After another night of staying up and no sleep, Izuku was exhausted. He didn't even speak to the others the entire night, he was furious they were making him stay up again.
"Midoriya, are you doing okay?" Iida asked guiltily in the morning. They couldn't let him sleep, right?
Izuku glared at him.
"Hello?" Todoroki was oblivious to the fact Midoriya wasn't taking to them.
So when Todoroki got no response he turned to Iida, "What's wrong with him?"
"He's upset that we didn't let him sleep again." Iida sighed.
"Oh." He looked at Izuku worriedly, "It's for the best."
Izuku whipped around to look at him. He lowered his head and clenched his fists, "It would be nice if I knew the reason." He growled.
Iida looked at him helplessly, then turned to Todoroki, "We need to leave soon, so we can talk to Aizawa."
"Are Bakugo and Kirishima coming with us?"
"Kirishima is coming with us, Bakugo is staying with... well you know." Iida shrugged.
"Then let's get going."
"Just waiting on Kiris- Ah, I see him."
Kirishima came walking in, "I'm ready guys!"
"Hey Midoriya, we'll see you at school." Todoroki turned around to him.
Izuku only stared at his hands.
Sero walked into the room, Izuku looked to him hopefully.
"Sero, have you seen my notebook?"
Todoroki froze.
"Nope haven't seen it." Sero responded.
It would be better if Izuku never looked at his notebook again, in the time travelers opinion.
"Mr. Aizawa?" Kirishima called as he walked into the classroom, Todoroki and Iida following behind him.
They didn't get a response, and upon further inspection, they found he was sleeping.
"He's like a yellow caterpillar." Todoroki remarked, which earned a laugh from Kirishima.
"Mr. Aizawa?" Iida tapped the sleeping bag.
Aizawa's eyed cracked open, "It's early." He grumbled.
"Class starts in 30 minutes." Kirishima laughed.
Aizawa sighed as he unzipped his sleeping bag and stepped out.
"What?" Aizawa crossed his arms.
Kirishima looked at Iida, "What if we just like, said it all really fast and Mr. Aizawa remembered both timelines and we didn't have to explain anything?"
"Like ripping off a bandaid?" Todoroki questioned.
"What are you talking about?" Aizawa's face suddenly grew serious.
"Seems like a weird way to do it, but go ahead." Iida looked at Aizawa.
Kirishima decided he would explain, "Okay so, Me, Iida, Todoroki and Bakugo are from the future, Midoriya was hit by a quirk that made him really sad, then he got kidnapped- and probably tortured - by villains, then he got returned to us-"
"H-Hold on a minute!?" Aizawa stuttered, interrupting.
Kirishima kept explaining, "The villains brought him back and then during a training exercise he tried to kill us, but he failed and we restrained him. Then Uraraka went to go see him and he got out somehow, probably the league," Kirishima took a deep breath, and spoke very quietly for the last part, "Then Midoriya killed Uraraka and himself."
Aizawa froze, he looked at them dumbfounded, "I-Is this some kind of joke?!"
"N-no, of course not-"
"Are you making up some kind of story-" Aizawa stopped mid-sentence and his eyes widened. He suddenly clutched his head in his hands and grunted loudly.
Kirishima shared a look with Todoroki and Iida.
Aizawa suddenly got down on one knee and clutched his head harder, pulling on his hair.
"I-Is he gonna be okay?" Kirishima asked worriedly.
They watching him silently.
Finally Aizawa brought his hands down, he took a deep breath and stood up tall.
"I remember." His tone was dark.
"D-Did it hurt to get your memories back?"
"Yes." Aizawa motioned to leave the room.
"Wait-" Iida called.
"I'm going to go restrain him." Aizawa growled, "We're going to lock him up."
"H-He didn't do anything wrong in this timeline yet!" Kirishima pleaded.
Todoroki rushed over and grabbed on to Aizawa's arm, "Please, he's innocent."
Aizawa glared at them, then relaxed slightly, "Tell me more. Did you guys just come from the future?"
Iida looked away guiltily, "W-We've been here for a couple of days." He said quietly.
Aizawa raised an eyebrow, "And?"
"He might have... already been hit with the quirk that made him sad?" Kirishima squeaked.
"WHAT?!" Aizawa roared, "how could you let that happen?!" He hissed.
"We're sorry, we tried, we-"
"Why didn't you tell me sooner!?"
"...we didn't think about it, we're so sorry." Iida rubbed at his eyes.
"We thought we could do everything ourselves. We were wrong." Todoroki's voice was slightly raw.
"We still think we can help him- m-maybe we can go back in time again-"
"I don't like the idea of messing with the timeline." Aizawa said quietly. He looked sadly at his students, "You shouldn't have to deal with all of this, at such a young age. You're just kids."
"We're sorry." Iida sobbed.
"Don't be." Aizawa walked over and wrapped him into a hug, "we can fix this."
"What's with all the sad looks?" Tokoyami suddenly stood at the door.
Iida pulled away from Aizawa and wiped his eyes, "it's fine. We're fine."
Tokoyami shrugged and walked over to his desk.
A few other students walked in.
"Thank you, Mr. Aizawa." Iida bowed, Todoroki nodded his head, and Kirishima gave a thumbs up.
"I'll talk to him today." Aizawa confirmed, "We'll sort this out."
"Also," Iida leaned in to whisper, "You can't let Midoriya do the training today, it'll make him sleep and that's when the quirk affects him. It gets to him through nightmares."
"The training with Midnight?"
Iida nodded.
"Alright." Aizawa sighed.
The trio all went to Todoroki's desk and chatted, they tried to talk about normal things.
Then Bakugo came in.
He was dragging Izuku.
Izuku looked terrified of him.
Todoroki immediately stood up and rushed over, "Bakugo, What are you doing?"
"The little shit didn't want to walk with me, so I dragged him." He barked.
Izuku tried to wrench his wrist out of Bakugo's hand, but that just made him grip tighter.
"K-Kacchan, please let go- please." He said quietly, trying not to draw attention to himself.
"SPEAK LOUDER" Bakugo yelled.
"Please- we made it here, let go." Izuku tried pulling his wrist harder.
Bakugo gave him one last look before releasing him.
Todoroki was fuming, "Bakugo, What is wrong with you?"
Todoroki leaned in and whispered, "He is obviously scared of you."
"So, we can't have you making him fall deeper into despair, are you an idiot!?" Todoroki hissed.
"Chill, he wouldn't walk with me, so I forced him too. I couldn't leave him alone anyways!" Bakugo snapped.
Todoroki huffed in frustration and turned to go to his own desk.
Bakugo glanced over at Izuku's desk and saw that he had his head on his arms, with his eyes closed. He was probably tired.
Bakugo walked over and plopped down on his own chair, "You better not be sleeping, Deku."
Izuku flinched and his eyes flew open, "Sorry-S-sorry."
"Hey, where is Uraraka?" Mina questioned loudly.
Izuku flinched again, and his eyes shot over to her empty desk.
"She said she wasn't feeling good." Asui answered.
Izuku stared at her desk.
He was broken from his thoughts when he felt a pair of eyes on him, he whipped forward and saw that Aizawa was staring intensely at him.
Izuku gulped and he looked at his hands nervously.
Izuku squeaked, and his head shot up, "W-What is it?"
Aizawa was standing at the front of the room, "I need to speak with you, can you step outside?"
Izuku nodded, his hands started shaking with anxiety, "O-Of c-course, S-Sir."
He shakily stood up and followed him out the door.
"Are you doing okay?" Aizawa asked bluntly.
Izuku stared at him with wide eyes before stuttering, "Y-yes, I- Uh, why wouldn't I be?" He laughed awkwardly.
"I've been told you were hit with a quirk, and that you were out after curfew."
"O-oh! My mom needed h-help at home- and- and this little kid was crying in an alleyway, s-so I went to help him, he accidentally used his quirk on me. B-but it's fine- I haven't felt anything from I-It!" He said quickly.
Aizawa raised an eyebrow, "I've noticed how you've been acting lately."
Izuku stiffined, "I-I'm not sure what you mean-"
"You're not acting like yourself. You act like you're afraid, and I don't think-"
"Y-You don't think I can be a hero? Are you gonna expel me?" Izuku cried, "No, please- I'll do better," Izuku's eyes started pouring tears, "Please, I'll do better- s-so much better-" he stared choking on his tears.
Aizawa grabbed on to Izuku's shoulders, "Calm down!" He ordered, "I never said anything like that."
"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry- sorry I just-"
"I said, CALM DOWN."
Izuku clamped his mouth shut.
"I need you to talk to me." Aizawa held on tightly to his shoulders, "You are not okay."
"I-I... I can't not be okay." Izuku's voice was weak, "But I guess, I'm a Deku, so it fits."
"Who told you these things? Why are you saying this about yourself?" Aizawa was fearful for him, he wasn't doing well.
Izuku averted his eyes, "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. We need to get you help."
"N-No, I-I can't fall behind in class- A hero isn't this weak."
Izuku was crumbling before his very eyes.
"Midoriya, breathe. It's all going to work out. I'll let you join class today, okay?"
Izuku took a deep breath, "Okay."
Aizawa turned to leave but Izuku grabbed his arm, "W-Wait."
"What is it?"
"Uraraka... I don't know if she's okay. I'm worried about her, and I want you to help her too, if she needs it."
Aizawa thought about it for a moment before answering, "I can do that."
"Thank you... and- uh, some of the other students have been acting s-strange."
"How so?"
Izuku looked at the ground, "N-Never mind."
Aizawa narrowed his eyes, but he decided to let it slide. He already had a guess about who he was talking about.
He would let Izuku get through the day normally, but he was going to get Izuku help whether he wanted it or not.
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