Dani's POV:
"It's got to be illegal to be this happy." I said as Brantley, Quinn, Barrett, Bray, and I walked out of the lawyers office after making Quinny an official Gilbert. But not only had Quinny became a Gilbert, Brantley had surprised me with all the papers needed for me to adopt Barrett and Bray as well. I'd tried to refuse, not wanting anyone to think that I was trying to replace their mother, but Brantley had assured me that Amber's mom was fine with me adopting them, even went as far as to say that it was what Amber would have wanted. I'm still not sure how I feel about it but there was no denying that I was over the moon to have them all in my life.
"No baby, that's just how life is supposed to make you feel." Said Brantley, placing a hand low on my stomach where our little bean was growing. We'd only found out a few days ago that I was 8 weeks pregnant.
"And here I was thinking that I was this happy because of you." I said playfully. "I didn't know life was why I was happy."
"Baby, you are the reason I am so happy. Well, you our kids." Said Brantley.
"Good thing. 'Cause you're kinda stuck with us now." I said.
"Wild horses couldn't drag me away." He whispered as he opened the back door of the truck to start placing kids inside.
Once the kids were all buckled in, Brantley shut the door and lowered his lips to mine, kissing me softly but in that way that he had that always drove me wild. In fact, it had been a kiss like that that had led to our little bean being created. Before things could get to heated though, Brantley broke the kiss and looked down into my eyes. In his, I saw every once of love and admiration that he had for me and our kids and it made my heart swell with pride and joy.
"We better get to the party before you mama and my mama come looking for us." Said Brantley, opening my door for me.
"Lord knows, we don't want to piss those two ladies off." I said with an eye roll.
"We definitely don't." said Brantley. With one more lingering kiss, he lifted me into the truck and shut the door before rounding the truck and climbing in the drivers seat.
"Who's ready to party?" he said as he started the engine. All three kids squealed with delight, ready to get to the party that mama and Becky had dubbed as the "biggest party Mobile as seen since the turn of the century". Based on the amount of things that they had planned, I would say that it was going to be the biggest party that Mobile had EVER seen.
"Then, lets roll." Said Brantley, putting the truck into drive and pulling out of the parking lot.
Since it was about thirty minutes back to my parents house, it gave me time to think about just how much had changed in such a short amount of time. To say the past had been a blur would be one hell of an understatement since everything from moving to hiring a manager for the store and for the website to all the crap that Asher had tried to stir with his sudden need to play a role in Quinny's life to a Vegas wedding complete with an Elvis impersonator as the officiant, had all happened so fast. So fast in fact that I was still having a hard time wrapping my head around how much my life had changed in such a short amount of time. And all because I'd went on a girls trip to celebrate Everleigh's wedding.
There was literally nothing I would change about the past six months because all in all I happier than I'd been in all of my life and so was Quinny. And I had the man of my dreams, my husband, to thank for that. Brantley had been there for me and Quinny though everything from packing to talking to lawyers, proving that he was more of a man that Quinny's sperm donor would ever be. Knowing that little fact made me love him even more every day, if that was even possible considering he was the yin to my yang, the other half of my soul. Add in the little surprise he'd given me as far as me adopting Barrett and Bray and the fact that the two of us were growing out family yet again, and I was quite literally the happiest woman on the face of the earth. Literally no one could rain on my parade.
I'd been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize how fast the drive back to my parents had happened until we pulled onto their street and saw cars lines both sides of the road for as far as the eye could see. Tears welled in my eyes at the fact that I knew that they were all there to celebrate Quinny. My girl had always had people her in her corner, but now, she literally had an army of people that would protect her and love her for the rest of her life. And for that, I was more thankful that I could ever begin to express.
"Are all these people here for the party?" asked Quinny from the back seat as Brantley pulled into the spot that mama had marked off just for us.
"They sure are sweetpea." Said Brantley before I could answer.
"Theres like a bajillion people here." Said Quinny excitedly.
"And every single one of them love you so much." I said, turning in my seat to look at my daughter.
"We have a big family." Said Quinny matter-a-factly.
"That we do baby. And you know what? Daddy and I have a little surprise for the three of yall." I said, looking at Brantley. He nodded his head yes and smiled, turning in his seat as he looked back at the kids.
"What is it?" said all three of the kids, big smiles across their faces.
"Well, daddy and I are going to have a baby." I said.
"Barrett and Bray ain't babies." Said Quinny, a confused look on her face.
"Yeah, I not a baby." Said Bray sassily.
"No, y'all aren't babies." Said Brantley. What you mama is trying to say is that she's pregnant. In about 9 months, y'all will get to be big brothers and sisters all over again."
"I want a brother." Said Barrett.
"I want a sister." Said Bray and Quinn.
"Well, we just have to wait and see what God decides we need." Said Brantley. I watched as he leaned closer to Barrett before cutting his eyes to me. Pitching his voice low as if he was trying to keep a secret, I heard him tell Barrett how he hopes for a boy too since the guys are outnumbered in the house. I knew he was joking but for his sake, I secretly hoped that his baby was a boy too.
I sat there, just taking in all of the craziness that was my new life and knew that no matter what, I had people in my corner that loved me just as much as I loved them. All I'd ever wanted was to give Quinn a loving family and I'd done exactly that.
**I know I never say it enough, but I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to each and every one of you who have read, voted, commented, or shared this story! I really can't thank y'all enough for it! You all will never know how much it means to me. **
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