Ronald Weasley
Hi there. I'm avoiding going to bed.
Severus bit back a heavy sigh of boredom as he stood not ten feet away from Weasley's office. Harry had begged him to come straight away in attempt to get through to the boy. Severus didn't care if Weasley ever left the office again. He was done with him. Not only did he call Hermione several different rude names, but he broke up with her in a letter that he didn't even send her. He sent it to Severus. Also, he didn't even want to think that Weasley had been ignoring her attempts to reconcile and break it off with him in an adult fashion.
He was here, not as a courtesy to Potter or Weasley, but to make sure that Potter didn't tell anyone about Hermione and himself. He'd try his best to make sure that Weasley was okay, since he still was, at least in Hermione's mind, a friend. He sneered at the idea that Weasley would still want to be her friend after he found out what she did to him. Although what she did was small in comparison to his crimes.
Potter lead the way over to his door and opened it. Severus blinked in surprise. The smell was overwhelming. It smelled worse than Longbottom's potions. He wanted to walk back out the door, but stood tall and tried to ignore the smell. Looking around, he found a possible contributor, a full trashcan of rotten food that obviously was never eaten. The other possible contributor was the Weasley boy himself.
He had his hair in a mess, worse than Potter's after a very windy day. His clothes were stained and dirty, his eyes were maddening, and his face was buried in a heavy stack of papers. Severus thought it was very odd that he was even looking at papers since he never did homework in school.
"Hi, Ron, how are you?" Harry asked slowly, as if talking to a kid.
Weasley didn't answer. Severus doubted that he even knew they were there. He kept reading the papers, thoroughly engrossed in the information. Suddenly, he looked up at Harry with a sly, mad, smile. "Harry, did you know that Wymar Xeno tortured, killed, then ate five muggles in 1903?"
Harry glanced at Severus with worry in his eyes. Severus was leaning against the door frame, getting some slightly fresher air from the open door. "That's grand, Ron," Harry stammered slightly and awkwardly. "Professor Snape is here to talk to you."
At the mention of Snape, Ron tensed. His ears went pink with anger and his faced puffed up a little. "They first sentenced him to Azkaban, but he even made the other prisoners awkward with his cheery disposition in spite of the dementors, so they gave him to the muggles to put to death." Ron had completely avoided Severus. That was totally fine with him.
"Mr. Weasley, why are you looking up this stuff?" Severus asked from his place by the door. He refused to move closer.
Weasley showed no sign he heard him. "Why haven't you ate?" Severus asked again.
Once more, he showed no sign that he even knew Severus was speaking. Severus glanced at Harry and shrugged. Harry sighed. "Ron, we are very worried about you. Hermione -"
When Harry mentioned Hermione, Ron scoffed loudly. A new reaction. "She isn't worried. Too busy being a whore and sleeping with the bat of the dungeons."
"Hermione is so worried about you," Harry tried to say, but Ron was having none of it. He stood up and pointed his wand at Harry. Severus immediately pulled his wand out and pointed it to Ron. Harry took out his own wand as well. "Ron, don't do something you'll regret."
"Get out!" He shouted. Harry stumbled over himself to get out ahead of Severus. Narrowing his eyes, Severus kept his wand pointed at the loon. "Out Bat!"
"You ruined a good thing with a good woman," Severus hissed before he left, slamming the door behind him. With the fresh air hitting his face, he took a deep breath.
Harry sighed and put his wand up, disgruntled by the failure. "Well, thanks for trying," he muttered, turning away. "I'll keep your secret."
As much as Severus hated Weasley for what he's done to Hermione, plus just hating him for being him, he couldn't help but feel sorry for Potter. Now, he didn't like Potter, he still had too much of his father in him, but he also had a growing amount of Lily in him that Severus refused to see in his school years. "I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help," Severus said, genuinely, stuffing his own wand back in his sleeve.
Shrugging, Harry lead Severus back to the lobby of the Ministry so he could floo back to his office. "It's not your fault. Ron's just gone mad," Harry bit his lip, obviously still thinking of Ron. "He can't live much longer if he doesn't get some sleep."
"How long has he been awake?" Severus asked curiously.
Harry narrowed his eyes, counting under his breath. "Going on three days."
While he didn't know much of muggle science, he knew that going three days put him at a large risk of death the longer he goes. He needed a sleeping potion, badly. The problem was that Weasley wasn't eating so he couldn't slip it in his food. "I suggest knocking him out, then pouring a sleeping draught in his mouth."
Harry was silent for a moment, then nodded with a grin. "Yeah, that sounds like it could work, thanks Professor." He waved at Severus when the reached the fireplaces. Severus slightly bowed to Harry as he stepped in the fire and called, "Hogwarts Headmaster Office!"
Severus spun in place, whisking past all the fireplaces until he stopped at his office. Stepping out, he groaned and dusted himself off. Hermione wasn't in his office, but his room's door was slightly open, meaning she was probably in there. He stepped in the small bedroom and saw her curled on the couch, reading a potion book. Severus had read that years ago. It was very helpful to knew teachers.
When she saw that Severus was back, she smiled warmly. "Hello, how was it?" She closed the book and gave it a slight toss on the table. She wrapped her arms around her legs and pulled them closer to her. He noted that she was already in her pajamas and wondered if she had worn them here or had brought a small bag to take over a drawer of his.
He started stripping with a heavy groan. "Not good. He pulled his wand on us, refused to acknowledge that I was even in the room. His office actually smells like one of Longbottom's failed potions from first year, and he looks just as bad."
She shook her head. "I'm sorry you had to see that," she said sadly.
Shaking his head, he responded, "No, I tried. I did give Potter an idea to make him sleep, which might get him to stop being a complete loon."
"That was nice," she commented lightly.
He did respond with words. He went over to her and pulled her up to him. "Let's go to bed," he whispered, leading her to the bed.
She followed eagerly, crawling in bed first to lay by the wall. Severus found out recently that she loved being near the wall when she was sleeping. It was fine with him, he preferred the outer edge for a quick getaway if needed. Old habits die hard. Severus thought about going to put his pajamas on, but he was mentally drained. Putting on his pajamas when he might be ripping them off in the night anyway would just drain him more.
He crawled next to Hermione and kissed her hair. "Good night, Hermione," he murmured sleepily before closing his eyes.
I'm not sure if I should add another sexual chapter or not.
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