A Talk
It was then that Toshinori noticed two other people behind Aizawa.
He's eyes trailed down to see a little boy walk to stand in front of him.
"All M-might-" the small child started to say.
Until Izuku cut him off.
"YOU," He screamed, "YOU LITTLE SHIT, I'LL KILL YOU." He thrashed around in his restraints.
The little boy jumped up in surprise before running back to the other person who Toshinori assumed was his mother.
"Let's take this outside, shall we?" Aizawa said calmly.
Toshinori could only nod wordlessly.
"GET BACK HERE!" They heard Izuku yell before they shut the door to the room.
"I apologize for that." Aizawa stated to the child and his mother.
The group had made their way to a more private room and sat down for a chat.
"It's... alright." The woman responded, clearly uncomfortable.
"You said you have some information for us?" Toshinori asked.
"I... don't have any, but my son does." She gestured towards the small boy sitting next to her.
Aizawa and Toshinori turned their attention towards him, but the kid only seemed to shrink under their gaze.
"Come on Yuu, please tell these kind men what you refuse to tell me?"
The boy, named Yuu, only shuffled uncomfortably and averted his gaze.
"I'm sorry about this," she apologized, "He said to me yesterday that he wanted to check on the green boy at UA. Naturally I was confused, so I asked him why and he only said 'I did something.' I have a feeling he used his quirk on him." She finished.
Toshinori kneeled down close to the boy and spoke softly to him, "Please don't be afraid, we want to help you and young Midoriya." He smiled.
Yuu smiled softly back and started to speak, "I was... k-kidnapped by v-v-villains." He stuttered.
"WHAT!?" His mother jumped from her seat. "Wh-why didn't you tell me!?" She sputtered out.
Yuu closed his eyes and clenched his fists, "I-I didn't want you to do an-anything, b-because then they would hu-hurt you." His eyes started to water.
"Please elaborate." Aizawa cut in.
Yuu took a deep breathe to regain his composure, "th-they told me if I didn't use my quirk on that b-boy.... they would k-k-" his voice hitched and he looked at his mom with wide teary eyes, "they would kill you."
His mother gasped and she reached down to give him a tight hug, "It's okay." she whispered into his ear.
"Would you please continue?" Toshinori asked awkwardly and Aizawa gave him an annoyed look.
His mother released him and he wiped his tears on his selves, before looking back at the two heroes, "t-they dropped me in an alley, a-and told me what I had to do. When that nice boy came, I-I... used my quirk on him." Yuu looked away in shame.
"What is your quirk?" Aizawa asked patiently.
Yuu started shaking and couldn't meet the heroes eyes. He tugged on his mother's shirt and she understood his message.
"My quirk gives me the ability to look at a persons memories," She spoke, "and his father's quirk lets him walk in a persons dreams. We think Yuu may have a gotten... an interesting combination of our quirks. You see, he can look into a persons memories and bring them back to the surface, however the memories are... only negative and dark. This memories kind of, how do I say this? corrupt the victim?" She explained.
Toshinori and Aizawa were stunned into silence.
Yuu noticed this and spoke quietly, "I'm s-sorry..."
"Young man," Toshinori spoke up, "there is no reason to be sorry. Anyone in your position would have done the same. I actually believe, you have amazing courage for coming here today." Toshinori smiled very softly.
Yuu looked up at him with wide eyes as tears pricked the corner of his eyes.
"D-do you really think s-so?" He sniffled.
"Of course."
"T-thank you"
"We must get all the information we can to help young Midoriya. Now then do you think there could be... some kind of cure to your quirk?"
"W-when I first found out my quirk, I-I used it on my older sister on accident. It was bad... but it wasn't as bad as... the green boy." He shuttered.
"Is there a cure?" Toshinori repeated.
"I don't know." His voice sounded small.
"Well," his mother cut in, "his sister is mostly okay now. I took her to therapy, we all gave her lots of love. Kind of reminded her that everything was fine. But... what did you say his name was? Midori? It doesn't happen like that. They don't become insane! Not that we know of..."
"Shigaraki." Aizawa started firmly.
"What could he have done?" Toshinori asked seriously.
"Can I see the green boy?"
The question hung in the air for a long stretch of silence.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"Yuu! Of course not! I saw the way he reacted to you."
"Just listen to me!" Yuu said loudly, which shut the adults up, "I hate my quirk-"
"Just let me speak!" He snapped, "I hate myself. So much. That hero... he was so strong, and he still is! I wish that... I could be a hero like him. My quirk only hurts... did... did you know that I can see the persons nightmares? What they're suffering? I want- I just- I need him to be okay. He doesn't deserve what's happening... and I just want to talk to him? I want to help him."
The adults were speechless.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It was a dumb idea we can go now-"
"Yuu. You are very strong. Did you know that? You can speak to Young Midoriya if you would like." Toshinori spoke softly to him.
"...thank you, All Might."
"I don't know if I approve of this. His restraints are on tightly, correct?" His mother asked wearily.
"Correct. But I'll check them for you." Aizawa said.
The four got up to leave and made their way back to Izuku's room.
"One last thing before we get there, young man." Toshinori asked in a serious voice, "you could see Midoriya's nightmares, correct?"
Yuu looked up at him with wide eyes, "yes?"
"If you wouldn't mind telling me... what was the theme of the dreams?" He asked awkwardly.
Yuu responded short and simple.
Yuu requested that no one else be in the room.
Izuku and Yuu just stared at each other.
Murderous intent in one gaze.
And sadness in the other.
"What's your name?" Yuu started off awkwardly.
Izuku only glared at him.
Yuu averted his eyes and tried again, "Uh... d-do you like heroes?"
Izuku's eyes widened for a second.
"Yes." Izuku responded after a long silence.
"Th-they're cool aren't they?"
"They couldn't save me." Izuku growled.
More long silence.
Izuku started talking first, "Why are you here?"
"I bet Kacchan is sorry for everything he's done." Yuu looked intently at him.
"What the- how do you know Kacchan?"
"I bet he's sorry for everything he's said to you. I don't think he wanted you to jump off the roof."
"What were you trying to do to your friends?" Yuu changed the subject.
"KILL THEM" Izuku was riled up. He thrashed around from side to side.
"Did you ever think maybe it's all in your head?"
Izuku froze and stared Yuu dead in the eyes.
Izuku didn't look like he was going to speak soon so Yuu went first, "I don't deny, your life has been unfair. People have hurt you, that is the truth. But, that was the past wasn't it? You're training to be a hero, right? So do it."
Izuku hung his head down.
"I-I d-don't know..." Izuku finally whispered, "I'm s-so confused. Nothing makes sense to me anymore."
"What's your name?" Yuu tried again now that Izuku seemed more calm.
"Izuku Midoriya."
"Midoriya, what's happening to you, it's because of other people. Because of the villains and... me. And if you... keep thinking this way, without getting help, you'll be doing exactly what they want."
"Why me?"
"Because you're strong. The strongest hero."
"None of this... makes sense to me. I'm so confused."
"You can understand if you let everyone help you. Tell them what happened, what's wrong."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
I hope this is a good chapter!! I also love it when you guys comment omg
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