It's cold and dark.
Where am I?
Does it even matter anymore?
He held his head down. Izuku was in a chair, he wasn't tied down, there was no need for him to be.
"Hello there Izuku Midoriya, how are you doing?"
His voice was dry and shaky, but he responded, "w-what do you want with m-me?"
"That's a very nice question!" Shigaraki said sweetly, "I'm sure you have questions, lots of them! However I have a question for you first."
Izuku raised his head to look up at him. His eyes were wild and scared but he tried to stay as calm as possible.
"Do you still want to be a hero?"
"Ye-" Izuku stopped and swallowed hard. Do I really?
Izuku cleared his throat, "y-yes i-i do... But..." he trailed off.
"What is it? You don't have to be afraid of us we're not here to kill you" Kurogiri assured.
"Go on, we won't judge you."
"I don't think I can be a hero." He said weakly.
Shigaraki tried to hide his smile, and put on a face of concern, "And why is that?"
Izuku looked at him, like he was wondering if he should speak or not. Izuku finally decided that it was pointless to hide anything.
"I'm worthless" he breathed, "and that's all I'll ever be"
"I see." Shigaraki tried to sound as concerned as possible.
"I'm hopeless"
"Well, I have a suggestion. Your path as a hero is over, don't you agree? But you are worth something Midoriya! To us! To the league!"
Izuku eyes widened, "What are you sayi-"
"I want you to be a villain" he cheered.
"I don't-"
"Come on now Midoriya, you cant be a hero anymore, your worthless to them, your friends hate you, what could you possibly offer to this world?"
"I-i just- it's wrong"
Shigaraki sighed. "Kurogiri, I think I can make him understand a little."
"How do you plan to do that Tomura Shigaraki?"
"Maybe if I just... rough him up a little he'll understand."
Needless to say what Present Mic and Midnight went to check the alarms in the dorms, they did not expect to find a crying Uraraka and no villains.
Midnight tried her best to comfort the young girl but she wouldn't stop crying and screaming. Midnight had to resort to putting her to sleep.
Midnight picked up the sleeping Uraraka and brought her to her own room to rest.
Once she was settled down the two pro heroes went back to Izuku's room to investigate.
"What do you think happened here Mic?" Midnight asked.
"I don't know, and you put to sleep the only person who does!" He howled.
"My quirk doesn't last as long on females anyways, she'll wake up soon."
Present Mic tilted his head and walked over to Izuku's desk.
"Yo, check this out"
"What is all of this!?" Midnight sounded upset once she saw.
"A villain's doing maybe?"
"What would a villain gain from destroying pictures of Midoriya with his friends?" Midnight pondered her thoughts for a moment. "Midoriya is in class right?"
"How should I know!?" Present Mic yelled.
"I'm just wondering as to why Uraraka was at the dorms in the first place, and in Midoriya's room at that."
"Go ask her then!"
"Mic how bout you do a quick survey of the dorms to make sure nothings here while I check on her?"
"Sounds good, I'll be back!" Present Mic whipped around and started walking the other way.
Once Midnight made it to Uraraka's room she sat down and patiently waited for her to wake up. She only had to wait a few minutes until she saw the young girl's eyes slowly open.
Uraraka's eyes clouded with confusion before she remembered what had happened.
"DEKU" she screamed.
"Calm down Uraraka. I'm here to help, but I need you to tell me what happened."
Uraraka gulped in an attempt to calm her wild nerves, "t-t-they took De.." she couldn't finish the sentence as she choked on her tears.
Midnight went over to her and started rubbing her back, "it's okay. Did someone take Midoriya?"
Uraraka closed her eyes tightly and shook her head yes.
"Did you see who took him?" Midnight asked quietly.
Uraraka's mouth felt dry of words and she tried her best to hold back more tears, "S-Shigaraki"
Midnight was stunned. She called Present Mic back and explained the situation. They tried their best to bring the traumatized Uraraka to the police so she could explain in detail what happened.
They only told class 1A that Midoriya was kidnapped. UA wanted to keep this kidnapping from the public. Two kidnappings in one school year was enough to destroy UA in the eyes of the public.
Once class 1A returned to the dorms they had been informed. And once they found out, all hell broke loose.
Hey guys sorry for not updating, I've been busy (procrastinating) so sorry for making you wait! Hopefully I can update more often now (no promises).
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