Comfy House
Severus didn't bother announcing that he was leaving the school. By dinner, the entire school was buzzing about it. He actually felt sorry for Hermione, still going to school while this thing was going on. He walked out of the school with his head held high, heading for the house. He'd told Bonks to transfer all of his and Hermione's things there, including his personal store of potions and ingredients.
He sent out a letter to all the apothecary's in magical Britain to tell them that he was now making potions and they could order potions from him. Almost immediately there were several letters stating they needed certain potions. He'd be busy for several weeks.
Bonks had set up a potions lab in the only bedroom downstairs. It was fine with him. There were three other bedrooms upstairs, a bathroom upstairs and down. Severus could have swore there was a basement, but he wasn't sure. "Bonks."
With a pop, Bonks appeared in the living room next to Severus. "Master called," he squeaked.
"Was there a basement here?" He asked in a casual tone.
Bonks seemed taken aback by the casualty of Severus' voice. "Yes sir, down there," he pointed towards a dark oak door near the kitchen entrance. Severus nodded.
"I'm going to go make a cup of tea, do you mind putting my potions lab in the basement?" Severus asked, heading to the kitchen. Bonks must have left because Severus heard a pop. Fifteen minutes later, Bonks told Severus that his lab was finished. Severus thanked him and Bonks popped out again.
The basement was a fairly typical one. Stone walls, water heater, shelves for other random things. However, on the right, there was a large table with three different cauldrons set up. A large cabinet was in the corner that must have all his ingredients. Shelves to the left sat his personal potions.
There was hardly any light down here. However, there was a small fireplace that had a chimney that stuck out the window. He lit it up and put a charm on it to stay lit. He sighed with relief. He finally felt at home again. That office didn't feel at all comfortable to him. Perhaps this was a good thing in disguise.
Severus started working on the first potions order for a few shops in Diagon Alley. One dozen calming draught, one dozen shrinking solution, and half a dozen skel-gro. He was so focused on his potions that he didn't hear the door close upstairs.
He froze. Quickly, he added the last ingredient before making sure that there was nothing more to do but wait. An hour for each potion. He nodded and headed upstairs. Hermione was looking around the living room. Bonks had taken the entire bookshelf in his room and placed in by the stairs. The picture of their child in a frame on the side table by the couch. The picture of Lily was in a frame on the mantle of the fireplace along with a picture of Hermione. Where Bonks got that he didn't know.
Hermione saw him and grinned. "Love what you've done with the place," she stated.
"Bonks did it all. I don't even know where he got that picture of you," he pointed to the picture next to Lily.
"Uh, I honestly don't even know." She chuckled as she enveloped him in a hug.
He sighed with relief as he let himself be soothed by her. It's been so long since they've talked alone with no portraits or other people around. "How's things at school?"
Hermione rolled her eyes and went to sit on the couch. "Everyone is saying we're seeing each other. People are laughing, calling me names. I just want this to be over with."
Severus went to set beside her, arm wrapping around her. She put her feet on the couch and sighed, closing her eyes. "Even Ginny is angry with me."
He kissed her head and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry," he stated. He didn't want her to suffer for his selfishness.
They sat there watching the fire, enjoying the calm. When Hermione fell asleep in his arms, he decided to take her upstairs to bed. He'd send a quick message to Minerva to let her know where Hermione is. The baby was kicking and he placed a hand over the spot. He still had a hard time believing that he was having a baby, much less a boy.
He kissed Hermione softly before going back to check on the potions. They would be nearly ready now. A few ingredients later and there was two and a half dozen potions ready for shipment. Bottling and labeling each potion, he set them aside before calling Bonks to get some shipment supplies. He wouldn't ship them until tomorrow, but he wanted the supplies now.
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