Izuku returned back to the dorms and sighed. That wasn't how he was expecting his day to go.
How did Aizawa figure him out?
Sure his depression was really affecting in middle school, but now all it was, was a lingering thought in his head. It was always there of course, but he had never been happier in his life.
He had so many good friends, and he was finally following his dream.
When he walked through the doors to the dorm, a couple students surrounded him and begged to know why Aizawa called him out.
Izuku felt a little overwhelmed but thankfully Iida stepped in and scolded them, telling them it was none of their business.
Izuku smiled at him, he really did have great friends.
Izuku felt a pair of eyes on him, and he looked to see Bakugo side eyeing him.
Izuku waved his hand weakly, which caused Bakugo to turn away. Izuku frowned, he looked sad.
Should I ask him about it?
Izuku motioned to go talk to him, but stopped when he received a text.
"Young Midoriya! For some unknown reason, I heard that Aizawa cancelled class. This would be a perfect time to get a little extra training in. -All Might"
Izuku smiled, well his talk with Bakugo could wait.
Izuku was completely red faced.
I just called All Might, dad.
I just called my mentor, and the greatest hero, dad.
He wasn't expecting All Might to walk in as he finished up training, he'd complemented him and told him how far he'd come.
"Thanks, Dad!"
FUCK! Izuku cried in his head, WHY!?
"W-Wait..- NO I DIDN'T MEAN THAT!" Izuku cried immediately after.
All Might said it was fine, but Izuku was totally embarrassed.
Once Izuku got back to his room, he changed out of his sweaty cloths and took a quick shower.
He put on fresh clothes then headed downstairs to see what everyone was doing.
He looked for Bakugo first, because he wanted to talk to him, but he was nowhere to be seen. Izuku shrugged, it was probably no big deal.
He saw some of the girls playing cards, which looked like fun.
Mina was laying lazily on the couch, "Let's do something!" She whined in boredom.
"Yeah, but what?" Kaminari complained.
Mina spotted Izuku and she immediately rushed over to him, "Midori... tell us what Aizawa said to you!"
Izuku tensed up a little bit, "I-It wasn't a-anything i-important..."
She put her arms together to form an X, "Wrong answer! You stutter when you lie, you know." She teased.
Izuku laughed nervously, "W-Well..." he trailed off.
"Mina, Chill." Kirishima spoke up, "he doesn't have to talk."
"You guys ruin the fun!" She whined, "I'm just bored, and I wanna know why class got canceled... Oh! I know let's go to talk to Todoroki!"
Kirishima sighed loudly, "Alright, Whatever."
"Todoroki!" She called.
Izuku was a little curious too, why did class get canceled? It couldn't have been all for Aizawa to talk to him.
Todoroki came in from the kitchen, "What."
"Come talk to us!" Mina exclaimed.
Todoroki made eye contact with Izuku, and he hesitated.
"I don't know if it's a good idea..." Todoroki trailed off.
"You have no choice!" Mina insisted, she ran over and grabbed a Todoroki's shoulders, and hauled him over to the couches.
Kaminari sat up and listened intently.
"Why did you pass out?" She interrogated.
"I felt light headed." He answered immediately.
"Eh!? Then why did our teacher and Bakugo pass out at the same time!?"
"Coincidence." He said flatly.
"Agh!" She yelled, "What the heck!?"
"That's so strange." Kaminari scratched his chin.
"There had to have been a reason..." Izuku chipped in.
"Maybe we all had something bad in our breakfast." Todoroki answered quickly.
Izuku blinked, "You... didn't eat breakfast?"
Todoroki's eyes widened.
"You, me and Kirishima walked to school this morning. I asked if you were gonna eat breakfast, and you said no."
"Oh..." Todoroki began to sweat, "must have... forgot... I gotta finish making my tea." He said quickly.
Izuku narrowed his eyes a little... that was weird.
Izuku looked around for Bakugo, but couldn't seem to find him.
He even asked his friend group, which called themselves "The Bakusquad", Izuku laughed and said he'd liked it.
He wondered if he had a "Dekusquad".
He laughed the thought away, he definitely wouldn't be the "leader"of the squad. It would probably be something like, the "Todosquad" or the "Iidasquad". Maybe the "Urasquad".
He really did love his friends, they meant so much to him. He'd had so many bad experiences with "friends" in middle school, that when he made actual genuine friends, he'd latched on to them.
Izuku had chosen to forget about middle school, a minor memory that he willed away.
But Aizawa... Izuku couldn't figure it out.
And now that he was apparently going to see a therapist, he'd have to talk about all the bad stuff.
And thinking about it, made him sad.
He didn't want to be sad anymore.
He also didn't want his friends to be sad, which reminded him that he wanted to talk to Bakugo. Did Bakugo count as a friend?
Izuku finally found him in the weirdest spot possible.
He was just chilling on the roof.
"Kacchan?" Izuku asked hesitantly.
Bakugo flinched as the sound of his voice, and he quickly brought his arm up to his eyes, before turning towards Izuku.
"Stupid Deku, how did you find me?"
"Oh... well i went outside to look for you, and then I saw someone on the roof..." Izuku said awkwardly.
"What do you want?" He growled harshly, harsher then usual.
Izuku jumped at the tone of his voice, "W-Well, you just seemed sad today..." Izuku fumbled with his hands.
Bakugo glared at him, "Stop fucking doing that."
Izuku blinked in confusion, "Doing... what?"
"Worrying about other people. Worrying about me, after everything i did? Fucking stupid." His voice was becoming more raw.
Izuku's eyes softened, "Kacchan... what's wrong?"
"Did I not say to fucking stop? You have so many fucking problems with yourself but you worry about others, so just stop."
"..Y-You too?" Izuku felt small. Why was everything suddenly about him today?
"What the Fuck do you mean, "you too'". Bakugo snarled.
Izuku looked at the ground, "Mr. Aizawa... told me I needed to see a therapist."
Bakugo snorted, "Good."
"Did you tell him there was something wrong with me?" Izuku's voice was scratchy, "because I don't understand..."
"I didn't say shit."
"Oh... Alright.." Izuku looked back up at a Bakugo, "I-I'm still worried about you though?"
Bakugo sighed, "Fine Deku, you wanna know what's been botherin' me?"
Izuku nodded.
"I'm sorry." The anger in Bakugo's face receded, only to be replaced by a calm expression, "I shouldn't have been such a dick before, so I'm sorry."
Bakugo had already apologized in another timeline, but he'd say it a million times if he could fix his mistakes.
Izuku stood frozen, "I-uh-"
"That's what's been bothering me, so leave." He grumbled.
"I've forgiven you." Izuku smiled, "I don't care about the past."
Stupid Deku, the past can come back to haunt you.
You should know that more then anyone.
Eek I hope that wasn't a bad chapter, don't know if i like how it came out
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