Iida closed the notebook and quickly stuffed it into his shirt. He'd have to tell the others about this later, but the most important thing was getting this away from Izuku.
He carefully walked out of the room, making sure not to disrupt the atmosphere. He didn't want Izuku to figure out he'd been in there, or else he'd know someone stole his notebook. Better for Izuku to think he just misplaced it.
Iida closed the door with caution, and sprinted back to his own room.
He'd forgotten Uraraka was still in there.
She lay on the floor with her head clutched in her hands. Crying.
"Uraraka!!" He knelt down.
"I-I..I" she started choking on her sobs.
"What is it, Uraraka?" He pleaded.
"I r-remember everything." She whispered.
Iida was frozen shock still, "H-How?" He stuttered.
She shook her head and closed her eyes tightly.
"I'm so sorry!" Iida cried. He shuffled over to his bed and hid the notebook under it.
Iida and Uraraka jumped as they heard knocking at the door.
"W-Who is it?" Iida called.
"It's Izuku."
Uraraka yelped loudly and curled into a ball.
"Is someone else in there?" He said worriedly from the other side of the door.
"No, no, no!" Uraraka cried, "Iida, I can't face him." She whimpered.
"Is that Uraraka? Is she okay?" Izuku's voice rose, he sounded like he was starting to panic.
"Everythings fine!" Iida's voice was loud, but fake.
"Maybe we should do something else." Another voice outside the door said hurriedly.
"Not now, Todoroki." Iida heard Izuku huff, "Something's wrong in there, I have to help."
"We're fine!" Iida called quickly, "Don't come in!"
"What's going on, what are you hiding?"
"N-Nothing!" Iida cried.
"Iida make him stop, please!" Uraraka whimpered helplessly, "whenever I hear his voice I-I-"
She couldn't finish as she started another crying fit.
"Is she crying!?" Izuku yelped and Iida heard some noises outside the door.
"Midoriya, Stop!" Todoroki growled.
"Let go of me!" Izuku hissed.
"GET HIM AWAY!" Uraraka screamed.
"WHATS GOING ON!?" Izuku screamed back.
"Todoroki get him out of here!" Iida ordered.
Iida heard Izuku's protests get quieter and quieter as he was hauled away.
"I'm sorry, Iida." Uraraka whispered.
"Please, don't apologize." He said quietly, "I wouldn't have told you about both timelines if I had known you would remember everything."
"Deku killed me." She breathed.
"I remember dying."
"I'm so sorry, we're going to help him." Iida said helplessly, "Do you think you can get up?"
"Just- give me a few."
"Would you like to be alone?"
"Todoroki let me go!" Izuku snarled.
Todoroki didn't respond as he hauled Izuku into the commons.
"Talk to me, Dammit!" Izuku yelled as he thrashed around in Todoroki arms.
They passed Bakugo and Kaminari.
"What the?" Kaminari stared wide eyed at the scene, "Um..?"
"What the Fuck?" Bakugo stalked over.
"Oh good, you're here." Todoroki said coldly and he basically dropped Izuku on the floor.
Izuku immediately tried to get up and run back to Iida's room but Bakugo stood in his way.
"Where do you think you're going?" Bakugo barked.
"Get out of my way!" Izuku yelled but Bakugo grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.
"What the Fuck are you doing!?" Izuku hissed.
A crowd of students had gathering around them, Iida and Kirishima pushed through it to help.
Izuku tried to wrestle his arm free but Bakugo gripped it tighter.
Izuku stopped resisting and went limp, he hung his head down.
Bakugo eyed him curiously while Iida and Kirishima came rushing over. Todoroki stood closely by.
"I'm on to you guys." Izuku whispered.
"I said, IM FUCKING ON TO YOU." Izuku screamed, causing many students watching to flinch.
"You need to calm down, Midoriya!" Iida ordered.
"I'm going to figure out exactly what you all are doing." He snapped.
Bakugo released Izuku and whipped around to face them.
"Is Uraraka okay?" Izuku's voice sounded cold.
"S-she's okay." Iida responded.
"She yelled 'Get him away'. Was that about me?" Izuku burned holes into the ground with his glare.
"You're lying." Izuku growled, "You're all liars." Izuku fell to his knees and wiped away the tears from his eyes.
"What the heck is going on?!" Mina shouted suddenly from the crowd of students.
"Yeah, what is this!?" Sero chimed in.
"Will all of you shut up and give us some space!?" Bakugo snapped and started shooing students away.
Once all the students hesitantly went back to their own dorms, the group headed to Izuku's room.
Izuku sat on his bed and stared at his lap, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.
Iida didn't want Izuku to hear him, but he had to tell Kirishima, Todoroki, and Bakugo, "I need to show you guys something." He whispered to the trio.
Izuku flinched slightly but didn't speak.
"My room, under my bed." Iida's voice was incredibly quiet.
Kirishima, Todoroki and Bakugo nodded and made for the door.
"Right, secrets." Izuku said quietly before laying down on his bed.
Bakugo slammed Iida's door open and practically jumped out of his skin to see Uraraka sleeping on the floor.
"What the!?"
Uraraka opened her eyes slightly, "oh."
Maybe she wasn't sleeping, but what was she doing here!?
"What's wrong?" Todoroki kneeled beside her.
"I remember." She mumbled.
Bakugo rolled his eyes, he had no idea what she was talking about. He walked over to Iida's bed and felt under it.
He did not expect to pull out Izuku's notebook.
"You remember what?"
"Both timelines."
Bakugo froze. How did she...?
"Iida told me about you guys going back in time, and then I remembered both timelines." She rose into a sitting position, "Deku... he.."
"You don't have to talk about it." Todoroki comforted her.
"Whatever." Bakugo grumbled. He was a little worried but he would never tell them that.
He flipped through the notebook and looked for anything that might be important.
And- "Holy Shit."
"What, What is it?" Kirishima rushed over and grabbed the notebook from his hands.
Todoroki whispered to Uraraka, "Will you be okay?"
"Yes, I think so."
Todoroki nodded and walked over to look at the notebook.
"This is bad." Kirishima's voice cracked, "he's too fucking smart."
"I think we should go to Mr. Aizawa." Todoroki spoke, "We should have done that in the first place, he should have come back in time with us."
"I think that's a good idea."
"Stupid fucking Deku." Bakugo growled.
So uhhh Bandersnatch got me FUCKED UP
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