The Finals/Ceremony
Severus and Hermione worked around the clock to get ahead of all the tasks that they needed to have at least partially done in case the Board tried to remove Severus again. Minerva wouldn't be able to keep up with everything since she wasn't a part of things since the beginning. The speech was finalized and simply waiting for Severus or Minerva to start practicing. They had another month and a half before the Ceremony would take place, so someone would have to start soon.
They also worked tirelessly on the stats of the Program that Hermione came up with. Severus was very surprised to see that every single student was doing very well. The bullying and fights in the corridors were less and House disputes were few. The program was nearing 100 percent success. The last bit would be waiting for final exams. That wouldn't officially be counted until midway through the summer, which would be fine with Severus.
Hermione was so focused on her own finals that Severus told her to go see Pomfrey for a calming draught. She still argued that the calming draught wasn't good for their son, according to their textbooks. Severus rolled his eyes so hard that his head hurt for a second. "That is just a scare tactic for witches that overuse calming potions. It can have adverse side effects for babies if misused."
She nodded and gathered her things. They had been working on the finals for the students, but she was so strained that he told her to go now to get the draught. Originally she was going to go after they finished the fourth year finals. Her breathing had started to get more labored and her eyes were wide with worry.
When she was gone, Severus sat back in his chair and ran a hand over his face. Two more months and their son would be here. She'd need a little more than just a calming draught. She would most likely need to go to the regular muggle doctor to get some actual medicine to help prevent post pardum depression and anxiety. How did a wizard know about muggle medicine? He liked to read and sometimes muggle book stores were better than Wizarding ones. Calmer too.
"Severus, have you given it much thought on when to announce to the world yours and Miss Grangers son?" Albus asked.
Truth be told, he didn't. Finals were taking his entire mindset at the moment. "Not really." They'd have to go to St. Mungos for the baby and they'd be outed anyway then because there was no way in Hell that Severus would miss the birth of his first child. They hadn't fully settled on a name. Hermione wanted him to have his name, Snape, but he really wanted his son to carry on the Prince name. He didn't want the Snape linage to continue.
They also were in debate on the name. Hermione liked Seth Jonathan, Severus liked Samuel Tyler. They couldn't ask too many people because he was a secret. Hermione was surprised that Severus suggested she ask Harry, though. He was her friend and she needed someone else's opinion.
Hermione spent a whole week preparing for her finals. They were fast approaching and she hardly left the library. Even to eat. Severus had taken to calling Bonks (Binks? I forgot) to make sure she was eating each day. He'd told Severus that she was annoyed each time he bothered her, but was very nice about it. Severus told him that he needed to worry if she suddenly went calm. His beady eyes looked worried for a moment before nodding to Severus and popping out.
The last week in April was the Finals. Hermione was seen rushing around the school in any attempt to get in another second of study time. Her belly was really starting to show, which concerned Severus, but there was no rumors on the Hogwarts grapevine yet. She came in that evening to complain on how the questions were worded in the exams. That was a Ministry issue, however small it was. She was the only person in centuries that complained about wording. Most would complain to their friends on how hard it was.
She went in Severus' chambers and plopped herself on the couch with a groan. Severus followed her and watched her rub her stomach soothingly. "He's complaining about my eating the roast at dinner," she stated with a groan. He nodded and went to his little kitchenette. He rarely used it, but she needed some tea to soothe their son. Tea usually stops him from kicking up a storm and annoying her.
"How was your exams other than the questions?" Severus asked as he brought over a steaming cup of tea for her. She thanked him deeply as she took a sip and sighed happily.
"I do think I did well, I feel I may have mixed up a few Runes on that last page, but I think all the Potions questions were right. Defense could have been better, definitely. I hope I got at least an E, but I know I got an A." Hermione spouted off. Severus sat down beside her and simply listened to her complain and tell her a blow by blow on each question she had trouble on. He knew it helped her to unwind by getting the jitters out.
They simply talked the rest of the evening. Mostly about the exams that just happened and what the other students would score. Hermione was worried that the Potions section wouldn't be as good as it could have scored since Severus' departure and reinstatement. Severus wasn't that worried. Every single student, even Longbottom, did well on the many practice exams that Severus had them take.
Sunlight streaked inside the darkened room, making Severus jerk awake and shield his eyes from light in his eyes. He turned away and groaned groggily. Hermione had to sleep in her dorm. She wanted to stay with him, but the Ceremony was starting tomorrow at noon and many officials would be here in the next few days. He didn't even want to be in his office at the moment.
After dressing and grabbing his speech notes, he went to the Great Hall for breakfast. He stood up instead of sitting and shot harmless fireworks up to get everyone's attention. "Now, many of you will have noticed in the last few days, many random Ministry officials were setting up a sort of stage outside. Any student 15 and above will be able to attend. Children younger will stay go in your dorms and prepare your trunks. Many officials will be out there already directing the children to their house sections." Severus had to wait while an uproar started as children started standing and bustling about.
He shot up another round of harmless fireworks and all the kids except for certain seventh years, turned to stare at Severus while standing randomly in the hall. "I did not say I was done speaking," he stated darkly. Students climbed over each other to get back to their seat. Severus could see from where he was standing Hermione watching some of the younger children squeal with fright. She shook her head slightly and turned to Ginny to talk to her for a second.
He waited another few moments to keep them in suspension and then cleared his throat. "All students under 15 will now head to your dormitories. Any student that wishes to skip the ceremony will head to their dormitory as well."
Around half the student body started heading for the door and separating to their dormitories. Severus waited until the large doors clanged shut again before saying, "The rest of you will head out to the grounds following the Ministry officials directions."
Hermione followed Ginny out after a quick glance at Severus. He nodded slightly to her which wasn't missed by Minerva. She clicked her tongue and gave him a light slap on the shoulder. Severus gave her a smirk before heading outside also. Most of the students were already filing in their assigned sections. The Ceremony was being held by the lake at the edge of the Forbidden Forest near Hagrid's Hut. A small stage was in front of about two or three hundred chairs, half of them occupied by Hogwarts students.
Severus walked by Hermione and Ginny talking urgently. When he passed Hermione quickly said in a hushed whisper, "Ginny knows!" He had to force himself to keep walking and not turn to her. About a dozen chairs were on the stage. The Minister and several other officials were in their chairs already. Two open chairs were left for Minerva and Severus. Although Severus wouldn't be sitting much in his.
He started out sitting in his chair after shaking his hands with Kinglsey. After about ten minutes for some other journalists from random magazines and the Prophet, Kingsley stood up and used the Sonoras charm to amplify his voice.
"On this day, one year ago, the Dark Lord known as Voldemort was defeated on these grounds," Kingsley started. Several people flinched at the name. Severus fought an eye roll. He still called the man Dark Lord simply because he'd called the man that for twenty years. "I would like to have a moment of silence for all those we lost."
Silence followed for several minutes. A few people sniffed as they remembered certain people. Severus bowed his head as he remembered Albus. He wasn't killed in battle, but he gave his life for the war, by his own hand. He glanced at Hermione who had her arms around Ginny, the red head's face was buried in Hermione's shoulder. He remembered Ginny's older brother Fred died in the war last year.
He glanced around the front of the crowd and saw the red heads then Potter, all heads bowed and fighting tears. Potter had so many other people that died for him and to see him so distraught made Severus feel happy that he did the right thing by protecting him all those years. After the rest of Kingsley's speech, which Severus barely listened to, he motioned for Severus to take his turn.
Taking a deep, calming breath, Severus used the Sononoras charm as well as he stood facing the crowd. Many photographers started snapping pictures and he saw Rita Skeeter using her quick quotes quill to take notes. He snarled inwardly to her as he started. "Just one year ago, the Dark Lord known as Voldemort, or to certain few, Tom Riddle, was vanquished by Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger. A few moments ago we paid respects to the fallen, and I stand here happy to not be among them. Many over the last year has asked me how I survived, and honestly I can say it's unknown. However I am proud to have a second chance. Many others left family and friends behind and their lives have forever changed. Many others have asked why I stayed loyal to the Dark Lord, and I now can say clearly that my loyalty changed when Harry Potter lost his parents on Halloween night 17 years ago. I followed Albus Dumbledore's plan just like many of the Order members. I'd like to extend a formal apology to the Weasley family for the loss of their son, Fred, to Nymphadora Tonks' young son, Teddy, for the loss of his parents. As well as Creevy's family for not being able to protect him, Lavender Brown for changing her life forever. Finally I would like to say a heartfelt apology to Harry Potter for all the things I put him through in school, for all the loss he's gone through in his life, and your parents would be proud of the man you are today."
He canceled the charm as the crowd stood and applauded him and Kingsley. The teachers started herding their houses to their dorms as certain officials started to talk to other teachers. Hermione gave a hug to each Weasley in turn before holding onto George tightly as tears fell from her eyes. She waved at Harry before rushing, more waddling, to Ginny who started walking ahead. He knew he'd end up speaking to her in his chambers tonight.
Longest one I've done in a while.
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