Blood Status
Hello, I've been dealing with a writers block and hyperfocusing on my drawing. Sorry, but I'm back and hopefully will finish this book soon and the others.
Severus stepped gently into the room, as if a bomb was about to go off if he made a sound. As he reached Hermione, he could see the thick curly brown hair of Hermione peeking over the blanket he was wrapped in. He had his nose, poor thing. However, the ears were surely Hermione's. He smiled down at his son as he cooed.
"Hello there," Severus greeted, fighting tears. He could hear several pairs of footsteps behind him stopping at the door. He knew it was the Weasley family and Potter. Turning to the door, he stood tall and smiled at them.
He picked up Samuel and bounced him gently as he went to show the family that started to pile in. "Meet Samuel Jonathan Prince," Severus stated with a loving smile.
"Severus, Hermione, he's beautiful," Arthur said proudly.
"Yes, however, I'm sorry to say that he has your nose, Severus," Molly stated softly.
Severus raised an eyebrow and smirked at her humorously. "I know, poor thing."
Several chuckles were made as Severus handed the baby to Molly who couldn't help but start to cry. Ginny hugged Hermione while crying as Potter took Samuel and smiled down at him. "Hey there. I'm Uncle Harry. I'll take you to any muggle movie you want when you're older. Just don't tell your mother."
Ginny and Hermione both yelled with arms crossed. He laughed at them as he gave Samuel to Hermione as he started to fuss. The nurse came in and clapped her hands. "I'm glad that you all got a chance to see the new boy, however, it's time for him to be tested."
Severus, who had collapsed into a chair in the corner from both happiness and exhaustion from worrying about Hermione and Samuel, stood up menacingly. "Call the Minister," Severus ordered darkly to the nurse.
She shrank against the door frame and nodded, rushing out. Molly turned to Severus, hands on her hips. She looked at him with a furious stare. "Severus!"
He didn't care. He wasn't going to let anyone take his sons blood. The offspring of the brightest witch and wizard of their ages. "I'm not going to let them take my son's blood."
Half an hour later, Kingsley came into the room. He looked around the room and his eyes settled on Severus, standing angrily in the corner. "Severus," he greeted. "I've gone to the Governors and told them what you and Hermione have decided."
Severus walked over to place a hand on Hermione's shoulder and an arm around his son's small body as Hermione held him. Hermione drew the boy closer to her chest in protection. Kingsley smiled at them. "They've agreed to forego the blood testings so that your son will go to Hogwarts when he gets older."
Hermione gasped. "Just like that?"
Kingsley nodded simply. "Yes, you've saved the world from another blood hatred time."
Severus closed his eyes and sighed deeply. His son was safe, the future generations were safe from judgement of blood status. No more fear of a blood war. At least that was the hope for the future. Severus never believed in Divination. However he knew that his life with Hermione was just starting.
Its a short end I know, but I needed to end it so I can figure out a new story line. I might take a minute to prewrite some. But I hope you like the ending. I might to an epilouge of the new generation of kids. I like doing that.
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