He Doesn't Deserve You
Is it going good so far? I think so, but I'm not exactly sure when things are going to blow up.
It's been a whole month since the program started. Each subject being taught by a 7th year was doing good. The students all around were learning much more than Hermione ever thought possible. Draco was doing so well on his single day, Minerva suggested that he try a second day. The students didn't hate him as a teacher, which was exactly what Hermione was hoping. Neville had already stated that he'd love to come back and work as a Professor of Herbology after graduation.
Severus had been so busy with his normal Headmaster duties as well as Potions professor duties that he didn't have time to worry about the fact that he hadn't seen Hermione in two weeks. He'd told her she was doing so well controlling the classes that he let her take over after two weeks. However, he would poke his head in every other class period and sit in. She had stopped coming to the end of the week meetings to discuss the program progress and Severus, while he noticed, didn't have the extra time to worry about it.
The June twins were becoming worse than the Weasley twins. They were pulling pranks left and right, getting into trouble every day. They have been in Severus' office every day and Severus was getting so annoyed.
"Albus how did you deal with the Weasley twins?" Severus asked after the door shut behind Harriet and Hilda June.
He chuckled. "Oh, everyone has the Weasley's fake wands in Muggle Studies, then last night they let off a giant Muggle Smoke bomb on the third floor corridor, however they charmed the smoke to stay around for an hour. Nothing any of us could do to remove the smoke, so we had to delay classes for an hour. Now, you just heard that they decided to set off more of the Weasley's fireworks in the Transfiguration Courtyard." Severus shook his head angrily and started writing up his papers for their detention.
"At least they decided to let the fireworks off outside. Remember when Dolores Umbridge was here? The Weasley's let off the fireworks in the school and flew brooms in the corridors?" Albus chuckled at the memory. Severus glared at the portrait before he went back to writing. It was several moments before Albus asked cheekily, "So, have you seen much of Hermione lately?"
"Miss Granger?" He asked, still writing. He shrugged, "Not really," he said, "I've been busy with the June Twins. It has been a while since we've met for the program progress." He said it more to himself and stopped writing. "Bonks!"
A house elf that had an old pillowcase on much like a tunic popped in and bowed deeply. His large nose touched the ground and ears flapped forward over his eyes. "Sir?" He stood up and smiled at Severus.
Without looking up, Severus explained, "Miss Granger hasn't came to discuss the program SHE requested we try. Find her and make sure she shows up today to discuss why she hasn't shown up previously."
Bonks smiled at Severus and nodded. "Yes, Headmaster." He popped out and Severus kept writing the detention slips into record.
It was an hour later when Hermione came bursting through the door, eyes vengeful. She had the papers in her hand and strolled over with a determined air. She threw the papers on the desk and stood there with her hand on her hips. "Why did you send a house elf?"
Unmoved by her action, Severus set aside his lesson plans for the 7th years and sat back. "First, watch how you speak to me," he warned, pointing at her, "Second, you haven't been here in a long while to talk about the progress we are making with the program."
She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Honestly, you couldn't have sent a student tomorrow? I have to go over the list of people coming to the ceremony and seat them accordingly to the requests by Kingsley. Not to mention attempt to write Ron again and do my homework and grade homework for classes tomorrow." She went to sit in her chair that Severus summoned over from the corner.
He wasn't angry at her, however, if she continued to talk to her like that, he'd be forced to remove her from teaching and he didn't want to do that. She was helping him a lot. "So, Weasley hasn't apologized to you yet?" Severus got the papers out and started looking through the weeks of grades all the student teachers had wrote for their classes. It seems everyone was doing a great job. Even Neville was doing a great job teaching the June twins, since he unfortunately got one of the classes with them. The only other person to have a class with them was Hermione and he knew she could handle them.
Scoffing, she didn't answer for a moment. "I wrote him the next day, and told him my feelings and that I was going to be at the Three Broomsticks on Saturday at one, but he never showed. I wrote him again and he has yet to respond."
Severus shook his head. He wasn't expecting Weasley to be the bigger person and apologize to her, but he somewhat hoped he would. He watched her sort through all the paperwork that came with the program with determination. "He doesn't deserve you," Severus whispered just loud enough for her to hear.
She did a double take, looking at him with surprise, yet said nothing in response. They worked in silence for a while until Severus' floo turned green and Harry stepped out of it. Severus raised his eyebrow to the boy as he nodded to Severus. "Professor Snape, I'm sorry for the intrusion, I came to speak, actually to Hermione," he pointed at her.
Hermione narrowed her eyes to him in confusion. "What's wrong, Harry?"
Harry sighed and moved closer to her. "Its Ron. Since the fight, he's been different. Staying out all night and not showing up to work the next day. If he doesn't get it together soon, they will sack him."
Hermione rolled her eyes and walked away from her friend. "He should have thought of that before he called me thick and teachers pet." She grabbed the tea tray that was on a table and carried it over to Severus' desk. Severus himself had enchanted it to always be hot water boiling, so they just had to add the tea leaves to their cups. It came in handy. She poured tea for both himself and her before fixing it just the way he liked it. "Professor," she said, handing him his cup.
He took it with a nod of thanks before she took hers and walked about the room, pacing angrily. Severus groaned inwardly. He didn't want to deal with an angry Hermione for the rest of the night. "Hermione, come on. You're his girlfriend. You've got to talk to him."
She whipped around to face him. "I have sent four letters stating where we would be able to talk about things and he has yet to respond to me. If that idiot thinks I am going to apologize to him for talking about my days and how things have been going, then he's got another thing coming to him. I'd rather stay single the rest of my life than give in to him."
Harry backed up a bit, letting her rant. "You sent letters?"
"Yes, Harry, I've sent four," Hermione repeated a little more calmer.
Harry looked down at the floor thoughtfully. "He's done nothing but complain that you haven't spoken to him since he left."
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Oh the dramatics," she muttered, setting her empty tea cup on the tray. She tends to drink tea while pacing to calm herself down.
Severus stood up, taking on his brooding nature and strolled over to Potter. "As much as this was a nice surprise, we are very busy dealing with important things."
Harry looked to the piles of paperwork on Severus' desk. He nodded and looked once more to Hermione. "Sorry, I'll be going," he pointed to the fireplace.
Hermione went to give him a hug goodbye before he flooed away. She stared at the flames as they died from a bright green back to their orange yellow color and sighed. Severus went to stand beside her, his hand brushing hers. Her pinky brushed against his hand a little more until his hand loosely gripped her pinky as they stared into the fire.
"He doesn't deserve you," he repeated as they continued to stand there.
Not to be rude, but I'm ending it here for the night.
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