Hello everyone,David the beanie man here. So I am writing this chapter to talk about random fan topics and I will probably be doing this more and more in my admin book on my admin account. So this one will be moved there. Anywhere today I want to talk about the Robin mostly the ones that have appeared in recent cartoons and TV shows. Now we all known by now that I am a huge Robin fan as a few people known and also I have mentioned that Peter will dress up as Robin for Halloween. Also #TimDrakeisthebest
So anyway,as we all know that Titans is happening. You know the live action Teen Titans show that people have been complaining about being too gritty and dark. Honestly I like how it looks,I think it looks great,though I do have one problem with the show. And its Dick Grayson aka Robin.
Now don't get me wrong,I like Dick Grayson,he was my first introduction to Robin back when I first watched reruns of the batman animated series. Dick is also gonna be the first Robin everyone knows,he's sarcastic and witty and always has a joke,but I feel like Titans is making him stray away from that. In the first trailer of Titans,we see that Dick is more brutal and of course swears like a sailor and to me,that isn't Dick Grayson's personality. It's Jason Todd the 2nd Robin's personality. Plus I know people have being joking that rhe whole show's budget went into Robin's costume,but I feel like they really,really strayed away from Dick's personality. I know in the cartoon series,Dick wasn't exactly a jokester,but he was still known for his personality and I feel like the writers took that concept and times it by a hundred. But like I said before,I'm gonna give Titans a chance and see how well it goes. Anyway let's move on to Batman unlimited
Batman Unlimited is known as the batman cartoon that was made for a toy line which in my opinion is sad because that in my oopinion means that DC just made this show to promote toys. Now I was not gonna talk about this show cause it is meant for little kids,but after watching it on Netflix with my little brother I just had to talk about it. So the show focuses on certain villains,but to be honest I only cared about one character in the show. Tim Drake aka Red Robin.
Like I said before,i am a huge Tim Drake Robin fan. So i was excited to see Tim's Red Robin persona finally appear in a DC animated film,but after seeing him in unlimited I was honestly disappointed. I thought that the version of Tim Drake shown not the Tim Drake that shown to be mature and very smart to the point he was able to unmask Batman,but the unlimited version of Tim kinda strayed away from that. They made him...more like Dick Grayson. Like no joke it was too the point that I would just cringe a bit because Tim was like a clone of Dick. Not gonna lie I did like the costume and the voice actors and I was willing to let it slide for what they did to Tim,until I saw what happened to Damian.
Yeah,even Damian got changed. In the Unlimited cartoon, Damian was aged up a bit and his personality was changed as well. He was made to be....childish. Yeah,Damian Wayne,the little angry son of Bruce Wayne was acting like a school boy which is just stupid because Damian isn't happy or a jokester. He's rude, arrogant,and acts too headstrong. It made so sad to see Damian act like this cause he is such a great character and I love him in the animated movies. I even have a Damian Account because that's how much I love the character,but Unlimited Damain Wayne...isn't my Damian Wayne. So let's hope in the future there will be a batman cartoon that will do a better job writing Tim and Damian. Well that's it so like I said in the beginning I will try to make more chapters like this in my admin book on my admin account. So yeah,see ya guys later
-Admin Signing Off
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