen p58
last night
yesterday morning p55
Reading and writing ITello and goodbye
Introducing yourself p9 7i'lrphone numbers pI 1
Listening and speaking How are you?
The alphabet song p10 See you this evening! PI I
Reading and listening In a cafe
:\ letter from America pl6 Prices p18
Can I have ... ?
Horn much is it? p19
Reading What time is it? Personal pronouns and
Seumas McSporran - the man with Its quarter past five. possessive adjectives
thirteen lobs 1 124 It's about six o'clock. p27 1, me, my WR p20
Listening and speaking Rewriting a text \Vli p20
Seumas's day p25
Speaking Social expressions An informal letter
A questionnaire - how do you live? p30 I'm sorry. A letter to it penfriend WR 1125
Reading and listening Excuse rile?
Three people talk about Pardon? p35
their favourite season p32
\\'hat's your favourite season? p33
Leisure activities p34
Speaking and listening Directions I Linking words
What ire the differences between the two Is there a post office near here? Will, so, but, because WR p31
pictures' p37 lcs, its over there. p43 Describing where you live W13 p3I
Reading and speaking
At home on a plane p-10
Listening and speaking
Homes around the world p42
Speaking On the phone Formal letters I
Questionnaire - what can you do? p45 Directory Enquiries p50 A letter of application for a job W13 p36
Reading and speaking Can I speak to lo, please?
Super Kids p48 I'll just get her. p5l
Speaking Special occasions Writing a paragraph describing a holiday
What did you do at the end of the 20th Thanksgiving WR p40
Century? p54 Happy birthday! p58
When did it happen? p55
Reading and speaking
Two famous firsts:
George Washington and Margaret Thatcher
Unit Grammar Vocabulary
8 How long ago? Past Simple , Which word is dillerent?
PO() Negatives and ago apple, chicken, banana p63
People didn7 watch TV it 13ttnclred Years ago. p6I Phonetic symbols
Time expressions .res.ipi p63
in 1994, on Saturday, at seven o'clock p63 Relationships
loll in love, get engaged p64
Stop and check 2 Teacher's Book p140
9 Food you like! Count and uncount nouns Food and drink
p66 apples, apply juice p66 yoghurt, chips
Do you like ... ?/Would you like ... ? beer, apple juice p66
!)o you like beer? Would you like some stow? p67 chopsticks p71
a and some Shops and shopping
a Cake, some cake p68 a book of stanrps
much and titan), some milk p69
There isn't much milk.
There arten't many eggs. p69
10 Bigger and better! Comparatives and superlatives City and country adjectives
1,74 The country is cheaper than the city: p74 dirty, noisy
(:laridgc's is the most expensive hotel. p76 exiting. sale p74
have got City and country nouns
London's got a lot olparks. wood, museum p80
I haven't got i nuch money. p75
1 1 Looking good! Present Continuous Clothes
P82 I'm wearing jeans. hat, coat, shirt p82
Who is smiling? p82 Describing people
Whose is it? lair hair. blue eves p82
Whose is the bike? p84 Words that rhyme
Possessive pronouns red, said; laugh, half' p88
Mine, yours, hers p84 Phonetic symbols
vowels and diphthongs p88
'b ngue twisters p88
12 Life's an adventure going to Verbs
p90 I'm ggoing to be it ballet dancer. p90 sneeze, junp, fall p92
Infinitive of purpose The weather
In, going to Holland to see the tulips. p92 sunny, cloudy
What the weather like? p96
S top an cec dhk 3 eac Th'Bk ersoop 142
13 How terribly clever! Question forms Describing feelings
p98 Why... ?Howmany ... ?Howmuclr... ? bored, worrieel 1 (11
Which ... ? p98
Adverbs and adjectives
quick. quicklyy, good, well p 100
14 Have you ever? Present Perfect Past participles
p106 ever and never cooked, eaten, made p 107
Ilave you ever been to Paris? At the airport
I've never been to Australia. p106 departure lounge
yet and just check in p113
We haven't been there yet.
They've just had a boat ride. pltl9
Present Perfect and Past Simple
Alaria's been to Berlin.
She went there two years ago. p107
Stop and check 4 Teacher's Book p144
Tapescripts p114 Grammar Reference p124 Word list p135
Reading and listening What's the date? Linking words
Three inventors pt,' the fourth of July p65 because, when, until \VB p47
Speaking Describing an old friend \VB p47
Incredible information p62
Listening and speaking
I low did you two meet? p64
Listening and speaking Polite requests Formal letters 2
My favourite f()od p72 Could you pass the salt? A letter to a hotel WB p53
Reading and speaking (:ouhl I have a glass of water?
Food around the world Con you give inc the recipe?
Meals in your country p70 Can I see the nuenu? p73
Speaking Directions 2 Linking words
I've got more than vou! p76 out of the garage which, where \VB 1158
Reading and speaking over the bridge p81 Writing about your capital city WB p58
Three musical cities -
New Orleans. Vienna, Liverpool
Talking about your town p78
Listening and speaking In a clothes shop Linking words
Who's at the party? p84 What colour are you looking jar? although, but WB p64
A song - What a wonderful world! p86 Can I try it on? p89 Describing people
\VB p64
Reading and speaking Making suggestions \Vriting it Postcard WB p70
Dangerous sports What shall we do today?
Interviews with people who do dangerous Let's go to the beach! p97
sports p94
Speaking and listening Catching a train Adverbs
Noises in the night pI00 A return ticket, please. p105 happy, happily WB p75
Reading and listening Writing a story
A stony in a story Once upon a tints WB p75
The tale of horribly good Bertha p 104
Speaking At the airport A thank-you letter WB p80
Things you have done p 106 check in your luggage
Reading and speaking go to gate 4 p 113
How to live to be 100 p 110
A song - Leaving on a jet plane p 112
Appendix 1 - irregular verbs p142 Appendix 2 -verb patterns p142 Phonetic symbols p143
Hello everybody!
am/is/are . my/your/his/her • Everyday objects • Numbers • Hello and goodbye
STARTER 1 Say your names.
� - ,* nr ;llr.
2 Stand up in alphabetical order and say your names.
am/is/are, my/your
1 ® Read and listen.
A Hello. My name's Paula.
\Vhat's'our name?
B Rosa.
A Where are you from, Rosa?
B I'm from Chicago.
® Listen and repeat.
name's = name is
what's = what is
6 Unit 1 Hello everybody!
2 Write the conversation. ster0om
Domestic Bursar
A Hello. My Richard. What's Owwng Hall
cawi,g Manager
name? e R gdential Wing
B Kurt.
A are you from, Kurt?
B from Hamburg. Where you
A London.
® listen and check.
3 Stand up! Talk to the students in the class.
Hello! A/1y name's What's your name?
Where are you from, Maria?
- I
I'nr from
Countries, his/her
4 ® Listen and repeat.
the USA Egypt Brazil Mexico
Spain Russia Japan Germany
France England Italy
S Read about the people.
iBuenog dial!
This is Max and Lisa.
They're from the USA.
he's = he is
she's = she is
they're = they are
Unit 1 • Hello everybody! 7
6 Where are the people from? Write the countries from exercise 4.
This is Maria. This is Kurt. This is Pierre.
7 Ask and answer questions about the people.
Use he/his and she/her.
What's his name?
Where's lie front? England.
It from England.
What's her name? Tomoko. We
IVhere's she front? Japan.
8 Unit 1 • Hello everybody!
Talking about you Reading and writing
1 Ask and answer questions with a partner 5 ® Listen and read about Rafael.
about the students in your class.
My name's
Rafael Ramos
and I'm a doctor.
I'm 30. I'm
2 Introduce your partner to the etas,.
married and
This is Kurt. Hes franc I have two
Hamburg in Geri nany. children. I live in
a house in Toluca
in Mexico. I want
Listening and pronunciation to learn English
for my job.
3 IM Listen and tick (âœ") the sentenLe
you hear.
I She's from Spain.
d â�' He's from Spain.
2 â�' What's her name?
â�' What's his name?
3 â�' They're from Brazil.
â�' They're in Brazil. 6 Complete the text about Yasmina.
4 â�' Where's she from?
â�' Where's he from?
5 â�' He's a teacher in Italy. My name's
â�' She's a teacher in Italy. Yasmina Kamal
and I'm a student.
Check it
4 Complete the sentences with am, is, arc, I'm not married.
his, her, or your. I have one
I My name is Anna. and
2 Where VOL) from? two brothers.
3 1 from Japan. I in a
4 'What's name?' 'My name's flat in Cairo, Egypt.
5 Max and Lisa from Chicago. to learn English
6 This my teacher. because it's an
name's Richard. international
7 \\'here he from? i V-
8 This is my sister. name's
IM Listen and check.
7 Write about you. Then read it to the class.
Unit 1 • Hello everybody! 9
Everyday objects
1 ® Listen tolhe alphabet song. Say the alphabet as a class.
2 Look at this extract from an
English/Spanish dictionary.
the word in English the part of speech (n. = noun)
apple /'a:pl/ n. nâ-ºan:ana
the pronunciation the word in Spanish
3 Match the words
• • 000 000
and pictures.
a stamp a camera a dictionary a magazine
a bag a ticket a newspaper
a key a postcard
a letter
an apple
an orange
LIStCll dlld Iepeat.
4 Ask and answer questions with a partner. 5 Look at the words. What are a, e, i, o, and u?
When is it a? When is it an?
a bag an apple
a ticket an orange
a letter an English book
6 Look at the plural words.
How do you spell that?
two stamps two apples two dictionaries
Say the plurals of the other words in exercise 3.
0,-� Grammar Reference 1.4 and 1.5 p124
10 Unit 1 • Hello everybody!
Hello and goodbye
1 Say the numbers 1-20 round the class.
2 IM Read and listen to the telephone numbers.
682 947 six eight two nine four seven
8944 5033 eight nine double four five 'oh' double three
020 7399 7050 'oh' two 'oh' seven three double nine seven 'oh' five 'oh'
3 T 1.10 Listen and write the numbers VOL) hear. Practise them.
4 Ask and answer the question with other students. Write a list.
What's your phone nuruber? It's (020) 7267 5118.
'l'hank you very much.
5 Write the conversations in the correct order.
1 I'm tine, thank you. And vou? Claodhve, Bianca. Have a nice day. 3 Not had, thanks. And vou?
I'm OK, thanks. Yes, at seven in the cinema. Very well. Flow are the children?
Hello, Mary. This is Edward. Thanks, Marcus. See you this Hi, Flora! It's me, Leo. I-low are vou?
How are you? evening! They're fine.
Hello, extension 3442. Goodbye, Marcus. Hello, 270899.
® listen and check.
6 Practise the conversations with other students. Practise again, using your
names and numbers.
Unit 1 • Hello everybody! 11
Meeting people
am/is/are - questions and negatives • Possessive's • Family • Opposites • In a cafe
STARTER 1 Count from 1-20 round the class.
2 Count in 10s from 10-100 round the class.
ten, twenty, thirty ... one hundred.
3 How old are you? Ask and answer in groups.
Questions and negatives SURNAME ANDERSON
1 Read Keesha Anderson's identity card.
2 Complete the questions. ADDRESS 42, MUS{vELL
I What's her surname? Anderson. HILL ROAD,
2 her first name? Keesha. LONDON N10 3JD
3 she from? London, England. PHONE NUMBER 020 8863 5741
4 job? She's a .journalist. AGE 26
5 What's ? 42, Muswell Hill Road, ;HARRIED? NO
London N10 311 ).
6 phone 020 8863 5741.
7 How old ? Twenty-eight.
8 Is she ? No, she isn't.
® Listen and check. Practise the questions and
3 Keesha has a brother. Write questions about hint.
Ask your teacher and complete his card.
What's his surname?
What's his first name?
12 Unit 2 • Meeting people
Negatives and short answers
Who is he?
4 ® Read and listen. Then listen and 1 Student A Look at the identity card from your teacher.
repeat. Student B look at this identity card.
Ask and answer questions to complete the information.
Cot NiRY
PHONE NUMBER 1232 4837
M:\RRlll).' YES
Ask and answer Yes/No questions about 2 Ask and answer I''s/No questions about Patrick.
Keesha. I Smith? Jones? Binchey?
I a doctor? a teacher? a journalist? 2 from Italy? from England? from Ireland?
2 eighteen? twenty-one? twenty-eight? 3 a policeman? a teacher? an accountant?
5 Ask and answer questions about Keesha's Talking about you
3 Ask your teacher some questions.
1 Peter? Daniel? Rudi?
2 a journalist? a student? a policeman?
3 sixteen? thirty? twenty-one? What's your 1u'st trame?
1 Complete the answers to the
Yes/No questions. 4 Look at the form from )'our teacher.
Is Keesha English? Stand up! Ask two students Yes/No questions to complete the form.
Yes, she Answer questions about you.
Is her surname Smith?
No, it
Are you a journalist?
No, I'm
2 Look at the negatives.
She isn't married.
You aren't English.
But: I'm not a teacher
X I arm a teacher.
â-ºï¿½ Grammar Reference 2.1 p12S
Tell the class about one of the students.
Her name's Anna-Maria. She's a student ...
Unit 2 • Meeting people 13
Possessive 's
1 Write these words in the correct place.
brother father daughter wife aunt grandmother
boyfriend husband son uncle grandfather
/ et j girlfriend mother sister
2 ® Read about Patrick l3inchey and listen. Write the names of the people in the correct place.
This is a photo of
Patrick, his wife, and
his children. His wife's
name is Brenda. She's a
teacher. His daughter's
name is Lara. She's
twenty-one and she's
a nurse. His son's name
is Benny. He's nineteen
and he's a student.
Lara's boyfriend is a
nurse, too. His name
is Mick.
3 Ask and answer questions about Patrick's family.
1 Look at 's.
She's a teacher: She's = She is.
His wife's name: His wife's name = her name
's = possession.
2 Find other examples in the text of possessive 's and 's = is.
0 0- Grammar Reference 2.2 p12S
14 Unit 2 • Meeting people
You and your family
1 Ask your teacher questlonti about the peOple in his/her
What's your sister .+ naln '?
2 Write the names of people in your family. Ask and answer
questions with a partner.
Ask a partner questions about his/her family.
She's my aunt.
She's my mother's sister.
3 Make true sentences with the verb to he.
I I 'm not at home.
2 We in class.
3 It Monday today.
4 My teacher's name John.
5 My mother and father at work.
6 1 married.
7 My grandmother seventy-five years old.
8 Marcus and Carlos my brothers.
9 We in the coffee bar. We in the
Check it
4 Tick (âœ") the correct sentence.
1 â�' I'm a doctor. 5 â�' She married.
â�' I'm doctor. â�' She's married.
2 â�' I have twenty-nine years old. 6 â�' I'm an uncle.
â�' I am twenty-nine years old. â�' I'm a uncle.
3 â�' I no married. 7 â�' I have two brother.
â�' I'm not married. â�' I have two brothers.
4 â�' My sister's name is Lara. 8 â�' Peter's the son of m\, sister.
â�' My sisters name is Lara. â�' Peter's my sister's son.
Unit 2 • Meeting people 15
A letter from America
1 Match the adjectives with their opposites. 1 ® l )orita is an English student at a school in
(lu��n�, New York (.rty. Read an d li sten to ur
old horrible letter to Miguel, her brother in Argentina.
big old
2 Match each photograph with part of the letter.
new young
lovely difficult 3 Correct the false (X) sentences.
easy cheap
I Dorita is from Argentina. âœ"
hot cold
2 She's in Miami. X No, she isn't. She's in New York.
expensive slow
3 Dorita's happy in New York.
fast small
4 She's on holiday.
5 It's a very big class.
2 Write about the pictures, using the adjectives. 6 The students in her class are all from South
7 Annie and Marnie are both students.
8 The subway is easy to use.
I Ne's old. She's young. 4 Write the questions about Dorita's letter.
I Where's Dorita from? ?
2+2 =4- 2x+2x-8
2 ?
Japan, Brazil, Switzerland, Poland, and Italy.
3 ?
They are sisters. They live with Dorita.
5 ?
Annie's twenty and Marnie's eighteen.
6 New York
Yes, it is.
5 IM Listen to three conversations. Where is
Dorita? Who is she with?
6 Write a letter about your class.
Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences.
16 Unit 2 • Meeting people
41 46th street
5unnyside., New York 11104
February 12
Dear Miguel,
How are yau? I'm Fine. Here.'s a (eater in
Eng(i5h. tts good practice for you and me!
I have classes it English at La Guardia
Cornnaunity CoUege. I'm in a class with eght
Students. They're aU from diF'ferent countries:
Tapan, BraziC, Switzerland, Polavtd, and Italy.
Our teacher's Marie is Isabel. She's very nice
avid a very goad teacher.
I live in an apartment with two American
girls, Annie and Marnie Kass. They are sisters.
Annie's twenty years o(d and a dancer.
Marnie's eighteen and a student. They're very
friendly, but it isn't easy to understand them.
They speak very fast!
New York is very big, very exciting but
very expensive! The subway isn't diPFicu(t to
's very cold now but use and it's cheap. It
Central Park is lovely in the snow. I'm very
happy here.
Write to me- Soo-A.
In a cafe
1 1 ® Read and listen to the prices.
£1.00 one pound 50p fifty p pi: £10.75 ten pounds seventy-five
£5.00 five pounds £7.50 seven pounds fifty
2 \\'rite the prices you hear. Practise saying them.
2 Read the menu. Match the food and pictures.
18 Unit 2 • Meeting people
3 I[M Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer questions with a partner.
How much Is a hamburger and chips?
t. r
How much is a hamburger and chips and an orange juice?
4 T 2.10 I i<ten and complete the conversations.
A Good morning.
B Good Can I have , please?
A Here you are. Anything else? A Hi. Can I help?
B No, thanks. B Yes. Can I have a salad, please?
A p, please. A Anything to drink?
B Thanks. B Yeah. A , please.
A Thank YOU. A OK. Here you are.
B is that?
A pounds , please.
5 Practise the conversations with your partner.
B Thanks.
Make more conversations.
Unit 2 • Meeting people 19
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