Leave Me Alone
"Do you think we should let others visit young Midoriya?" Toshinori asked Aizawa after Yuu and his mother left.
"It's a touchy subject, that's for sure." Aizawa grumbled as he thought it over.
"What about his mother?"
"Here's what I think. The class can see Midoriya, except those who were involved in the... incident."
"His mother?"
"Her too, I guess." Aizawa rolled his eyes.
"Do you really think this treatment will work? Him just getting help from his friends?"
"Then wha-"
"If It were up to me, I would expel him. Right.
Now. He could go get help somewhere else, from some random, expensive costing psychological healing quirk."
"Aizawa, you cant be serious-"
"I would expel him. He attacked his classmates. Tried to kill them. However," Aizawa huffed in annoyance, "obviously Nedzu gets the final say, and he said to wait it out."
"Can't say I'm surprised by you, Aizawa." Toshinori sighed, "I think I'm going to talk to Midoriya real quick, is that okay?"
"Do what you want, I'm going to inform the class about their visiting privileges, and check on the injured ones."
"I'll see you." Toshinori waved goodbye and made his way back to were Izuku was.
The door creaked open and Izuku didn't have enough energy to look at who it was. He had already kind of guessed it would be one of two people.
Toshinori came to stand in front of Midoriya, who was still in heavy restraints. Too heavy for any teenager training to be a hero.
"How are you doing?" Toshinori asked cheerfully.
Izuku didn't meet his eyes.
"Young Midoriya, as my successor, I need you to talk to me."
"Leave me alone." Izuku whispered loud enough for Toshinori to hear.
"I'm not going to be here for long. I promise." Toshinori smiled at him.
Izuku huffed in annoyance but didn't say anything else.
"Do you remember what I said to you all that time ago?"
"Eat this." Izuku mumbled.
"No! But I'm glad to see you still have a sense of humor! I said that you could become a hero, didn't I?"
Izuku tried to sink lower into his chair.
"Do you maybe... want to explain what's been going on with you, someone with so much potential?"
"It's not my fault."
"What isn't?"
"It's their fault."
"I didn't ask to become like this."
"Like what?"
"Stop acting like my therapist!" Izuku lashed out.
"I'm just trying to understand. I just came to let you know, some of your classmates may visit you."
"I don't want to see them."
"They're going to help you"
"I don't want their help, I'm fine."
Toshinori spit out blood in laughter.
"Why are you laughing!? Stop it!?" Izuku snarled.
"You are not fine!" Toshinori cleared his throat, "they are going to talk to you, weather you like it or not!" It sounded like a father talking to his son.
There was a knock at the door.
"That was fast! I bet some of them are here now. You have good friends young man."
"Shut up!" Izuku lashed around in his chair.
Toshinori waved goodbye and slipped outside to see who was knocking.
It was Todoroki and Iida.
"Hello boys."
"All Might. Can we please see him?" Iida asked quickly.
"Of course, but please, be careful with certain subjects."
"Of course."
"Good luck you two."
"Get out." was the first thing the duo heard.
Iida and Todoroki exchanged a worried look. The room was deathly silent as no one spoke.
Izuku barley lifted his head, and glared at the duo beneath the fringes of his hair.
Todoroki opened his mouth to say something, but found it dry of words as it hung open for too long.
"Did you not hear me? Get out."
"Midoriy-" Iida tried to speak.
"If you guys were there I would have gone after you too. There, now leave."
"If someone asks me 'why' one more time, I'm going too-"
"What, kill us?" Todoroki cut off bluntly, with a ice cold gaze.
"Todoroki!" Iida exclaimed.
"Be careful with what you say! We can't-" Iida stopped himself to whisper the last part in Todoroki's ear, "we can't provoke him."
The room was silent again.
Izuku didn't lift his glare.
Todoroki spoke up first, "As far as I can tell, you're still Midoriya. Something happened that night when you came back late, care to explain?" Some anger started seeping into his calm voice.
Izuku visibly tensed up.
Iida immediately noticed and tried talking Todoroki down, "I think we should talk about something else." Iida gestured towards Midoriya stiffly.
"No, lets talk about this." Todoroki ignored his pleas completely.
"I went to my house. I came back. A kid fucked my brain up." The subject made Izuku irritated.
Todoroki's eyes widened, but he pushed forward, "How?" His voice lowered.
"The past." Izuku growled out. He started twitching.
"Todoroki now would be a good time to stop."
Iida said sternly.
Todoroki didn't pay any attention, "explain it." He snarled out.
"No." Izuku snarled back.
"Explain it."
Izuku clenched his teeth and he felt one for all course through his veins.
"You don't know anything." Izuku whispered.
"Explain it-"
Izuku lifted his head in fury.
"Enough!" Iida yelled, "Todoroki if I'd known you couldn't handle this, I wouldn't have come with you. Let's go."
Iida grabbed Todoroki's sleeve and dragged him out of the room. Izuku lowered his head back down and tried to calm his breathing.
Once they left the room Todoroki broke out of his angry mindset.
"I'm sorry, Iida. Where are we going?"
"We're going to get some answers."
"From.... who?"
The atmosphere was pretty awkward.
"How are your wounds?" Iida asked politely.
"Fine." Bakugo grumbled.
There was definitely something bothering him.
"Can we talk right now?" Iida asked seriously.
"Talk." Bakugo growled.
"I don't know how much you're gonna get out of him, he hasn't talked much since everything went down. And afterwards..." Kirishima interrupted.
"Afterwards, what?" Todoroki asked curiously.
"He hallucinated-"
"Shut up, Kirishima." Bakugo looked coldly at him as he clenched the blankets of the hospital bed.
"Sorry." Kirishima looked at Todoroki and Iida apologetically.
"You came here for info, right?" Bakugo asked surprisingly calm.
"If you're up for it!" Iida said cheerfully.
"Deku had a pretty shitty past. Anything else you want to know?" He looked more annoyed then concerned.
"Can you explain?" Todoroki moved closer to him.
Bakugo heaved a big sigh and tired to explain what he knew, "Deku was born quirkless. Fucker didn't have a quirk till right before high school."
Bakugo really didn't have to explain more then that.
Considering where society held quirkless people, Iida and Todoroki could guess that Izuku went through some pretty ruthless bullying.
"Mr. Aizawa told me that some little kid was forced by the league to make Deku remember everything." Bakugo continued.
Todoroki recalled Izuku saying a kid fucked up my brain.
"Something doesn't make sense though... how did he get a quirk then?" Todoroki looked Bakugo dead in the eyes.
There was no way in hell Bakugo was going to reveal All Might's secret. "Probably Some fucking mutation, how am I supposed to know?" He growled.
"Why would his past make him want to..." The words felt dry on Iida's tongue, "harm us?" That was a nicer way of putting it.
The whole group whipped around to see Uraraka standing at the door.
"I don't care what Mr. Aizawa says. I'm going to see him tonight."
I want to apologize for the heavy amount of dialogue in this chapter.
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