Penelope Maye Dissmelda
Penelope "Dizzy" Maye Dissmelda
Penny, Dizzy, Diz, Pen
1 year older than the golden trio
Blood Status:
Well for a few years she has a crush on Iron. HOWEVER. Ron is not supposed to like her back. What it is is she is oblivious to who truly likes her. Neville. And as she and Neville get closer, she starts to get a crush on him.
Although brave and strong, her kindness overtakes her heart, landing her in Hufflepuff, though it was a battle between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff for a while. However, she is also brilliant, so Ravenclaw was also a choice there
8-inch Cedarwood with Dragon heartstring core
Ollivander on Cedarwood wands and Dragon Heartstring:
Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find the length of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, 'you will never fool the cedar carrier,' and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there are perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are found. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
Dragon heartstring:
As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.
The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Mother- Rebecca Q. Dissmelda (Half-blood)
Mom- Liz M. Dissmelda (Muggle-born)
A toad named Wila
Lillian P. Kartmen (Rebecca's Side)
Penny L. Kartmen (Rebecca's side)
Thomas L. Kartmen (Rebeccas Side)
Patrick W. Dissmelda (Liz's side)
Family Social Standing-
They are fairly poor. Both Rebecca and Liz have jobs, but neither of them makes too much and the jobs they work at are pretty rude. Rebecca is trying to get into night school so she can bump up her O.W.L. scores.
Hair color:
A light Chesnut brown
When she was younger it was long and went down to her waist but she got it cut to about shoulder length with no bangs
Eye color:
A Deep brown
Skin tone:
A gentle ivory color
193 lbs
Clothing style: A lot of colorful skirts and dresses along with band crop tops from muggle bands and then some plain black tees
Bright colored Hi-tops
Large earrings of any shape or color
Her glasses which are large blue frames (prescription)
A small chain necklace with a baby dragon charm on it
A braided bracelet
Other distinguishing features:
She has a scar on her left hand from a fight with an animal in the woods when she was younger
She also has a birthmark on her neck in the shape of a broken heart
A tattoo with her mom's names is on her left wrist, self-given
Brilliant, Cheerful, charismatic, Caring, creative, brave, dedicated, Peaceful, bubbly, however: Childish at times, aloof, insecure, gullible
Basic Description:
She's very sweet and cares about most people, though she sometimes is unaware of what she does to people, like abandoning Neville. She also can act childish at times, when she is tired and sometimes doesn't act her age. Though she is very sweet and caring and dedicated to her friends and to her ambitions. She's also brave. willing to stand up for people and try anything new.
She loves hanging out with her friends
Any kind of salty snack
Snuggling up next to a fire
Sitting in the library with Neville
Tending to magical creatures
Learning new magic
Attempting to create new spells and potions
bright colors
Loud Noises
being alone
Too much sugar
Seeing people she likes get hurt
Failing at making new spells
Making new potions and spells
Working on plants with Neville
being alone
Everyone she loves dying
She wants to come back to Hogwarts as a teacher and teach how to make new spells
She wants to be able to make her own spells that actually work and benefit others
Wand reaction when first held:
It seemed to glow and heat up, a small ring of light forming around her
The dead bodies of her moms
Anyone who has a crush on Penelope will smell this- A sweet and gentle cinnamon scent (that's the perfume she wears), popcorn (her favorite snack), lavender(her favorite flower), or coconut (her chapstick)
Best Class through the years
2nd- D.A.D.A
5th- herbology
6th- herbology
7th- D.A.D.A
Worst Class Through The Years
1st- herbology
2nd- herbology
3rd- divination
4th- potions
5th- history of magic
6th- charms
Favorite Class Through the Years
1st- D.A.D.A
2nd- Herbology
3rd- Transfiguration
4th- D.A.D.A
6th- Transfiguration
7th- Potions
Least Favorite Class Through the Years
1st- potions
2nd- Potions
3rd- D.A.D.A
4th- Potions
6th- History of Magic
7th- D.A.D.A
Favorite Teacher Through the Years
1st- McGonagall
2nd- McGonagall
3rd- McGonagall
4th- Lupin
6th- hagrid
7th- Slughorn/ Mcgonagall
Least Favorite Teacher Through the Years
1st- Snape
2nd- Snape
3rd- Lockhart
4th- Snape
5th- Snape
6th- Umbridge
7th- Snape
Quidditch Position Through the Years
1st- not on the team
2nd- beater
5th-not on
Her Best Friends Through the Years
Childhood- Ages 4-10 her best friend was Ronald Weasley
Ages 10-12 was Rhasa Vale
AGes 12-14 was Ronald Weasley
At age 15 was Neville Longbottom and Harry potter
Age 16 was Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood
age 17 was Ronald Weasly and Neville Longbottom
Age 18 was Neville Longbottom
Dizzy and Ron- A short History
When Dizzy was four years old, her moms met Molly and quickly became friends. Whenever they went over to the burrow, they always brought dizzy, where she met Ron. They quickly bonded and became friends themselves and they were attached at the hip for years until down the road when Dizzy was ten years old. She left on a 1 year trip with her family to study animals around the world and then went to Hogwarts, but never returned to the burrow during that summer.
She and Ron lost touch after she left. He basically forgot about her. He never wrote to her or anything. But she never forgot about Ron.
Ron's first year he was tapped on the shoulder and heard someone call his name. Below is a bit of the scene that happened.
"Ronald Weasly, is that you?" a soft voice called out.
Ron turned around. "I'm sorry. Do I know you?" the ginger asked, perplexed by what was happening and by who this mysterious girl was.
"Honestly Ronald...oh! My hair!" Dizzy exclaimed before she placed the wand to her hair and muttered a charm, it looking as if it grew long again. She stuck out her hand with a smile. "Hi, there! I'm Penelope Dissmelda! But you can call me Dizzy!' she said with a giggle, the charm quickly fading on her hair.
Ron's eyes widened. "Diz! is that really you?! It's been forever!" he said with a bright smile.
From that day on, the two were once again attached at the hip, well until the Triwizard tournament. In Dizzy's fifth year, she and Ron got into a huge fight and she yelled at him. She couldn't believe that he was being such a prick to harry. Even after Harry and Ron made up, she was still p8issed at him because he was basically ignoring her. She was really annoyed at that.
That year she got really close with Harry and Neville, spending a lot of time with them after Neville had found her crying in the hallway after her fight with Ron.
For the rest of her school career, Dizzy was best friends with Neville, but she did try to become close to Ron again, nearly ditching Neville in the process. but when Ron almost died, she didn't visit him, causing him to get enraged. They didn't talk to each other for a while, until after the battle of Hogwarts when she explained why she didn't visit him.
She didn't visit him because she had had the biggest crush on him for years and knew he didn't return the feelings. She no longer had feelings for him, however, because she had realized who had been there for her all along.
Dizzy and Neville- A Short History
Dizzy met Neville in her second year and his first year. They met on the train after she found Trevor and was taking care of him. He walked into the compartment looking for Trevor and saw aa second year Hufflepuff sitting there with two toads, Trevor and one of her own. her toad was named Wila. They bonded immediately, though when she saw Ron, she started to ditch Neville for Ron. She did that a lot. She left him behind, but he never got mad at her for it.
After the fight, Neville consoled her and helped her get through it. For it was kind of heartbreak for her. From that day, they grew closer. hey began to study together, sneak out, and laugh together. They would help each other with their strong subjects and she would help him with magic. they were basically inseparable. he even took her to the Yule ball. but he claimed it was just as friends.
When Ron was poisoned and she didn't go, Neville stayed in the library with her for hours and didn't leave her side. he didn't want her to console ron because frankly, e knew that it would break her heart to see Lavander or even Hermione there and risk him calling out one of their names.
During the battle of Hogwarts, she never left his side. She fought with him and went everywhere she could with him, never once leaving his side. at the end of the battle, when they were all sitting around and taking in what happened, Dizzy and Neville kissed. She had finally realized that he had been there for her all along. And he was patient enough to let her wait.
Dizzy During Deathly hallows
In the beginning, she was helping Muggle-born witches and wizards, along with squibs. She was helping them hide from the dark lord and the death eaters. Until about three weeks or so into the school year, she got a letter from McGonagall.
' Dear Mr. Penny Dissmelda. You must be aware of the current situation at Hogwarts for I have gotten word that you have been helping as many muggle-borns as you can. I thank you for that and for keeping them safe, however, I would like to request your presence at Hogwarts. Mr.Lomgbottom believes he has found a way to get you in the castle safely and undetected. Along with a place to stay hidden. I know you were very fond of trying to create your own potions and spells and I think now is the time to work on one of them. Your knowledge of those areas would be appreciated. If you would like to join us, follow the instructions written by Mr.Longbottom below.
-Professor McGonagall.
Hey Dizzy, I don't have much time to write this. I miss you though. Anyway. If you want to come to Hogwarts and help us out, meet me at this address in two weeks at 1:31 AM exactly. Stay in the shadows. Try not to be seen. We won't have much time. But I think I can get you to the castle without us being caught.
So, Dizzy followed the instructions that Neville left for her in the letter and met him at a muggle bakery at the exact time. When she saw him, her eyes lit up. "Neville!"
Neville hugged her tightly. "Dizzy..thank god. I hoped you would come. And so did professor McGonagall. She kept telling me that you would.." he said before he sighed. "We don't have much time, come on," he said before he began to lead her to a tunnel.
It took them about 12 hours to get back to the castle, sneaking in via Hogsmead.
Once they had gotten in, he hid her in an abandoned classroom, well in an abandoned hallway actually. She was given food twice a day, on an unusual schedule, by a young house elf. She was visited by Neville once a week to get information to give to McGonagall.
She spent most of her time developing a spell and a potion of sorts. The spell she created was something specifically for wands. If aimed at a wand exactly, the spell had the chance to completely destroy the wand, but most definitely it would stop it from being able to use dark magic, but it came at a price. the user of the spell would most likely get knocked out and probably injured. As did Dizzy. After Neville found her injured and passed out, she wasn't allowed to attempt that spell anymore. They knew it worked.
The potion she was making was acid of sorts. It could destroy a wand easily. There would, of course, be a burst of magic that wasn't exactly containable, but it destroyed a wand.
When the battle began, she was dealing the acid and teaching people how to use her spell. but after that and after she made sure that the young ones who couldn't defend themselves were safe in her workroom with a charm on the door, she found Neville and stood by his side the whole time and fought with him.
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