Knowledge is Power
HI. I have a new original book out. Blood-borne. Give it a read and let others know about it please.
"So Mr. Weasley now knows about you and Miss Granger?" Albus asked from his portrait.
Severus immediately went to the office to tell him, after a nice long bath, however. "And about the baby," he confirmed with a head nod. His finger tapped against his chin as he paced the room. Hermione was looking worried in Severus' chair. "You don't think he will do something bad, do you?"
Looking from Hermione to Albus, Severus didn't answer. "There is a high possibility that Weasley will use this information to his advantage," Severus stated after a while.
"What advantage? He's got no real ambition in life. Just to follow Harry around being his best friend," Hermione countered, crossing her arms.
Severus sighed heavily and groaned. "Any man, once knowing they lost the thing most precious to them, can gain an ambition to seek revenge. Actually, any person." Severus ran his hand through his hair.
Shrugging, Hermione asked, "Then what do we do?"
Thinking for a moment, Severus shrugged himself. "I'm not sure. There is no tell what Weasley will do now that he knows."
They parted ways an hour later, unable to come to any type of agreement on the power that Weasley now has over them. Severus knew that Weasley had a mean streak in him, and knowing what Potter had told him about 'Getting her', it was more likely that his ambition was hidden by years of being overshadowed by his brothers then his younger sister. Severus went to teach his classes for the afternoon while Hermione went to work on her own homework.
He was sure that she was neglecting her work. Not that the work was not done and she didn't get good grades, however she didn't spend every waking moment studying like she did when she was younger. Mostly now she spent her free evenings in his office helping him grade papers as well as doing her own work for the class so he could focus on his headmaster duties.
The June twins were relentless in their quest to outdo the Weasley twins in chaos. They took the punishments as they came worse and worse, as per their parents request. It was as if they wanted to set the record for the most detentions in a single year. He snarled as he picked up the detention note from Minerva. They set off more dungbombs in the corridors, earning one of the worst punishments that Minerva's ever given. The twins were to dissect rat brains from the corpse and pickle them.
Severus has never heard of that punishment so sever. He even has a hard time to dissect the rat brains to pickle. He put the detention note to the side and sat back in his chair rubbing his temples. The fireplace lit up green as Mr. Eldridge, the head of the board of governors , stepped out with Kingsley and Potter. Potter looked mixed between anger and awkwardness. Kingsley looked serious as usual, but mixed with shame. Mr. Eldridge simple looked concerned.
"Professor Snape, sorry to disturb you without notice, but we have gathered information about a possible illegal relationship between you and a student. We are here to get some information on that claim," Mr. Eldgridge stated, pulling out a quill and parchment.
Raising an eyebrow, Severus tried to remain calm. "Who made this accusation?" He knew exactly who, just tried to drawl it out while he thought of something.
"Ronald Weasley came to my office about an hour ago and stated that he heard you and a Miss Hermione Granger having sex and are having a baby," Mr. Eldridge read from his paper, his brows wrinkling his face even more than it was already. His dark blue robes rustled as he walked around the room, noting things on his paper.
He sort of reminded Severus of a nicer looking, but older, Fudge. Looking obviously annoyed, Severus stood up and walked to the man. "What if there is a consensual and legal relationship?" Severus asked daringly.
Mr. Eldridge paused from writing something down and looked at Severus straight. "If you are in a relationship with your student, Professor Snape, then I will be forced to put you on suspension as headmaster, pending a hearing. If you are accused of the relationship, then you will lose the headmaster position and be forced to train a new potions master in your place and be asked to leave the school grounds."
"Consensual legal relationship, not just a relationship," Severus repeated, more than a little annoyed now. He leaned against the cabinet where his pensive was with Lily's memories there. He hadn't touched the pensive or gone in to reminisce in months. Since their first kiss. He pushed it to the back of his mind. That wasn't going to help anything at this moment.
Kingsley took that moment to step forward and answer for Mr. Eldridge, who had continued to stare at Severus with more and more curiosity and concern. "Severus, while legal relationships are that the student is 17 or older and it is a consensual relationship, the question if she is a student or not remains. Students and teachers cannot be in a relationship because their judgement will get clouded and not give the right grades."
Rolling his eyes, he started to laugh. He hadn't taught Hermione since her sixth year. However, he wasn't going to say that. He watched as Mr. Eldridge walked around the office, gathering more information on his paper, muttering to himself. Potter stood by the fireplace, clearly wanting to be anywhere else but here.
The man turned to Severus. "Could you, uh, call Miss Granger?"
He hesitated, wondering if he could say no. Kingsley must have seen the rebelliousness in his eyes and slightly shook his head. "Bonks," Severus called.
Bonks popped in with a grin. However, when he saw the room full of other wizards, his smile faltered and he looked fearful at Severus. "Go get Miss Hermione Granger and bring her here stat," he ordered darkly.
Either recognizing the seriousness of his tone, or simply scared nearly to death, Bonks popped away and several minutes later, popped back with Hermione. She looked around, smiled when she saw Harry and Kingsley, but when she looked at Severus beside Mr. Eldridge, she frowned. "Professor Snape," she greeted with a tilt of her head.
"Miss Granger," Mr. Eldgridge stepped forward, "I'm the head of the board of governors and here to evaluate your and Severus Snape's alleged 'relationship' as brought up by a Ronald Weasley."
Her eyes went wide and she looked around the room. "Okay," she stuttered, walking to a chair that Mr. Eldridge conjured.
"Now, your name is Hermione Granger?" He asked.
She nodded, "Yes."
"What is your relationship with Severus Snape?"
She swallowed visibly. "I help him teach potions class and maintain the Student Teacher Program I started at the beginning of this year."
He nodded, writing furiously. "And how much time do you spend with him?"
"What does that have to do with anything?" She asked, getting heated. Severus closed his eyes and pleaded for her to keep her cool.
"It give us a timeline of how long you spend with each other a day." He glared at her and waited for an answer.
She gritted her teeth. "I'm not entirely sure. At least an hour a day to converse about potions class and two to three hours on the weekend to talk about the progress we are making with the program. I'm also helping him write a speech for the ceremony in a couple months."
"So, you spend a lot of time together?" He asked, walking around Hermione. Severus wanted nothing more than to curse the man where he stood for the way he was looking at her. It was like a toddler looking at a candy bar.
Shrugging innocently, she stated, "I guess so. However my grades haven't dropped once in the seven years I've been here."
He held back a snort. She had to put that in. "What do you think of Severus Snape?"
This was the trick question. If she lied and said she didn't like him at all, then he'd know she was lying. If she told the truth, then their relationship could be exposed. She had to lie just the right amount.
"I didn't know I get an opinion of my professors and headmasters," she stated with fake shock in her voice.
Mr. Eldridge wrote that down, muttering to himself. "Thank you, you may go," he said in an overly happy tone.
Hermione slowly raised herself up and walked towards the door, trying not to look at Severus. He wanted nothing more than to hold her and tell her it will be alright. However, he kept his eyes trained on Albus' portrait, trying to hide his fear.
"Now, Severus, if I may call you that; what is your opinion of Miss Granger?"
"Insufferable in her younger years. Know it all, annoying. Yet, I still don't give her enough credit for everything she went through to help the school and teachers rebuild." Severus was mostly honest. He left out, beautiful, loving, kind, everything to him.
He muttered more to himself and put his quill and parchment back into his robes and clapped his hands together. "Well, thank you for your time, we will be in touch."
He, Kingsley and Potter left one after another, Potter looking back with regret before disappearing into the green flames. Severus let out a long drawn out breath of relief. This could be bad for them.
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