"Rokuro...! Are you okay, Rokuro!?..."
As soon as Benio had seen Rokuro fall unconciously to the ground, she ran to him withought hesitation.
"No need to get over dramatic. The brat is fine."
Seigen, Mayura and Shimon had also ran to where both Sayo and Rokuro where. Shimon gently picked up Sayo. She carried her upstairs to lay her to rest.
"We will dicuss what happened here later, once these two are up we will ask questions. For now, let them rest."
Benio looked from Seigen to Rokuro.
Rokuro... what was that all about..?
Rokuro was in his room, sleeping soundly. Well, not for long...
Benio had come in to check to on Rokuro. She opened the door gently, making sure not to wake up Rokuro. Unfortunately, after what she saw, she couldn't help but wake up Rokuro.
Besides Rokuro, Sayo was also sleeping soundly. Immediatley, with an annoyed expression, she picked up Sayo from Rokuro's bed. Being interrupted during her sleep, Sayo woke up.
"Wha-what's going on..? Eh?! Benio, what are you doing?! Let me down! Or put me back in Rokuro's bed, now!"
"N-no!... I will not permit.. you to go any... farther!"
Thanks to the racket both Benio and Sayo were doing, Rokuro woke up. His face showed a tired and annoyed look on his face.
Wow, what a nice way to wake up...
"I said to let me go!"
"And I.. said no!
"Oy! What's with all this noise?! Did you forget that I was sleeping? Plus, who let ya'll enter my room?"
"Ah, Rokuro, my prince~ Sorry for waking you up. You see, someone came in and ruined our sleep. I guess she got jealous of how far you and I have gotten Rokuro. Right Benio?"
"That is com..pletely wrong! I am... not a jealous person..!"
"Your actions don't match your words!"
"Our sleep? Farther than what? What are you talking about Sayo?"
"Mwouh~ Rokuro, are you too shy to remember? We were sleeping together, well that is until Benio interrupted us.."
Benio was done with Sayo. She was about to defend herself until Rokuro interrupted.
"Huh? First off, you shouldn't go into someone's bed withought their consent. Plus, we do not have that kind of relationship either way!"
"Sorry, Sayo. I don't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm just saying that you shouldn't force things."
"I guess so. I apologize Rokuro..."
Sayo faced Benio and smiled.
"I should also apologize to you Benio."
".. Apology accepted.."
"Good. Well now if you don't mind, I will like to rest.. if you guys don't mind..."
"Ah! Can I sleep with you? See I'm asking now!"
"Awe, fine then! There will be a time when you will! Hmph!"
And like that, Sayo left.
"Well, I'll be... going now..."
"Ah, wait Benio! Before I go to sleep again... I will like to speak to you."
"Dammit, where could Sayo had gone to? Agh, if only this house wasn't so big. I'll never find her like this."
Shimon had been looking for Sayo for some time. When he had went to check on her, she was nowhere to be found. He had asked her bodyguards if they had seen her. Even though their job was to be around her and protect her, they had no clue where she was. Eventually, they said they will help find her.
As Shimon walked into to another part of the house, he spotted Mayura. He approached her thinking she may know something about Sayo.
"Otomi-san, sorry to interrupt, but have you seen Sayo? She wasn't in her room and I haven't seen her anywhere. Have you?"
"Eh? Oh, Ikaruga-kun. Yes, I think I may know where she is. Not so long ago I heard her voice upstairs. Seems she was with Benio and Rokuro though. Probably even fighting haha"
"Ah, that girl got into another mess. Probably fighting over Enmadou... Actually, thinking about it, I wonder why you haven't said anything to Sayo. Adashino has... why haven't you? Well I guess it's not like you, huh."
Mayura gave him a confuse look. What did he mean?
"You look confused. Well what I mean is that you like Enmadou too, right? Shouldn't you tell Sayo to back off or something like that? Give a threat? Not that Sayo will get disencouraged because of that though.."
"Wha- How do you know about.. I do not like him!"
"But it's obvious though. You seemed a bit surprised and taken aback when Sayo declared her love for Enmadou."
"We-well, I just don't feel like saying anything back is necessary... he is not my boyfriend or anything..."
"If you keep going like that, you'll end up getting hurt. He will either decide between Benio and Sayo or probably some other girl. Who knows..."
Mayura was taken aback. How could he talk like this? Was he some expert in love or something?
"D-Don't tell me those things when... when you probably haven't even experienced love yourself!"
Shimon blushed a bit and shook it off.
"I-I guess that's true. Fine. Forget what I said if you want."
"I will!"
Shimon then headed off upstairs to find Sayo.
Mayura stared at him and pouted. How could he be so rude? He never imagined him to be like that! But why did she get so mad and defensive?
Could it be that what he said is true? That she should step up her game or surrender and give up on Rokuro? (Tbh she should lmao)
Guys, I am sorry for such a late chapter! My internet has been laggy asf and I had to rewrite this chapter to see if it would work this time.
Anyways, thanks for reading and have a great day!
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