Izuku stood up straight and backed into the corner of the room. He wasn't in the mood for this. No no no no no. Not right now. He felt so weak, so helpless.
"W-What did you say Deku?" Uraraka's voice quivered.
Don't say it, don't say it-
"I said kill me."
"I want to die."
"Why would," her voice hitched, "you say that?"
He looked at the floor and bit his lip. Uraraka looked at him sorrowfully. Then she noticed that she had no idea where she was. She whipped her head and looked straight at him.
"W-where are we?" Her lip trembled.
"I brought you here." He was glad the topic changed. He was so tired.
"Please, just tell me." She pleaded.
"With villains." He couldn't bear to look her in the eyes. He knew he would crack if he did.
"How did we get here?"
"I brought you here."
Don't break, stop Izuku-
"I," his voice cracked, "I dunno"
He heard the bed creak, and he knew she got up. He heard her foot steps grow closer, she was probably going to try and hug hi-
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" He screamed, and she flinched back.
"I just want to help you" her voice wobbled.
"You- you can't," he was breaking, "You can't help me"
"Look at me, Deku." She said softly.
No, no, no I can't. I can't I can't-
He slowly lifted his eyes, afraid of what he would find in hers. Hate? Pity? Fear? It didn't matter.
Her eyes... were soft. Understanding? Forgiving? After everything he had done?
Izuku feel to his knees and started wailing. I don't deserve forgiveness, I don't deserve anything, the only thing I deserve is a painful death.
"But you do deserve forgiveness."
Of course he said that out loud. Stupid habits.
"And you don't deserve to die either." Uraraka said passionately.
"Stop pitying me." He cried.
"I'm not." She said softly.
He didn't respond after that, only screamed and cried more. Uraraka desperately wanted to go over and comfort him but she knew he would freak out. So she stayed back, and watched her friend suffer.
"Please stop" she whispered after awhile.
He lifted his head to look at her and gave her a heartbreaking smile, "I want to hurt you, and I don't know why."
She didn't really have a response to that.
I have to help him, I have too. But... I don't know how.
All they could do was marvel at their own helplessness.
Uraraka decided that any attempt at talking or comfort wouldn't help. So she accepted the fact that space was the best thing he needed right now. She crawled back onto the creaky bed and cried because there was nothing else to do.
She was kidnapped by her best friend, brought to people that will kill her if she acts out and stuck with a person beyond saving. She didn't think it could get any worse, but she didn't know what the villains were planning to do with her so she had no idea.
Two days passed. Ochako didn't know that fact, she had no idea how much time had gone by. A villain with purple scars all over his body brought them both food twice a day.
Deku didn't eat.
He barley moved from the corner. A couple plates of food just sat by him, uneaten. One time when the guy Uraraka had assumed was Dabi had brought them food, he saw Izuku's full plates of food and got upset.
"Why aren't you eating, huh?" Dabi growled.
Izuku remained silent. He hadn't talked since the other day with Uraraka.
Dabi tensed in anger, "You really wanna starve that badly, you piece of shit!?" He kicked the plates of food, which splattered on the ground.
Izuku stayed curled in the corner, unfazed. He hadn't flinched or moved at all. Uraraka was worried.
"Don't ignore me!" Dabi reared his foot back and nailed him in the stomach.
Uraraka rushed over and wrapped her arms around the villain in a futile attempt to make him stop. He ripped her off and threw her to the ground, and looked back at Izuku.
"I don't even know why the both of you are still alive, Shigaraki should just off you both." He said coldly before giving Izuku another swift kick to the stomach and stalking off.
Uraraka stayed stunned on the floor for a second longer before scrambling over to Izuku. She heard the door slam and lock as Dabi left.
She kneeled down beside Izuku and slowly put her hand on his back. He didn't react.
"D-does it hurt?" She asked quietly.
She swore she could see him slightly shake his head no.
"It... doesn't hurt?" She asked.
She saw him shake his head yes, which filled her with relief because he was actually doing something.
She looked at him. He was shaking. Of course he was hurting, he just got kicked at full force in the stomach by an adult.
He slowly moved his hands to hold his stomach and he curled up in a ball.
"I-I thought you said it didn't hurt, let me help you, pleas-"
She cut off as she saw him raise his hand shakily. She stared at it as it slowly moved towards her and weakly rested on her shoulder. And he pushed.
He was trying to push her away.
He brought his hand back and curled back in on himself. She wanted to look at his eyes, but they were covered by a shadow created by his hair. She hadn't seen his eyes in awhile.
She got up and slowly picked up the food covering the floor and piled it together. She looked down at her green haired friend, an overwhelming feeling sadness weighed her down.
He didn't have much longer.
"Oi, Shigaraki What are you going to do with those brats?" Dabi huffed.
"Huh?" Shigaraki asked dumbly.
"Those stupid hero students Kurogiri asked me to bring food for!"
"Oh right. I dunno still planning." He said, clearly uninterested.
Kurogiri suddenly appeared next to Shigaraki.
"Actually, Dabi, we believe we have a plan."
Shigaraki rolled his eyes and Dabi tapped his foot impatiently, "then what is it?"
"A trade. The students for All Might." Kurogiri said proudly.
"I like that better then the original plan." Shigaraki rasped.
"What was the original plan?" Dabi asked curiously.
"Have Midoriya kill as many people as possible, then kill him." Shigaraki said plainly.
"The death of All Might is more important to us." Kurogiri added in.
"And I thought the original plan would work too, we were so close but that idiot had to get caught, how lame."
"But If we give Midoriya back to the heroes, he still might succeed in his mission." Kurogiri added helpfully.
"I don't really care, I just want to kill All Might."
Dabi kept his mouth shut. He followed Stain's ideals and the death of All Might wasn't really something he wanted. He didn't really have much of a say in the matter though.
"Whatever, just get it done soon." Dabi growled.
"Shigaraki would you like to record the ransom video soon?"
"Why not."
Hey guys, I'm adding this in, so should I change the cover of this story? I don't really like it anymore. Would you be okay if I did? I'd change it into an edit I made instead of art.
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