The Letter
Hey yall
Severus decided today he was going to peek in Hermione's class. After her complaint of the fourth years on Monday, he thought the best thing would be to look in to check on her. Or the students. He remembered her speaking fondly of her third year when she punched Draco Malfoy. He'd hate to think what she'd do to other, younger, students being pregnant.
Opening the door to the potions classroom, he saw that Hermione was at the front, biting her lip. He put on his best Snape stare and walked passed all the students. They busied themselves deeper in their potions as he passed each table, staring at their potions with heavy judgement. At seeing Severus, she attempted not to smile, which turned out to look like an angry grin, causing the students to nearly duck under the table.
When he reached Hermione, he stood directly in front of her and gave a smirk. "Everything going alright?"
She shrugged. "Brandon Howards was just sent to the hospital wing for a stab in his hand. I believe it was self inflicted since I posted him at a table alone," she muttered, crossing her arms. Severus raised his eyebrows, utterly shocked.
"Really?" He looked at an empty table that had potion ingredients scattered around a half done cauldron of bad wit-sharpening potion. A partially bloody knife was laying on the table with splatters of blood all along the cutting board. "I'll go have a talk with him," he said slowly turning back to her.
Nodding, Hermione sighed and clapped her hands together and attempted to look happy. Although Severus could see her eye twitch a moment. He dipped his head to her and turned on his heels, cape billowing out behind him as he walked out the door. What would possess Brandon to stab himself with a knife?
Madam Pomfrey was bustling around the hospital wing muttering to herself about crazy students nowdays. Brandon was in a bed on the left, left arm lifted up with a bloody shirt. His curly blond hair fell slightly in his face as his smile faltered as he saw Severus. Walking swiftly over to him, he asked, "What happened?"
Brandon swallowed nervously. "Uh, just an accident. Madam Pomfrey mended me in a few minutes. Easy peasy." He laughed nervously.
"Yes, well, you were working at a table alone, so, how did the accident happen?" Severus pondered, finger to his chin sarcastically.
Brandon shrugged evasively. "No-no idea."
Severus nodded, not believing a word. "Yes, well lets just say a month of detention should deter any further 'accidents'. " He leaned forward with every word dripping with threats. Brandon nodded severely, panting heavy with fear.
Again, Severus turned on his heels and abruptly left the hospital wing and headed for his office. He spent the rest of the afternoon in his office grading homework that he's put off since before the break. He groaned after he finished the last essay and set his quill down. "That's the last of the essays," he breathed, leaning back in his chair.
When an owl swooped in the open window and dropped a letter at Severus desk. He turned the letter over. It was addressed to The Bat. It had to be from Weasley. He opened it to read:
Hey Bat,
Tell Hermione we're over. I don't want anything to do with a lying whore like her ever again.
Severus read the short letter several times over before wadding it up and tossing it in the air before setting it on fire. He glared daggers at the ashes and scoffed at the gall of that boy. He didn't even have the courage to break up with her in person. He had to have someone else do it for him.
How was he supposed to break up with Hermione for Weasley? Should he even? He had to think long and hard before he even mentioned Weasley again to Hermione. There was no good reason for him not too. Hermione would be free, technically, and they could be together. Illegally, and still secretly, but still together. In fact, the only difference would be the guilt free sleep she might get, if she did have any guilt left after what he did at Christmas.
It was getting time for dinner. He really wanted to skip dinner, however, being the headmaster, he had to be there. He rolled his eyes to himself and headed to the Great Hall. He ate quickly, not looking at Hermione, nor talking to anyone. He was good at keeping secrets, but he didn't want to keep secrets from Hermione. He sighed heavily as he finished his food.
He decided to take a walk down to the lake to clear his head. There was a secret spot that was hidden by a crowd of bushes and a century old willow tree. He loved that spot. As he pushed the bushes aside, he turned to look behind him. Partly to make sure no one was following him or looking this way, so he could totally disappear. The other part was paranoid that everyone followed him around.
This time, however, Hermione was following him. His instincts were right on the money this time. He smiled at her as she jogged to catch up. "Hello," he greeted, slightly troubled by her appearance.
He hoped he would have a little more time alone before he dropped any type of bombshell about Weasley on her. He stepped aside so she could go in before him. He settled on the ground beside her and they laid there staring at the stars. She didn't ask what was wrong yet, even though he knew she wanted to ask.
As a shooting star shot by, she gasped and pointed up at it. "Make a wish!"
Looking at her, he sighed. "I have everything I want, though," he whispered to her. She looked back at him, smiling.
He cuddled her closer, not wanting to end the happy moment. "What's going on in your head?" She asked.
"Ron sent me a letter before dinner. He broke up with you," he said tenderly.
Oooh what now?!
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