Chapter Twenty-Three
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Three. Gif of Hannah ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I feel better after having left the note for Nathan, at least he knows what is going on and hopefully he won't contact me. I don't want him to contact me because the whole reason for me going away, is to get my mind off of Nathan and help forget what happened – if Nathan texts or rings me then it completely defeats the object, and I don't really want to reply to him anyway. I just hope he doesn't contact any of the lads, I think he only has Brad's number though – I swear, I would find it so pathetic if he calls Brad to ask about me.
We have been driving for about an hour now, Tristan is still sleeping, Brad has fallen in and out of sleep for the past hour but he's talking to James currently and I am next to Connor still, he hasn't slept at all. I slip off my Ugg boots and curl up into my seat, Connor lifts up his arm and smiles at me. I return the smile and I cuddle into his side as he wraps his arm around me tightly "Sleep Babygirl" he whispers in my ear and I nod sleepily, I rest my head on his chest and slowly fall asleep.
----- Brad's P.O.V -----
I am glad that Hannah agreed to this trip, I mean I don't want her to just mope around at home – I hate it when she does that. It breaks my heart to see her upset, she is my little sister and I cannot stand the fact that some idiot hurt her. I am supposed to protect her, and yet Nathan still made her cry – he makes me sick, he did then and he still does now. You don't cheat, you never cheat, that's the lowest of the low. If Nathan really loved my sister, then he wouldn't have kissed his ex, he would have stayed faithful and there is no argument with that.
I look back at Hannah in the rear view mirror, and smile when I see her sleeping next to Connor who is also asleep, with his head on top of Hannah's. Hannah has always been close with Connor, he cares about her and she cares about him – it's cute. James looks back at them too and chuckles lightly "They've always been close, haven't they?" he asks me and I nod "Definitely, she has some sort of effect on him" I say and James seems to agree with me "Yeah, he wouldn't come out of his room for days and Hanni comes back and she gets him down to the living room – it's crazy" he says.
I notice a sign that tells us that the services are coming up "Shall we stop there?" I ask and James nods "Yeah, we've been driving for 3 hours now" James says as Tristan wakes up "Where are we?" he asks groggily "Carlisle services Mate" I answer him and he nods "I want to stretch my legs, and get some stuff to eat and drink" he says and James and I nod in agreement with him "Definitely, I need the loo too" James says and Tris laughs "We're band members and brothers, but still too much information" I say and James rolls his eyes "Too bad" James replies and we all laugh.
As we pull into a car parking spot, Connor wakes up "Services?" he asks and the three of us nod. James gets out to go and pay for the car parking, and Tristan goes with him "Brad, I will stay here with Hanni" Connor says quietly, so as to not wake my sister up "Alright, we don't want to wake her up – she'll be grouchy" I say and he laughs "Yeah" he agrees with me "Can you just get me a bottle of whatever, Hannah probably water, some crisps for me and whatever you think for Hannah" he asks and I nod "Sure Con" I say and he smiles.
I have bought all the snacks for people but there's a queue for the toilet so I am waiting for Tristan and James now, then when they come back I will go to the toilet and then we can all go. I figured that it probably wasn't the best idea to take food and drink into the toilets, plus I have two bags full of stuff so I think it would be kind of hard to go to the toilet anyway. It made sense for them two to wait and then me to buy everything, as it would kind of kill two birds with one stone.
I'm brought out of my thoughts by my phone ringing, I put the bags down on the floor next to me and answer my phone.
(B – Brad~N – Nathan)
B – Hello?
N – Hi Brad.
B – Why are you calling me?
I hear him sigh on the other end of the phone.
N – I need to ask about Hannah.
B – And why is that? She isn't with you anymore.
N – I didn't kiss my ex-girlfriend Brad, she kissed me.
B – You know, I would love to believe you, but I don't.
N – Why is she with you guys?
B – Because she wants to be. She needs to get her mind off of you Nathan.
N – So she gets to be with another load of guys?
B – If you're suggesting that my sister is going to cheat, like you did, then you are being a bloody idiot. And besides, it isn't any of your concern what Hannah does.
I hear Nathan scoff through the phone.
B – Get it through your head Knight, she is not your girlfriend or fiancée anymore. And that's all your fault.
N – Brad-
B – No Nathan, leave me alone and leave my sister alone. She will decide what she wants to do, when she wants to do it.
I hang up the phone and run a hand through my hair.
Nathan pisses me off to no end, he never used to – I used to like him and I was friends with him, until yesterday. He flipping cheated on my sister, I will never forgive him and I highly doubt that Hannah will too.
That was Chapter Twenty-Three, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter........
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