Alright, I've definitely talked about this type of thing before, but this is a different aspect of women's rights.
It all started because my little sixth grade sister was in the after-school room that my school calls overflow. Overflow is also where detentions are done. I don't really want to get into what this place is though because i don't have all the information and I just don't think it matters...
Anyways, there's a kid in overflow doing a detention (8th grader), and that means he's gotten into some trouble. He stops doing his detention, and starts staring at my little sister's butt... Okay, that's gross and awful, but trust me it gets worse. (She isn't assaulted so don't worry about that, but it still gets bad). She's helping the overflow teacher with some things around the classroom, so she's doing some walking around. He stares and moves his head as she's walking so he can keep staring. He does this for awhile, and even she admits that she, "noticed him staring, and even *teacher's name* had to tell him a few times to get back to his detention." So he wasn't even trying to be discreet, and it made her uncomfortable, so like AGH.
So it's my best friend who's up there with her, and she only noticed because my other best friend told her. So they both tell me, and if there is one thing/person you don't mess with unless you want to feel my rage, it's my little sister. Honestly most days we're at each other's throats and pretty much hate each other, but I'd kill a man for her. And that's exactly what I planned to do to this kid, but as I was about to go through with it, a better idea struck me.
I told the dean. Wanna know his first question? By the way, your answer is yes. His first question was, "well, was she in uniform?" This says two ginormous things to me. One, that if she weren't in uniform that it would be HER OWN FAULT THAT A BOY WAS STARING AT HER BUTT. And two, that there would be no consequence for the boy if she weren't in uniform.
She was in uniform, and so he said that he'd talk with the boy. Let me tell you how that's gonna go. The boy's gonna say that he just plain zoned out and say some terrible apology for zoning out, and get off scotch free. But remember, she's my baby sister, and he will not be getting way with this.
Fast forward like 20 minutes and I'm in worship band practice, still very distraught/outraged about this. So i end up telling a few people, and one of the people I tell, is a girl in his class. And she gives me a very useful secret about him. Let me tell you, this will not be a secret by the end of tomorrow. The secret is that he's been rating girl's in his class by their looks.
At this point, I am a million percent ready to snipe this kid, and bury him 8 feet under a previously dead (because i straight up wouldn't be able to kill) a dog that is buried 6 feet under. So that way they won't be able to find him and frame me as the murderer. I am also upset with the dean, though. The "asking for it" line of thinking, literally pisses me off so much that I can't even fully put it into words. Also please don't hate me for already thinking about how to get away with this kid's murder.
I will be speaking with the principle tomorrow, and if that doesn't work, I will be speaking to her boss, the director of the school. I emailed the principle yesterday for a meeting. I will not be taking "I'm too busy" for an answer. It's actually the answer I get most of the time, and the one that I got when I asked to speak to her after I spoke to the dean. The dean disgusts me, and most of the time the whole idea system of the school, disgusts me, but I'll get into that on another date.
I honestly don't know what I'm going to do if the school doesn't do anything. I will most likely drop out, and somehow convince my parents to let me. They haven't let me when I've asked before, but when i explain to them exactly how angry I am, they'll most likely let me, and then send me to a mental institution for anger issues. I'm actually not even joking, though. Sounds drastic, but why should I have to deal with a school that has the higher up's belief system as the same one that rapist are getting away with rapes for. Also this is not the first issue that I've had with this school and I'd be elated to leave, but I would hate to do it in this way. Wish me luck, because I'll need it.
I'm tired of this kind of thing being okay, because it never has been, and it will continue to not be okay. It's time for people to notice that.
Quick clarification: it is NEVER the victim's fault. Even if the way they dress you'd classify as provocative, they're NOT asking for it. Nobody asks to get raped or sexually assaulted. Nobody wants to feel violated, and feel as if a person has taken away a piece of them. No one wants to feel like a shadow in their own life. No one wants to be haunted by their own memories. So do me a favor, and always ask permission. It doesn't matter if you feel stupid asking for permission.
And a last little side note, I meant this for both men and women and transgender and gender fluid. It doesn't matter how they identify, they deserve equality too. I know that men get sexually assaulted too, so ladies be gentle with them, and treat them how you want to be treated, because it happens to guys too. It's not just us.
Overall, treat people with respect.
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