This Isn't Right.
I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors in this chapter, Enjoy!
"What the fuck do you mean?" Bakugo yelled.
"I mean... what I said man... he's there."
"Are you sure that sparky fucker isn't messing with you?" He growled.
"No... he wouldn't joke about something like this." Kirishima confirmed.
"We should head back then." Iida interrupted.
"No shit." Bakugo glared at him.
Bakugo, Iida, and Kirishima turned around when they heard the sound of sniffling.
"He-He..." Uraraka couldn't finish her sentence as she broke down in tears, Todoroki calmly rubbing her back.
"Uraraka... if we go now we can see him." Todoroki whispered to her.
Uraraka looked wild eyed at him. Of course!
"WE HAVE TO GO RIGHT NOW" Uraraka yelled, then whipped around and started sprinting the other way.
"Uraraka Wait!" Iida called after her.
The group watched the young hero in training run out the alleyway and turn left.
"Haha stupid bitch is going the wrong way" Bakugo laughed.
"Please watch your language." Iida sighed. He adjusted his glasses, looked at his comrades, and ran after Uraraka.
"Wait for us!!!" He called back as he ran using his engine quirk.
The trio watched him go and a few minutes of silence ensued.
"Like hell I'm waiting for them." Bakugo finally broke the silence and started walking out of the alley.
"Wait dude!" Kirishima grabbed his wrist, "just wait, okay? Iida will reach her fast this won't take long."
"whatever." He growled at him.
After a few minutes of waiting Uraraka and Iida finally appeared.
"What are you guys waiting for let's go!" Uraraka roared at them.
Kirishima, Todoroki and Bakugo exchanged a glance before running after them.
It didn't take them very long to get back to the dorms because they ran the whole way.
Todoroki made it to the door first. He looked back at the group, took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.
Everyone was huddled in the living room, taking quietly. Each person looked distressed and confused.
"Where is he?" Iida's voice loud.
Everyone stopped and stared at him.
" his room." Tokoyami responded hesitantly.
Uraraka and Kirishima took the opportunity to bolt up the stairs.
Iida and Todoroki stayed to speak with their classmates, while Bakugo stayed away from the commotion and secluded himself in the kitchen.
"Have you... spoken with him?" Iida continued to ask questions.
"Yes, But very little." Yaoyorozu spoke.
"Can you explain?" Todoroki asked.
"I suppose.. uh.. someone else would be better to explain" Yaoyorozu sounded flustered, "I didn't see everything that went down."
"I can explain" Sero stepped in, looking dejected.
"Please do."
"Well... I might have gone to check Midoriya's room by myself. I was just so upset by what happened I went by his room. When I went in- oh crap did you guys see the ripped pictures? They freaked me out."
Iida and Todoroki looked at each other confused.
"No we didn't."
"..." Sero looked away.
"He... uh.. how do I explain this... ripped himself out of a bunch of photographs."
A few of the students gasped. This was news to them. Iida and Todoroki went wide eyed and processed the information. From the kitchen Bakugo stiffened a little bit. He was listening in on the conversation.
"Ya, uh- pretty freaky." Sero looked uncomfortable.
"Can- can you tell us more?" Todoroki looked down.
"S-sure um, so I left the room. But as soon as I left I heard a bunch of commotion and I opened the door and he was just standing there! I couldn't even say anything I was so stunned. He looked at me... I just felt so uneasy..." Sero paused and swallowed hard, "I was scared of my own classmate and he hadn't even done anything."
"What made you scared?" Iida asked cautiously.
"When we locked eyes, I felt like there were spiders crawling under my skin... but he looked normal... like the normal Midoriya."
"How strange.."
"Anyway, I finally found enough courage to speak and I asked if he was alright," Sero gulped, "He smiled and said "Why wouldn't I be?'"
Iida and Todoroki looked uneasy like the rest of the class. The whole situation didn't make sense.
"I didn't really respond to him," Sero continued, "so I just kinda grabbed his wrist and started pulling him to the common room. Everyone asked if he was alright and what happened to which he responded "I'm fine" and "nothing happened". He finally said he was tired and wanted to go back to his room." Sero finished.
"That's... a lot to take in." Iida said after moments of uncomfortable silence.
"Ya no kidding." Sero tried to sound light hearted.
"I wonder what's going on with Uraraka and Kirishima upstairs?" Todoroki wondered aloud.
As soon as they heard the location of their missing friend Uraraka and Kirishima spared no time as they ran up the stairs.
Thousands of thoughts swirled Uraraka's head at once. The situation made no sense. The kidnapped student just came back to the dorms unharmed? She wondered if the teachers knew already and were on their way over. Or maybe everyone was too frazzled and totally forget to inform the police that the missing student was back.
Holy crap holy crap holy crap. Is he really just in his room?
Kirishima was busy thinking the same thing.
When the both arrived at his room they duo exchanged a glance of uncertainty before Uraraka grabbed the door handle and turned it.
He was... sleeping.
This was unexpected.
Uraraka looked at Kirishima in confusion.
"Should we wake him?" Kirishima whispered.
Uraraka felt her cheeks get hot. She was in a sleeping boy's room contemplating weather she should wake him up or not.
"Yes. But you do it" she looked away in embarrassment.
Kirishima shrugged and walked over to the bed. He shook Izuku's shoulder softly and spoke, "Hey man, get up."
It didn't take very long before Izuku's eyes opened slowly.
Immediately Kirishima felt his blood run cold. He didn't know what it was. This looked exactly like Midoriya. There was nothing different. Same green eyes, same fluffy hair, same freckled face. But holy crap did he feel uneasy.
"Hey, uh, hey buddy" he tried to sound cheerful.
"Hi.. Kirishima, what are you doing in my room?" He asked, groggy from sleep.
"Oh uh.. to check on you.. because uh-"
"You got kidnapped by villains!" Uraraka burst out, "and your acting so strange." She felt herself cry again. Damn she cried a lot for this boy.
Izuku sat up.
"Strange? Why do you say strange Uraraka? Im Fine" he smiled.
"What- What about the pictures!" She cried and ran over to his desk. Which was now perfectly clean.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about" he replied.
"The-the- the pictures!" Uraraka started panicking again. What's going on?!
"It's really sweet of you guys to check in on me! But I really have to rest, I have big plans tomorrow!" He smiled brightly.
Uraraka had never felt more scared in her life.
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