||Ace of Fate||
It's hard to turn the page when you know someone won't be in the next chapter but
the story must go on ......
- Thomas Wilder.
Karma is a bitch and no one has anything to undo the fate.
He still remembers the day when a stained father in Navin Sharma has come to see him. That look on his face itself has been loud enough to cry how he's been going through a blemished fatigue.
That day that elder man has cried by holding his both hands in his and without looking at his gaze, he's asked for Vansh's forgiveness. That lowered eyes once have accused Vansh but after the revelation of truth before every naked eyes, he has realised how wrong he's behaved!
After the confession of Shivali, it's been in social circles that how an innocent girl has been used and wronged amidst a game of revenge and that also by her half-sister. And the character of Shelly has been tainted so bad that her darling mother couldn't accept the harsh reality. And it has resulted in her frenzy state.
The hapless father that day has told him how Mrs Shruti Sharma has been mentally derailed by Shelly's confession. From that day she's kept as a caged one in her own house. The good husband as he is, he's kept a nurse always to look after her. Meanwhile to save the growing boy from the society's taunts and his mother's fanatic behaviour, he's sent Pritam to UK for further studies.
Vansh couldn't forgive or access relief to this older man. It's not in his hands to do anything as they both are passengers of same boat. So till she comes back, they're meant to live with this guilt.
However, he enters into Dr Abraham's room with a knock and passes a sorry look to the person sitting there by holding dadi.
She has grown up to a mature girl from that timid, shy Siya of her bhabhi maa. Like a phoenix bird, she's taken a rebirth from old died shell of an immature school going girl to a budding fashion designer. Gone her all nervousness, infact a new feeling of calmness has soothed her soul nowadays!
She's never thought to be transformed into such a person, if not for her! Her bhabhi maa .. naah, Mrs Riddhima Rai Singhania has changed her from the very beginning, whether being present or absent in their life.
And truly she's strong enough today. That's why she's come to meet Dr Abraham along with dadi, the person who's never left any step to verbally abuse her. And those words might have been for her, but Siya Rai Singhania has always loved her bhabhi maa to that much extent that any words against her have been meant for her also. The person has been changed but the love for her bhabhi maa has remained somewhere in deepest corner of her heart.
So when she's showed interest towards dadi for her recovery, all including Vansh too have felt weird. But none has questioned her intentions.
However, Siya has been looking at her wristwatch all this while for the presence of certain someone as he's never done so late. And that's when she listens his calm yet tired voice.
Siya looks at the person before to find her bhaiya .. the person who's also responsible for her bhabhi maa's misery. He's suffering .. she can see! His tired eyes are having thick lenses of specs to cover those black spots, to hide restlessness and tensions of those sleepless nights. His already tall figure is lean enough by suffering from diabetes, even now he has not her .. his lawfully wedded punching bag beside him, to look after his diet. Siya chuckles softly in her mind with that particular thought. It's not her to define Riddhima's state like that, rather Vansh himself says that whenever someone asks of her whereabouts : "She's been saved literally from being this animal's (by pointing towards himself) punching bag. Then how could I expect her to come back to this hell of a person?"
With passing days, his tensions have been increasing for her mental and physical strength and also for her whereabouts. But alas, he could do nothing but to wait for destiny's sign. He's tried enough to search for her but the person who is not ready to come out then how could others get a sign?! It is like she is dead from this earth but to everyone's surprise, Vansh is not ready to accept Riddhima's death so easily.
He believes her as a fighter so he believes she will overcome every obstacle to have a fresh breath. He thinks if he's inhaling oxygen so peacefully then how could God destroy an innocent soul, after so much wrong doings to her? He believes of her comeback, atleast for his punishment!
So the increasing number of chronic diseases like diabetes or blood pressure couldn't wane his willpower. Rather he's dipped himself more into office and work. He might forget his own meal but never forget to take care of his family.
And his explanation is always ready to define his situation : "I might get sick but not our family, especially her babies! What answer I'll give to her when she will return?!"
Siya has been slightly sidetracked by seeing her bhaiya but gets back consciousness by doctor's calling.
With a sigh, she takes another glance of her bhaiya to find him attentively listening everything what doctor has been saying. She just thinks what have been the situation if her bhaiya has shown his true love and care towards her! May be the situation would have been different..sighing, she diverts her mind as it's not the time yet.
After the session with doctor, both the siblings take dadi outside by Vansh holding her in his arms. The relationship between brother and sister is not so smooth like before but seeing him suffering inwardly and without any complaint, Siya couldn't stop herself from worrying for her older brother. He could be evil for others but he's always looked after his siblings like a parent so it's her duty now to be cordial towards him. And she knows if her bhabhi maa gets to know of her ignorance towards her Vansh bhaiya and the reason also herself, then she will feel heartbroken.
And whatever happens, Siya doesn't want her bhabhi maa to get hopeless on her.
Coming outside, Vansh opens the car door and puts dadi on the back seat. Taking a turn, he looks up to find an eye conversation between his baby sister and his very own p.a.
Viraj has come with him till hospital but has remained outside to handle the calls from their clients. So when he finds his boss with his family outside, he's stopped from being on phone. As his boss has urged to stop using phone while being with family. However, he couldn't stop himself from answering in signs when Siya has asked something through eyes. So assuring her with the answers, he takes a sigh of relief and goes to the driver seat.
But none of them has noticed how Vansh has caught their eye conversation. He doesn't intend to but couldn't stop from doubting this duo. As it's not the first time he's noticed the eye conversation between them, but a number of times! But he's always ignored it, blaming his own brotherly conscious mind. But right now it doesn't seem so light, rather he feels an overprotective feeling engulfing his heart for his darling sister and decides to keep an eye when these two are around.
Anushka gets angry now when her son pretends to be in so much pressure .. just to go to toilet!
Could anyone believe? After a couple of weeks, the little Shravan is going to be of five and would be in first standard. But he behaves like all grown up man. So whenever she or his papa asks him for study, he'll try to hamper the time by the name of having water or going to bathroom or sometimes blaming on stomach pain.
And today it's the fourth time, he's gone outside in name of water and bathroom!
She just sighs sadly thinking of her. If she has been here with them, then Shravan couldn't behave so reckless. Rather the little baby used to behave so calm and curious around her but now she is not with them.
She is not here anymore to keep her company or help her in making Shravan a real human being. Sometimes, Anushka thinks deeply of her virtues and she believes so hard that any kid would be lucky to get Riddhima as mother. But God is cruel enough to stop from happening so. Being an orphan also, she's the motherly instincts in her to the fullest ; and the goodness, virtues and her strong aura, she has had in her that could enlighten any child to change for good. That much powerful has been hers!
Her thoughts come to halt listening the falling sound of utensils in kitchen and she runs with a horrified expression, but only after wiping out those tears as she can't make that little soul sad.
Being in these caged four walls also has been satisfactory for the man who earlier used to mock these simplicities of life. If some years ago anyone has told him that he'd love the simplicity of life then the Randhir Reddy would have burnt the person into ashes by his rage. But now he knows nothing can win over the peace of mind and what sins he's done after, it's fateful that he's achieving this much punishment atleast! Otherwise, he could have died our of self harm, just to find a little peace. Amidst of the physical exhausting works of jail, he's living peacefully just by watching their one candid photograph.
He still remembers that day when he's cried so hard before his amma for his own misery and his own loss from being away from his own family - her and their baby.
Sandhya has never visited him nor has allowed their kid too. As a husband and father, he's lost every field and he can't blame anyone except himself. So his amma that day has kept his head on her lap and silently wept with him. But next day she's come to visit him, much to his surprise as she's never come except for any occasion.
But the moment she's handed him the candid photograph of her and their baby girl, he couldn't ask more. He couldn't thank God and his amma for this great blessing. Before that day in those four years also, he has had no idea of having such a baby girl. Neither his amma has told him nor he's the audacity to force her for telling. But the day the old mother couldn't tolerate more of her son's misery and has answered his each unasked questions.
But what has surprised him in that photograph is the features of their baby girl. She's exact photocopy of him..the same eyes, the same sharp nose with that beautiful face. Even the tone is also so fair, like him.
And her? She's so changed, not in all good way. Though she's matured enough with her hard posture in pale green saree but the soft eyes and tender smile on her lips show how much attached she's for their girl. May be she's learnt to fight with each and every satan like him and he believes she'll be the best mother for their kid.
Drishti .. yes, that's her name as his amma has told. Sandhya has named their baby girl as Drishti ; because as per her, through their baby she's started to see the world in different eyes. Drishti is such a blessing for her!
And Randhir knows it's the biggest punishment for him to be away from his daughter, after being so close to each other also. He can't look at her face, can't love her endlessly or never give her the protection she needs. Because Sandhya will try to protect their baby from being with such a cursed father.
Thinking so, a lone tear falls from his right eye and he keeps the photo on his warm chest to keep them close..very close to himself.
It's evening now. So food is served to prisoners and all are having rest after all day exhaustions. Each pair of eyes has already slipped into sleep but not him.
How could he? How could he sleep knowing he's the reason why Sandhya is awakening each night to flow away her sorrow. Because she can't gulp the bitter truth Randhir Reddy has done to her!
Knowing every damn thing also, Randhir can't lessen her sorrow. Because whatever happens he can't break their marriage, though for namesake. He has shamelessly and with all those mights has refused to sign that damn divorce papers, she sent to him the next day after he's found guilty to cause accident to an innocent and for destroying Vansh Rai Singhania's good name. He's been sentenced with the punishment of five years in imprisonment, just after Ms Shivali Sharma has accepted their deeds.
However, Randhir knows Sandhya will never accept a cheater of a husband and it's clear from the photograph itself. Because there's no marital signs in her but still he has hope just because their names are attached through legal papers. And now they are parents of one baby girl.
But then also his happiness couldn't long more when his amma has uttered that bitter truth which no parent would like to listen for their baby.
And that is .. their tiny baby girl has been suffering from autism since her birth.
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