Hi, I've been debating on whether to keep Ron and Hermione together for a while or separate them now. I'm trying to make Ron just a jealous person rather than a total dick. So, let me know if you feel I should keep Ron and Hermione together for a while or break up right away. For now, though, I will mention Ron within this chapter.
Severus and Hermione kept apart for a few weeks. Not even meeting for the progress that the students were making. He trusted the few seventh years that were teaching at this point and with the progress they've already made, he was actually very proud of his students. It shocked him, but when he mentioned it aloud in his office, he was met with Albus' laughter and old fashion 'I told you so' tone.
It was torture to not be close to Hermione for two whole weeks. He missed her touch and smell. However, Minerva was satisfied that nothing was going on with them any longer. Or, at least, shown less interest in staring at him and Hermione during mealtimes. The ceremony was just around the corner, and he was practicing his speech to himself. He didn't want to speak, but Kingsley had forced him.
This weekend, Severus decided to head to Hogsmeade to have some fresh air. He knew that there was a visit for the students as well, but didn't mind keeping an eye on them for Narcissa. She could spend some time with Draco if she wanted to, or just relax. He kept on wondering, but never asked, if Lucius was doing okay in Azkaban. The Dementors were exiled to an island alone and Aurors were in charge of Azkaban now, however, it was still a bad place to be. He was supposed to get out and be placed on house arrest next year.
He watched Hermione walk beside Ginny and Neville several steps ahead. She was grinning and laughing. He loved watching her smile. The way her face lit up sent chills down his spine. She said good-bye to her friends and headed to the Three Broomsticks. Severus wasn't planning on getting a drink yet, but he followed slyly.
She was sitting at a table at the far end away from the door. He debated walking over to her, but at that second, Weasley came from the back where the bathroom was. He sneered at the boy, but went to a table where he could hear and watch. They hugged, he more into it than she was. Severus could tell that she didn't want to be there right then. He tightened his fist and ordered a firewhiskey from Rosemerta.
They sat down and started talking about what happened last time. "Hermione, I'm sorry about calling you names last time." Ron fiddled with his hands nervously.
She crossed her arms and as Rosemerta came by, she ordered two butterbeers. "Anything else?" Hermione asked very heated but obviously trying to keep calm.
Ron looked around, trying to think. Severus rolled his eyes. He had a whole list of things that boy needed to apologize to her for. Number one, being an idiot. Two was not talking to her for over two months and lying to Potter about her writing him. He trying not to growl out loud as Ron shook his head.
Hermione scoffed and went to stand up. "Write me when you decide to be a man, Ronald," she hissed.
Rosemerta came by with their butterbeers at that moment. Hermione smiled and took hers and pointed to Ron. "He's picking up the tab." She glared at him and went to sit at the bar. However, she saw Severus at that moment. He smirked at her in his old Potions tone.
"Professor," she greeted. She sat her mug down and asked, "You mind if I sit?"
"I can't stop you, Miss Granger," he droned, acting annoyed.
Severus looked over at Weasley. His face was red as if he was going to explode. He guzzled his butterbeer and slammed it on the table. "Whore," he snarled at Hermione as he went by them.
Hermione's eyes went wide and went to stand up to say something, however, Severus grunted. "No, just let him go. One more reason to break up with him later."
"What? Keep a mental list of all the things he's doing to me and recant it to him when I decide to break up with him?" Hermione asked.
Severus nodded. "You okay?"
She didn't answer. "I'm not sure. I never heard him call me that before," she looked into her butterbeer ashamed.
He sighed, really wanting to go curse Weasley into next year. However, he drank his firewhiskey and stood up. He nodded to Hermione and walked to pay for his drink. He expected her to follow him.
He walked towards the end of the town, to his secret spot. Not many, if any students knew about this spot. He peeked behind him and sure enough, she was following far enough behind to not draw attention. He passed the Hogs Head and turned down an alley that lead to a small path. It was over grown and Severus couldn't see the cobblestone any longer, but he knew he was in the right spot. The old fig tree was on the left of the path and several fruit was hanging overhead.
He waited for Hermione to poke her head out from the alley. She looked around with her mouth open. "Where are we going?"
Holding out his hand, he smirked at her. "I'll show you," he said.
She took his hand and he lead her through the weeds for a few minutes. Then the small path opened up to a not so clear clearing where an old house was standing. It was brick and vines covered nearly every inch of it. A chimney poked out over the tall leaves of a tree that was growing beside the house.
"What is this place?" She breathed, looking around. It wasn't much, but it was a secret space that he used to come to be alone and think.
"The owners died when I was in third year. I used to help them up until they died, earning some extra money. They had no children and no one wanted a house that the old couple died in. I came here to think and be alone when I was in school." Severus got out his wand and vanished the tree and several vines that covered the door. All the other vines aided in keeping the place secret. He opened the door for Hermione.
It creaked loudly. Hermione lit her wand and looked around. Several decades of dust was layers thick on every surface. He called for Bonks. The elf popped in with a slightly fearful smile. He knew how Hermione felt about house elves, but he couldn't set Bonks free. His family has been in Severus' family for generations.
Hermione smiled at Bonks, who looked shy at her. "Bonks, Hermione Granger," Severus introduced. Hermione knelt down and held her hand out. However, Bonks shook his head hard.
His tunic was crusted with soot. He must have been cleaning a fireplace at the castle. Bonks frown, his large ears flapping like broken wings. "No, miss. Bonks can't shake hands." The squeak was so high pitched, that Severus scrunched his face in discomfort.
Bonks instead, bowed to Hermione. "Bonks is pleased to meet Miss," he said happily. Then quickly turned to Severus. "Master called."
Severus nodded. "Yes, I'd like this house cleaned up. Start down here."
Bonks nodded. "Yes, Master." He went to head to the kitchen, then stopped. "Master," he said slowly. Severus turned, eyebrow raised. "Bonks wife is pregnant," he said, trying to not be too happy.
"Really? Then I'm very happy for you," he said, bending his head, barely.
Bonks jumped and giggled before rushing to clean. Severus turned back to Hermione who looked at him with lust filled eyes. He motioned for her to go up the stairs. They turned to a large room on the right. It was just as dusty, but Severus applied several cleaning spells to the room.
"This is a nice house," she mentioned.
"Yes," he agreed. He watched her walk around the room before sitting on the bed. He went up to her and gently pushed her back on the bed. She giggled as Severus crawled on top of her.
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