"Alright you little shits, lets get this over with." Shigiraki opened the door to their prison and growled at them.
He walked over and grabbed Izuku by the back of his shirt and pulled him up roughly. Izuku was still wearing his hero costume, he never got a chance to take it off. He swayed on his feet a little, but stayed standing and waiting for Shigiraki to lead him out of the room.
Shigiraki walked over to Uraraka and pulled a small rope out of his pocket and tired her hands together tightly. It hurt slightly but she didn't say anything. She knew this man would kill her if he just got annoyed.
"Follow." He commanded as he left the room. Uraraka turned to see if Izuku was complying with his orders. Thankfully he was and she sighed in relief.
The relief was sort lived, she tensed up in fear. She had no idea what was about to happen. Are they going to kill us? Are we moving to a different location? Torture?
They made it to another room where a chair and a camera were set up. There was only one chair and a couple of ropes laid next to it. Uraraka gulped, she knew those were for her. What are they going to do it me?
"What's with that look?" Shigiraki smiled evilly, "go ahead, sit down."
Uraraka reluctantly followed his orders and sat on the rickety wooden chair. Shigiraki turned toward Izuku and commanded, "go stand next to her, I'll be right back."
Izuku followed his commands and walked stiffly over to were Uraraka was. Uraraka watched with wide eyed as Shigaraki left the room.
This was her chance to escape.
She quickly stood up and looked back at Izuku. His eyes never left the floor as he spoke softly, "Stop."
"Deku, this is our chance we have to go!" She whispered harshly.
Uraraka quickly understood why Shigiraki felt comfortable enough to leave the two of them alone, Izuku wasn't leaving, and Uraraka wouldn't leave without him. And if for some reason Uraraka left without Izuku, Shigiraki would definitely kill him.
Uraraka sighed and sat back down in the chair. He really was the worst.
"I'm going to save both of us." She declared quietly. Whether he heard her or not she meant every word.
"Alright Dabi, please tie her up" she heard Shigiraki return with Dabi behind him. Kurogiri appeared behind the camera and checked to make sure it was working properly.
Dabi walked over to Uraraka, grabbed the ropes and secured her tightly.
"Alright lets do this-"
"Oh, can I watch Please!!" A high pitched voice sounded through the room.
Dabi face palmed and Shigiraki rolled his eyes. A girl with messy blonde hair tied up in two buns walked in. Uraraka inhaled sharply, Himiko Toga.
"Whatever, lets just get this over with." Shigiraki grumbled.
"Do you know what you want to say Tomura?" Kurogiri asked.
"Yeah, yeah." Shigiraki waved him off with his hand, "and you two, stay out of the shot." He pointed at Toga and Dabi.
Dabi nodded and Toga squealed in excitement. Shigiraki gave Toga a look, god, she's weird.
"Can I make Izuku look all pretty? Oh, please let me!" She cried.
Shigiraki rolled his eyes and realized she probably wouldn't stop asking unless he gave her what she wanted, "One cut." He allowed.
She jumped up and down as she pulled out her knife and rushed towards Izuku who, despite the circumstances, stood completely still.
Toga examined him, deciding which place she would like to see bleed. She grabbed his chin and forced him to look at her. Toga gazed into his eyes intensely before she giggled.
"Your freckles are so cute, I'll think I'll cut right here!" She brought the knife up to his face and slide it down his cheek slowly.
Izuku flinched at the touch of the knife as it burned his skin. He wanted it to stop, so badly, but he remained silent and still. This was his punishment for being a failure, a deku.
"That's so adorable!" She cried as she pulled the knife away, leaving a long gash on his cheek, "Tomura please let me do more!"
"No, that's enough. I bet seeing him hurt a little will make the heroes squirm, I love the thought." He laughed as he walked over to the two hostages, "Get out of the shot." He glared at Toga.
She quickly slipped away and turned to watch the show. Shigiraki turned towards Izuku and whispered something in his ear, Uraraka strained her ears trying to listen but she heard nothing.
"Alright girl," Shigiraki leaned to her, "I want you too say something like 'help me' or 'please come save me.' Some shit like that so they'll agree to my demands."
"I-I can't do tha-" she started to say.
"Do it, or die."
Uraraka gulped audibly and quickly shook her head yes.
"Good, Kurogiri start the recording."
"Of course." Kurogiri pressed the button and gestured Shigiraki to start.
"Well hello there heroes!" He smiled widely, "what do we have here? Two UA students, isn't that nice!?" Shigaraki tuned to Uraraka and narrowed his eyes. She guessed that was her queue.
"P-please save us." Was all she said.
Izuku only stood silently in the background. Uraraka wondered what his part in this was.
"That's right, I have them and here's what I want. I want All Might to come alone to the address I attach to this recording tape. That's right, an exchange, All Might for these brats. I won't hesitate to kill these students if he doesn't come alone, or doesn't come at all. And maybe... I won't kill them at all, maybe your dear Midoriya will kill the girl instead. A UA student, commiting murder against a classmate!" He started laughing.
"Midoriya, show them I'm serious ." He commanded.
Izuku pulled a knife out of his pocket and brought it up to his own throat. Shigaraki's face twisted in anger and he yelled at Izuku, "I told you to do it too the girl, not yourself!"
Shigiraki looked extremely pissed and Uraraka could only watch in fear as he held up his hand near Izuku's face. Uraraka gasped in horror as Shigiraki pressed all five off his fingers down on Izuku's face for just a second before he pulled it off.
Parts of Izuku's skin started to crumble and well up with blood. He clutched his face in his hands as he fell to his knees.
"Tsk- these brats are so fucking annoying," Shigiraki turned towards the camera, "don't worry your precious student isn't dead," he taunted, "but I'll kill the both of them, I'll
give them a slow painful death if you don't comply to my demands. Got it?"
Kurogiri ended the video.
"Deku!" Uraraka screamed as soon as she knew the video was over, "Deku, are you okay!?"
"He's fine, would you shut the hell up!" Shigiraki snarled at her, "I barley used my disintegration on him!"
"B-but he's hurt!" She cried.
Shigiraki walked over to where Izuku lay kneeling on the ground. Shigiraki glared at him in anger, his video was ruined because of him and he didn't have enough patience to take another one. Shigiraki lifted his foot back and kicked Izuku in the side of the head, which left him sprawled out on the floor.
"Kurogiri get these two back in their room, they piss me off."
"As you wish."
Toshinori haven't gotten a good nights sleep in forever. The constant worry and guilt of what was happening never failed to keep him up at night. He hadn't heard anything from Izuku or Uraraka, for all he knew they could both be dead.
For the first time in forever Toshinori actually felt his eye lids get heavy and he decided he would sleep for just a little. He felt he didn't deserve any sleep, but decided he needed rest so he could keep looking for his students.
He drifted off slowly to sleep, and in his dreams a woman appeared before him. Toshinori stared wide eyed at her, he knew this person.
It was his master, Nana Shimura.
"Well, well, Toshinori it seems you've gotten into a lot of trouble."
"Master," he felt tears well at his eyes, "everything is messed up, my successor he-"
"I know Toshi, I've come here to talk to you. I've seen the future, and I need you to know that whatever happens next you can't lose hope."
"W-whats going to happen!?" He cried, "Master please tell me!"
"I can't Toshi. It's not good." A few tears sprang to her eyes, "everything is a mess. I'm going to find someone with a quirk that might be able to fix this and send them here."
"Please, you must tell me more!" He screamed.
"I can't, I don't have much time, don't give up," she started to fade, "Please don't give up."
She was gone.
What did you think of that? Sorry my update schedule is inconsistent lol
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