"Alright Iida, spill. You said you would explain what's been going on." Uraraka eyed him. She was a little nervous, she did lie to him after all.
Iida had brought Uraraka into his own room, alone. Despite that he opened the door quickly to check to see if anyone was listening in. Once he saw no one he closed the door quietly.
Iida took a deep breath, "Uraraka, you cant tell anyone this."
She nodded immediately, "Of course!"
"I'm from the future."
Uraraka's mouth dropped, "...W-What?"
"I don't know a good way I could prove it to you, but I wouldn't lie to you." He stared straight at her.
"W-why? H-how?" She sat down on Iida's bed.
"We had to come back... because," Iida looked away, "Something bad happened." He closed his eyes shut, he didn't want to explain it anymore then that.
"To Deku." Her voice became more stable.
"...and you." He said quietly.
She flinched and her eyes went huge, "Iida... tell me what happened." She whispered.
Iida shook his head and tears started filling his eyes, he couldn't say it. He couldn't say that she had been murdered, and it was Deku who had done it.
And that Izuku killed himself right after.
"Iida," she repeated, "Iida, tell me!" She pleaded.
"I c-can't." He choked, "I can't, Uraraka."
She looked at her hands resting in her lap, "That bad, huh." She clenched her fists.
"I'm sorry, I just can't relive-"
"Can you tell me what happened to Deku?"
Iida froze.
"You guys are following him all the time, he must have it worse then me, so what is it? Iida, I'm his friend, I can help you."
Iida spoke so quietly, he might have just said nothing at all.
"HE DIED OKAY." He growled angrily.
Uraraka went rigid and she jumped off the bed to go comfort Iida, "C-Calm down.." she whispered into his ear.
"And I couldn't save him, I didn't even notice anything was wrong with him, none of us did! We all turned a blind eye to his suffering because he never told anyone! He keeps all of his problems to himself, but we're his friends! He could have saved himself, but he'd basically been told his entire life that he didn't matter, Uraraka! This entire world is fucked up!" He cried loudly.
Uraraka sat silently listening to his rant. She had a terrible feeling about what he was getting at... about what happened to Izuku.
"...Did he.." she took a deep breath, and spoke so quietly, it might have not existed, "kill himself?"
"...yes." Iida's voice was compromised by his crying sobs, Uraraka couldn't contain her own tears from spilling and she hugged him.
She couldn't help but ask, she had to know, "Iida... did I die too?"
All he could do was squeeze his eyes shut and nod.
"It's okay Iida, were okay now." She tried to keep her own voice from breaking, "I'm alive, Deku is alive. You can stop us from dying."
Iida took a long time to recover his composure, "No, w-we messed up. The quirk... that started Midoriya's downfall... I-It still got him." It took all of his will not to start another crying fit.
"If he sleeps," Iida continued, "That's when he's affected, through nightmares, nightmares about his past." He managed.
Uraraka's blood ran cold.
She let him sleep.
She let him suffer.
She buried her face in her hands and started wailing, "Oh god, Iida. I'm so sorry, oh god-"
This caught his attention, "W-what is it?"
"I let him sleep. I'm so sorry, he was suffering and now I made him suffer mor-"
Iida's eyes went impossibly wide, "y-you, I trusted you! Uraraka, you promised me- and- and you let him sleep anyways?" He sounded hurt. He had every right to be.
"I-I'm sorry that I lied to you, b-but you can't keep him from sleeping!"
Iida looked at the ground. He guessed she was right. Was it really possible to keep someone from sleeping for three days straight without that person going insane?
"We've been selfish." He said finally, "We didn't think about how Midoriya would feel in all of this."
"By 'we' do you mean you, Todoroki, Kirishima and Bakugo?"
He nodded.
"I think you should tell him."
Iida flinched hard, "N-No, we can't do that-"
"Iida, he's probably figuring this out on his own already."
Iida was silent for a moment, then he realized something, "HIS NOTEBOOK!" He yelled.
"What?!" Uraraka jumped.
"IIDA STOP!" Uraraka demanded, grabbing his shoulders, "You can't do that, you have to tell him!" She cried.
He lowered his voice, "Uraraka if we tell him, it will break him, especially if he finds out he killed you."
She went deathly still.
"H-He-" she felt her knees buckle and Iida fell out of her grip.
Iida stood up and looked at her, "I'm sorry, I'll be right back, I have to destroy it!" He sprinted out of the room.
She couldn't respond, her thoughts were clouded with images of being killed by her best friend. Images of being stabbed by him, of dying at his hands rushed through her mind.
She suddenly knew; It really happened.
Iida was grateful that Izuku's door was unlocked and he didn't have to resort to breaking it down.
His eyes were immediately drawn to Izuku's desk, where the charred notebook sat. He plucked it off the desk and flipped through it.
And there it was.
It was a messy page, Iida was frozen as he stared at the scribbled handwriting.
He was horrified as he read it.
Notes: What's happening?
Started one morning, I was sleeping and
They ran in and hugged me
Kacchan hugged me?
Kirishima asking if we had
Class on a Saturday? -Possibly
Covering up for something?
"You're alive" -Kacchan
Everyone's treating me like a kid.
"Realized you're such a good friend" -Iida
Why now? What made them realize?
When I hid, they all panicked
"We can't let his happen." -kacchan
"If could be tonight I'll go find him"
Can't let what? -kirishima
They wouldn't let me go see my mom, when I did something bad happened. Like they knew it would happen, that's why they tired to stop me. They knew the name of the kid who hit me with the quirk. HOW?
Why do I feel so SCARED?
Why won't they let me sleep?
I'm tired.
I feel vulnerable.
Why am I so upset?
Why won't they let me sleep?
Uraraka let me sleep. I had a nightmare. But it was all things that had actually happened to me, did they some how know that would happen if i slept?
-Time travel ?
- A future seeing quirk ?
Did something bad happen to me?
Kacchan said.. "you're alive."
Did I... die?
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