Chapter Twenty-Two
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Two. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I would be lying if I said that I was completely fine, I am still confused, I am still hurt, I am still suffering – I am far from fine. I don't think that it will take me that long to go back to how I was, I know that I will always feel something for Nathan but I don't know if I ever want to date him again. My mind would be constantly reminding me of what Nathan did, cheating on someone isn't exactly something that can be taken lightly, let alone forgotten within a matter of a day. This isn't easy, but I wouldn't have expected it to be easy, nothing ever is and probably never will be.
I am definitely looking forward to going away with the lads, we're leaving today and I was so excited after we started talking about it yesterday. I was surprised at how quickly they managed to sort everything out, it isn't like Brad and I needed to tell our parents but we did anyway, just to let them know that we wouldn't be in the house – however, they told us that they are staying away for longer than they had planned, they have decided to stay abroad for around another two to three months as they really like it out there; Brad and I don't blame them, they deserve to relax and just have a good time.
All the boys packed last night, and Brad managed to find some of my clothes that I left in his wardrobe that I can wear today. Brad called their manager Joe last night too, he asked Joe to pick up the van for us and drop it off this morning – the van is one of those Volkswagen camper vans, the chairs in the back have been ripped out and now have booths in them that fold down into beds, there are 2 booths so there will be two people in the cab (driver and passenger seats), another two in the first booth and one in the last booth.
I have just gotten changed, I am wearing black skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt with Mickey Mouse on it, some grey Ugg boots and one of Connor's black jackets because I wanted a big one to wear. I like to take my shoes off when travelling long distances, I know it's kind of weird, so Ugg boots were the best option and I can snuggle into Con's jacket which is good because it's so comfy. I like oversized jumpers, hoodies, jackets, etc. – I don't know why exactly but they are just so damn comfortable, whenever any of the lads' jumpers 'disappeared' they would look in my wardrobe because I would have been the one that stole them, they would never take them back though because they just liked to see me wear them.
We are going to Nathan's flat first, so that I can collect all of my things because I obviously need clothes to wear. I walk downstairs and to the front door, I look outside and see Brad and James loading things into the boot whilst Connor and Tristan are talking to Joe in front of the van. I decide to grab my things, the things that I have here mainly my phone, keys and other stuff, and lock the door after putting the alarm on. I walk down the driveway and to the van, Connor pulls me into a hug and I smile at Joe "Hey Joe" I say and he returns my smile "Hey Little Simpson" he says and I laugh as Connor keeps his arm around my shoulder "I am only younger by a couple of years" I say in defence but Tristan chuckles "You're the youngest out of all of us Hanni" he says and I sigh "You and James are the old men then" I say and Tristan mock gasps "How dare you" he says making me laugh.
Soon enough Brad and James finish loading everything up and Joe leaves, but not before telling the lads to look after me and then saying that he hopes we have a nice time – he said he wants me to text him with updates on the lads, and what we have been doing which I don't mind. James decided to drive, Brad is in the passenger seat next to him, Tristan is in the first booth as he is laying down, because he is asleep, and I am next to Connor in the back. As James pulls into the apartment block car park, my grip on Connor's arm tightens and he looks down at me "Hanni, I am sure he will be asleep anyway, don't worry" he says in reassurance and I nod.
James stops the car and him and Brad turn around to face me "Do you want anyone to come in with you?" James asks and I nod "Yeah, James will you come with me? I don't want Brad to beat Nathan up if he's awake" I say and James nods "Sure Han" he says getting out of the van. I get out of the van, after climbing over Tristan's booth – managing to not stand on him – and then getting out through the door that James had kindly opened for me. I still have my key to the apartment, but I will leave it on the kitchen counter once I have gotten all of my things.
I put all of my clothes and belongings into some suitcases and James takes them out to the van for me – Nathan is sleeping on the couch; I don't know why he is sleeping on the couch but I am not exactly bothered. Whilst James is taking my things to the van, I have decided to write a note for Nathan. I just want him to know what is happening with me and why my things are gone, it isn't necessarily because I am planning on coming back because I am not sure of that yet but, I don't want him to think that the lads have come here and taken all of my things whilst he wasn't here as that isn't exactly the best way to go about things.
I have taken all of my clothes and belongings out of the apartment and I have left my key on the counter next to this note.
I am going away for a while, with my brother and the band. I would prefer it if you didn't try to contact me in anyway, I need to have space from you and some sort of chance to figure things out.
I am not going to tell you that I am coming back, because I am not sure of that right now. I'm not sure of a lot of things, to be completely honest.
You cheated on me, despite you denying it, and it hurt. You were supposed to love me and never hurt me, but you didn't exactly do the best job Nathan.
This note isn't to make you feel guilty about anything, I just wanted to let you know what was going on.
I will miss you Nathan,
Hannah x'
I finish writing the note and take the house key off of my keys, I place it on top of the note which is on the island counter in the kitchen. He will find it here; he will find it as soon as he wakes up. I find myself looking over at Nathan, he is so peaceful when he is sleeping and seeing him like this makes me want to cry again. I start remembering the times when I would wake up before him, turn over in bed and see his sleeping face – the face that I truly loved and it won't be leaving my mind anytime soon.
I sigh and look around the apartment "Hanni?" I hear from the doorway, bringing me out of my thoughts. Connor is stood at the doorway, looking concerned "Ready to go?" he asks and I nod "Yeah" I say, wiping under my eyes. I walk over to him and he hugs me tightly "Things will get better, I promise" he whispers in my ear and I nod again, my face buried in his chest "Just trust me Hannah, I won't let anyone hurt you again" he whispers again and I smile "I know Con, I know" I whisper in reply.
The both of us leave the apartment, I shut the door – it will be fine being unlocked, the area is a good area and you can't tell that it isn't locked. I take a deep breath, to calm myself and walk back to the van with Connor. This is for my own good, it will help both myself and Nathan, and that is what matters.
That was Chapter Twenty-Two, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter......
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