Carter: Guys! Guys! I have friends.
Holly: I have a bad feeling about this
Ali: Why?
Holly: Do you know how much chaos him and Emmy have caused? I'm still finding glitter the pocket dimension.
Lia: Chaos is fun. Unless it's in the kitchen, don't touch the kitchen
Holly: Lia, I trusted you
Lia: I'm a sucker for a good prank
Eliza: Who are your friends Carter?
Carter: So glad you asked! *pulls four people out of a portal*
Gracie: How did you do that?
Carter: You guys should know not to question me, I don't see you questioning Pinkie or my dad
???: *turns into a giant snake*
Lia: Aaaaah! *jumps on top of the couch*
Holly: You didn't?
Carter: I did! Snake boy aka Diego is from Puppymaster21 's account
Diego: *hissing* crap, I can't change back
Carter: I'm sorry, I don't speak snake
Diego: I don't know who you are but I hate you
Carter: Okaaaaay, moving on, this is Daniel, Joel, and Oliver from Razz-Berry 's account
Daniel: There's easier ways to make friends than to kidnap them
Carter: Woe is me will I ever learn the confusing ways of friendship. *deadpans*
Lia: Kay, but why is he a snake?!
Diego: *is banging his head against the wall*
Holly: It's a long story, I might have my friend come one by of these days! But you can find Diego's story on Puppymaster's account! He is currently working on chapter 2 and has this amazing story planned. 100% original!
Ali: Shameless plug much?
Holly: Eh, it's the least I can do for him
Oliver: Can we go now?
Holly: Yes, Carter!
Carter: Fine, *teleports them back, except Diego* happy?
Holly: Yes, I'll call Puppy to get Diego
Carter: Yay! Ta-ta! *disappears*
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