One More Person
It was almost slow motion. Severus watched Hermione's face go from satisfaction, to curiosity, to shock, to utter outrage in mere seconds. She sat up and gasped in anger and growled. "That lowlife cockroach!" She screamed. Severus winced at the scream, but said nothing. He, too, sat up and placed his arm around her to calm her.
Her fist was clenched tightly, her eyes focused on a leaf ahead of her. She was possibly imagining the leaf as Weasley and wish to punch him. "Hermione," he leaned forward to look in her eyes. She looked far away, upset. "I'm sorry," he stated solemnly.
She shook her head. "No, don't be. As you stated before, he doesn't deserve me," she sat straighter, jaw clenched. "Plus, I have you," she smiled, turning to face him fully. She leaned him back and crawled on top of him, kissing him tenderly.
They went back to cuddling, not looking at the stars anymore. Severus gently rubbed her back, eyes closed. He didn't expect the last reaction from her. Honestly, he expected her to run off to send a letter to Weasley about how pitiful he was. Instead, she was mature and simply took the breakup, no matter how it took place.
"Severus, I have to get back to the dormitory. I've got a lot of homework to do," she said after an hour. He was so relaxed by her scent and presence that he'd almost fallen asleep.
He moaned sleepily and stretched. "Okay, love. I'd walk you to the castle, but we can't be seen together," he muttered, half bitter at the situation.
She chuckled as she stood up, stretching herself. "You'll be with me in spirit," she smiled as she stepped out of their secluded area and disappeared. Severus watched the bushes stop rustling and sighed as he looked back up at the stars. He couldn't imagine ever breaking up with Hermione via a letter to the headmaster of her school.
The boy was an utter coward for what he did to Hermione and she was way to strong. If it was him, he'd have sneaked out to hogsmeade and apparated to the burrow to yell tell Molly, who would have yelled at her son. He snickered at the thought of Molly Weasley sending another howler to Ronald, this time at his work place. The joy of his embarrassment almost made him want to actually tell Molly about her son.
The next day came and went without anything special. Hermione and him stayed away from each other until after dinner when she showed up in his office, unannounced. He was writing a detention slip for Chris Keller, (anyone know the reference?), who had put a leg locker curse on his brother, Arnold. "Ginny wants to strangle Ron." She said it so casually as she brought her chair over to sit close to him as he worked.
Severus halted on the word 'curse', causing the ink to pool. He quickly got his wand and cleaned his mistake up and set his quill down, turning to face her with concern. "You say that so casually," he stated the fact with worry lacing his voice, if not his face. Did he hate Weasley? Yes, but he didn't want his sister and girlfriend to Potter get thrown in Azkaban for murder.
She shrugged, nonchalantly as she fiddled with her nails. Severus shook his head and went back to writing his slip. "Has he wrote you?" Severus asked.
"No, and I honestly don't want him to."
When the fire turned green and Harry Potter stepped out, Severus rolled his eyes and sneered. Harry looked worried. "Hermione, glad you're here." He stepped forward. "Ron has gone insane! He won't sleep, won't leave the ministry. He hasn't showered in days. He just sits in his office and researches dark wizards. What they did, where they might be, how he could potentially harm them."
Severus rolled his eyes again. He could care less about that boy anymore. "What do you want me to do?" Hermione asked, bitterness in her voice.
Harry stuttered, shocked, "Uh, for you to help me get through to him."
"Well, I hardly think he will want to even see me, much less him listen to what I'm saying since he broke up with me via a letter to Professor Snape," she motioned to Severus.
Harry's eyes widened. "What? He sent a letter to Snape for him to break up with you?" When Hermione and Severus nodded, he placed his hands on his hips and shook his head, hardly believing his best friend would do that. "I'm sorry, Hermione," he said sadly. "You okay?"
Hermione nodded. "Yeah, I have Severus." Severus, who had gone back to his reports on various detentions this week, accidentally pressed the quill too hard and broke the tip off when he heard her say his name. What was she playing at? She took his hand in hers and drew it closer to her stomach.
His heart officially stopped. Not only what she telling Harry Potter, an auror, about her and him being in a relationship, but her being pregnant. Harry narrowed his eyes, looking from Severus to Hermione. Severus knew that the boy wasn't that dumb. He had Lily's dna in him too, not just Potter. "Hermione," Harry started slowly, "are you saying that you and Snape are in a relationship?"
She nodded. "Yes, since before Christmas."
"So, Ron was right!" Harry gasped and walked away from them, hands on his head.
Standing up in defense, her hands shot to her hips. "He was right about what?"
Harry turned around, mouth agape. "About you cheating on him."
She sighed. "Not at first. I sent so many letters, begging him to speak to me. Eventually, it broke my heart that he not only wouldn't speak to me, but accuse me of things I didn't do. Severus was there for me."
Pointing to her stomach, he grunted. Hermione stood there, watching him struggle with the vocal question. Eventually, Severus sighed and said, "Yes, Potter, she's pregnant. Due around the time she leaves school."
He sighed and started pacing the room. Severus could tell he was freaked out and torn between supporting his friend and being disgusted by the thought of Snape reproducing. In the end, his love for Hermione must have won over and he nodded. "Hermione, while I hate what you did to Ron, I think he did equally bad things to you. I'm happy that you are happy."
Hermione went to hug Harry, whimpering as if she were about to cry. Remembering that she was pregnant, there was a possibility that she was about to. "Potter, I thank you for saying such nice things. However, I would like your word that you will not say anything to anyone about us."
Harry looked Severus up and down, then to Hermione, deciding. Finally, he nodded. "Okay, I will, if you come help me knock sense into Ron."
Severus sneered in disgust. "I doubt my presence would help, but I will help."
Hehehe hi
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