Got a new story out. Jealous Rage. Give it a read.
Also...I hit my pinky toe and it hurts.
Severus stayed in the house for a month without leaving. He sent Bonks out to get anything he needed. For a week straight there were stories all over the Prophet about him and Hermione, and he rarely saw her. She sent letters to him, though. He cherished each one while working overtime on the potions.
Since he let magical Britain know he was now working, more and more orders have started coming in. It didn't bother him at all. In fact, it kept him busy so he wouldn't miss Hermione so much. Severus had just finished bottling several bottles of skel-gro for the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts when someone knocked on the door.
It surprised him. No one really knew this house was here. He only told Minerva. Sure enough, it was Minerva. He sighed and let her in. "How can I help you?" He asked, showing her to the couch.
She looked around as she sat. "You've certainly made a home here for yourself and Hermione," she stated.
He grunted in response. She sighed and went on. "Mr. Eldridge came by. He asked how you were taking it. Then asked how Hermione was taking the prophet's accusations."
Severus folded his arms across his chest, death glaring at Minerva as if she were Mr. Eldridge. "What did you say?"
She scoffed in a high voice. "I said that you and Hermione were hanging in there in spite of all the nasty rumors and lies the Prophet is spouting about, and they are lies, Severus." She looked at the fireplace, disappointment on her face. "Saying how you put a love potion in her drinks, put her under the imperus curse, and even threatened her."
Severus didn't know the prophet had started saying that. After the first couple of days, he just started throwing the paper in the fireplace without reading it. The only reason he knew that the prophet had wrote about him and Hermione for a whole week was because of the hate mail from people.
Some wanted him to off himself. Others just wanted to know that he was disgusting. Others still wanted to simply know why Hermione. There were plenty of older women his own age that wouldn't mind being with him. The problem was, Severus only had eyes for Lily for many years until Hermione came into his life.
"Severus, this thing will blow over," Minerva assured.
"It might blow over in the media, but what happens when Hermione graduates and we can be together in public? The judging, the looking over our shoulders, the wondering if we've pulled the wool over everyone's eyes." Severus shook his head. "The judgement that our child will face. Almost makes me want to pack up and move to another part of Britain. Maybe even another continent."
Minerva gently patted Severus' knee in support. "Don't be rash. Things might work out, get better."
Severus didn't believe it. Once people had heard certain things, it was hard to blow over. The thought that his son would grow up in a world that possibly would judge him for existing. It scared him. What if he was bullied for who his parents were? Severus was bullied for being himself. He knew how much it hurt.
"I've got to get back to the students. They're on a visit today. I'm surprised that Hermione hasn't come to visit you," Minerva said, standing up.
Severus shrugged. "We've sort of agreed to stay away for a while. The board will see that and maybe try to tell the media to stop with the accusations." Severus didn't think it would work, but he would do anything to make Hermione happy, even if it was to sever ties completely.
This is a short chapter, so I'm sorry. Im sort of at a block with this story. I'm trying to work through it.
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