"Rokuro! Behind you, you idiot!"
A kegare, a small one, jumped out from a building. Its aim was Rokuro.
Of course, Benio will never let that Kegare or anyone harm Rokuro. Thanks to her speed, she was able to strike down the kegare.
"Ah, thank you. That was a close call."
"No problem. Geez, I really need to keep my on eye on you. Anyways, it seems that's all of them."
"Can we go check Ryougo and the gang? Just wanna see how they're doing in their mission."
Benio nodded. She took out the talisman that brought them to the real world.
Now that Rokuro and Benio were 16, they could take small Kegare easily, thanks to all the training they've had over the past two years. But they weren't the only ones. Ryougo and the rest also trained and had become stronger as well. Yet Rokuro always wanted to check on them once he and Benio finished with their part.
Ryougo had taken a mission where there was said that some teenagers dissapeared in. It was a small house, but it wasn't old or falling apart. It was kept clean. The owner's son used the house as a place where his friends and him can chill. Yesterday, when going to the house to play video games, none of the teenagers appeared the next morning.
Thanks to a camera system that the owners have to keep on check on the kids, they saw what happened. They were taken in by "hideous monsters inside some unknown portal thing leading to another world." Ryougo knew immediatley that this was the work of kegare.
Rokuro and Benio entered the house. They were surprised by the mess that was left behind. Junk food and trash was everywhere. Then they noticed the TV was left turned on. The screen showed a "PAUSE" sign, probably from when they were playing.
"Oy, Ryougo! Where you guys at?"
"Ah, Rokuro!W-what are you guys doing here!?"
Ryougo came out of what seemed like a bathroom. His face was all red and he seemed to be nervous and flustered.
"Ryougo why are you all red?"
"Red? I'm not red. What are you talking about?"
"Whatever. Where are the others?"
"In this bedroom over here. I-I'll check on them. By the way, DO NOT ENTER THE BATHROOM. There's um, something like mold all around there. So yeah, hold up."
He ran to the next room and shut the door to the bedroom.
"What's up with him?"
"I think I may know what. But that's not our business. Let's look around."
"I kinda wanna see what's in the bathroom though."
"It makes me curious too, to be honest. But our priority right now is to check on the kegare's presence."
Rokuro made a puppy face and begged Benio for 4 minutes. Benio had finally given up. She couldn't handle Rokuro's cute puppy face.
As they entered the bathroom, they noticed that there was no mold anywhere. The second thing they noticed was a magazine laying down on the floor. Rokuro picked it up not noticing the pictures it contained. In the cover page, there was a woman who was wearing a tiny bikini and looking at the camera in a flustered face.
Benio hadn't noticed the pictures either until Rokuro pointed the pictures out. A dark aura had surrounded her. She took away the magazine and ripped it apart into small pieces.
"Oy, B-Benio calm down."
"I knew I was correct. Now that I think about it, Ryougo and the rest haven't come out, have they? Hehehe, I wonder why."
"Benio, let them be. It's not like it's anything bad. It-it's just women in bikini."
"You think it's alright, huh? You probably have some hiding in your room, don't you!"
"No, of course not. I-I don't need them after all..."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Um, I just don't. They don't work on me."
"Are you saying you... like men? I'm okay with that but don't you think Arima-sama might not like tha-"
"No, it's not like that! I just-"
I just think I don't need it because Benio is the only one that can keep me satisfied... Agh, that's embarassing to think about...
"You just what? Rokuro... "
"Let's check on the guys. They should know better than to get distracted."
Rokuro walked out the bathroom and waited for Benio in the hall. Benio followed after some hesitation.
She'll let this one slide by, for today. Plus, he was right, the guys should know better.
They knocked on the door, thinking it was better for the guys to hide the magazines or think of an excuse.
Rokuro knocked again, even called the guy's names, but no answer. Withought hesitation, Rokuro busted open the door with a kick.
Ryougo and the others were nowhere to be seen. Then they saw the Magano portal. They looked at each other and prepared their talismans.
Everyone, I am so sorry for such a late update. My internet didn't want to work. I need to get Wi-Fi ;-;
Anyways, to the people tha read the manga and have catched up, what do ya'll think of the latest chapter?
P.S.: Ryougo was not masturbating, so please no nasty comments. He was just glancing at them since he just found them in there. Oh as well as the other guys : )
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