With (NO) love, Tyler-Jane Roberts
The passing of time was a weird feeling when you no longer cared about your own life.
It neither passed fast nor slow. The same, painful minute only ticked along - like a timer was forever stuck on the fifty-ninth second.
The first time I could remember feeling like this was when I was nine. There were probably times when I was younger when I felt the same, but back then, my childhood innocence could mask the pain. The worst of it came when I was fifteen. I used to think I was happy that someone had stopped me that night. But now I wasn't so sure.
Because now, I was facing the worst of it.
Laying on the ground, with my cheek pressed against the floor, I wondered what would happen if someone walked in on me in this position. Would they stop and check if I was okay? Or would they just pass by?
They would probably pass by. Or, at least they should. It's what I deserved.
My hand grazed my stomach and I realized something was far different than all the other times. This time, something was growing inside me. And if I went, that would mean they would too.
The blaring ring of my cell phone allowed the tinge of hope to return.
It was him. It had to be him. He was calling to say everything would be okay and he was coming home. I knew it. I just knew it.
Finding the last bit of strength within me, I got off the floor and reached for the device. But his name didn't appear on the screen.
I pressed decline.
An hour had passed since he had left. It would be the perfect time to call. He wouldn't see it - I wouldn't interrupt his night. He could listen to my voicemail after the event and come back home.
Without a second thought, I went to his number and pressed the call button. With the device against my ear, I paced back and forth, waiting for the ringing to end. As I thought, it went to voicemail.
"Carter... when you're you again, please call me, baby. I promise... I can explain everything, okay?" I took a deep breath, squeezing my eyes shut. "I know you're angry and upset with me... But I promise you, I love you, Carter." I gasped for more air, pressing my hand to my stomach. "Please... don't hurt yourself tonight. Just come home when you're ready... please, baby. I love you."
Where was Milo?
Milo was with Gwen.
Where was Gwen?
She could return any minute. And the last thing I wanted was for her to see me like this. I could come up with an excuse about why I didn't go - tell her I felt sick... food poisoning. Or my exhaustion from being pregnant. I assumed it would be too early for morning sickness.
Walking into the bathroom, I jumped at the sight of my reflection. I didn't recognize the person staring back at me.
My hair was a mess, tangled from when he had pulled on it. My make-up was smeared across my face, with unpleasant streaks of stains from my tears running down my cheeks. Picking up the brush, I tried to tame the mess of my hair.
I needed to look better. I needed to look okay.
The mascara marks had returned since he cleaned my under eyes and the colour on my lips was now smudged. My eyes were puffy and red, my face was flushed. I reached for a make-up wipe and cleaned the mess off my face.
I had to look better for when he came back. I needed to look okay when he came home.
My cell phone rang in the distance. I almost tumbled to the ground a handful of times as I ran out of the bathroom and through the bedroom to the device. It was him. I knew it. I knew it just had to be him!
I pressed the decline button.
Besides the general fact that I didn't want to talk to him, I wanted to ensure my phone wasn't busy. I wanted to make sure I could talk to him the moment I called.
I groaned at the name, ignoring it once again.
Eyes roaming around the room, I noticed the hall full bottle that was still out on the table. Carter had consumed quite a bit of alcohol. I hoped he would be alright. It would have been a lot for him on any normal night, let alone being sober for six months. Maybe Jeff would do the decent thing and at least get him a cup of coffee. I was sure he wouldn't cancel his performance - even if it was necessary.
"What?" I spat angrily into the phone.
"Thank god," Silas's voice sounded relieved. "I've been calling you, TJ!"
It was weird hearing him talk for the first time in a very long time. This was the longest we had ever gone without speaking to one another. And part of me wished our vow of silence would carry on forever.
"I'm aware. What do you want?"
"Are you on the way to the event?" He sounded panicked. "Please tell me you're not."
That was weird.
Silas caring about my whereabouts? Interesting. These days, I thought all he cared about was himself.
"No, I'm still at the hotel. I'm running late."
"Thank fucking god! Stay there!"
"I..." he paused. Whispering voices were heard on the other end of the call, but I was unable to clearly hear what they were saying. "I can't tell you. But, please, just stay there!"
"Like I'm going to listen to you." I pressed my hand against the bottom of the phone to muffle the speaker. "Yeah? We're going now?" I called out to no one. Dropping my hand, I sighed, "Sorry, Si, gotta go!"
"No! Wait! One minute!" He yelled out fearfully. "Someone get Gwen on the phone!"
Was he speaking to me?
"I've tried! She's not picking up!" That sounded like Patrick.
No. He wasn't speaking to me.
This was a stupid use of my time. Carter probably tried to reach me ten times by now and my attention had instead been wasted on this pointless interaction.
"I'm hanging up now!"
"TJ, please! I'm not fucking playing around here. Don't leave!"
"Why? Tell me why I should ruin my night for you, Silas?" I was done playing this game with him. "Tell me what's going on right now or I'm leaving this hotel room."
"Tell her," Weston's voice spoke up this time, "We're almost there."
"TJ..." Silas's voice was filled with an abnormal amount of concern, "TJ... something has happened. I don't know how to say this..."
I wanted to fight his words. Scream that he had to be wrong. But I couldn't speak.
The cellphone easily slipped from my grasp, falling to the ground. My knees became weak and I collapsed onto the floor with ease.
Crying out to an empty room never felt so lonely.
The realization of how much I had lost within what felt like a few short minutes was more numbing than any drug I had ever taken.
Our love wasn't the only thing that died that night.
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