The last thing Izuku wanted to do was go to class. Not after everything that had happened.
My friends hate me.
I feel like shit.
And I don't even know what to do anymore.
I still want to be a hero, But that seems impossible.
Izuku walked into the classroom and others looked at him. They all knew about the strange way he had been acting.
Uraraka just looked at him with pain in her eyes. She regretted slapping him, but she did what she had to do.
Todoroki narrowed his eyes at Izuku. He to, was still angry. Why wouldn't Izuku see that they were there for him?
Izuku looked at Bakugo.
There was so much pain held in Izuku's eyes. He just wanted it to be gone. For it all to end.
Bakugo was not friends with Izuku anymore, but even an idiot could see his despair.
Izuku took his seat and laid his head down.
Wait... no way.
Shitty Deku didn't say hi to me.
It's not like I even like it, hell, I wish he didn't say hi to me. But... what's wrong with my childhood friend?
And Bakugo was not one to stay quiet.
"What the fuck?!" He slammed his fist on Izuku's desk.
The whole class looked over.
"Come on Deku, just tell us all what the Fuck is wrong with you!" he yelled.
No one tried to stop Bakugo. They all wanted to know what was wrong with Izuku, and maybe, just maybe, Bakugo could make him talk.
"Nothings wrong." His voice was dead.
"You actually think I'm gonna believe that shit!?" He grabbed Izuku's shirt and held him up.
"You really want to know?" He asked sweetly.
"... yes" he said unsurely.
"Because of you Kacchan! Don't you remember the living hell you put me through!" He said in a child-like excitement.
"What's wrong with you?" Bakugo lowered his voice a bit. Something was very wrong here.
"Don't you remember? You told me to kill myself! Just like everyone else in middle school!"
Everyone's sweat dropped.
Did Bakugo really say that?
"...Who cares about that now?" Bakugo was something he never was before; he was embarrassed.
"Well I thought I didn't, but that's what nightmares are for!"
"What are you talking about?" Todoroki cut in.
"Nothing matters anymore," he looked back at Bakugo, "and honestly Kacchan I want to pay you back for all the suffering you caused me."
What am I doing?!
What am I saying!?
This isn't me!
Izuku suddenly snapped out of whatever was going through his head.
Izuku's stone cold face softened into one of fear, and he started breaking down into tears.
"I'm- I'm sorry-" he choked.
The whole class could only watch in shock. No one knew what to do. Some felt sympathy, while others remembered the threats he had made just a minute ago. Most notably Bakugo.
Izuku looked at him.
Kacchan's gonna hit me.
Izuku pulled his hands in front of his face to protect himself.
"S-stop-p" he whimpered.
"What is wrong with you?" Bakugo's voice started to crack. He didn't like seeing anyone like this. Not anymore.
"J-just don't hurt me.." he pleaded.
Bakugo loosened his grip on Izuku's shirt and he fell to the ground.
Uraraka ran over to Izuku and started rubbing his back.
Izuku looked at her and his eyes went wild. He frantically pulled away and started shaking.
Uraraka could only stand there in shock.
"W-why are you pulling away from me Deku?" Uraraka said on the verge of tears.
"You'll hit me" he said softly.
Uraraka didn't know how to respond. She had so much regret.
"I'm-I'm not gonna hit you!" She cried.
Izuku only averted his eyes.
He doesn't believe I won't hit him. I don't deserve to say I'm his friend.
"Just please... leave me alone." Izuku finally said.
The class was dead silent. What was there to say?
"... just take him back to his dorm." Iida said sternly after moments of silence.
Uraraka and Todoroki moved towards Izuku but he pulled away.
"Someone else." Iida growled.
Uraraka and Todoroki looked at him in surprise before slowly moving away in shame.
"We can do it" Yaoyorozu gestured towards herself and Asui.
The two girls walked over to Izuku and slowly helped him off the ground. He didn't reel away, but flinched slightly at their touch.
"Please inform Mr. Azaiwa where we have gone" Yaoyorozu said at the door.
"Got it" Iida responded.
Once the three students left Uraraka and Todoroki turned to Iida in anger.
"Why didn't you let us do it!?" Uraraka hissed.
"You are obviously not helping. You are making the situation worse!" Iida snapped.
"Do you really think he will open up to us be yelling at him?" He asked calmly.
Uraraka paused, "I-I don't know..."
"Just please act rationally."
"Can I at least... watch over him at the dorms today? I won't go in his room! I'll just check on him every once and awhile..." she pleaded.
"...I suppose. Just don't resort to yelling at him if he won't talk to you."
"Thank you!" She sighed in relief.
The three students walked in silence. There was nothing anyone could say to help the situation.
Once they made it to his room Izuku sat down on his bed while Yaoyorozu and Asui waited at the door.
Izuku looked and them and smiled as best he could, "T-thank you."
"Yes, it's no problem Midoriya" Yaoyorozu said sweetly.
Yaoyorozu and Asui exchanged glances before continuing to talk.
"Are you doing alright?"
"No" he laughed slightly.
"Oh..." Yaoyorozu and Asui didn't expect that kind of answer.
"Is it something you want to talk about?"
"Not really" he looked away.
"Not even with us?"
"Not with anyone."
"What about your friends?"
"What friends?"
"You know, Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, even us, we're your friends!"
"It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. I'm worthless just like Kacchan always said."
"I can see you don't like talking about the past. I hope that one day you can open up to us, we will always be here for you." Yaoyorozu tried to stay calm, but she could feel the sadness show in her voice.
"We should probably go now." Asui looked at Yaoyorozu.
"Yes. Goodbye Midoriya, I'm sure you'll feel better soon" she smiled before closing the door behind her.
"Probably not" Izuku whispered.
"You are getting the boy today?"
"Yes Kurogiri, I am."
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