Chapter Twenty-Six
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Six. Hannah's Outfit ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I heard the whole conversation that my brother and Connor had last night, how could I not? I heard my name and it wasn't like they were talking quietly. I didn't know what to think, I didn't know how to comprehend it all, it was so crazy. My mind was spinning; I wasn't able to get a grasp on what I had heard. At first, I thought that I had misheard and that my brain was making it all up. Sure, I have always had a thing for Connor, ever since the day I met him, but I never thought he would feel the same.
When Connor came to bed, all I could do was pretend like I was asleep. I knew that I couldn't say anything to him, I mean I had just heard him confessing his feelings for me to my own brother. He didn't do much, he just stripped to his boxers and got into bed next to me. He placed one arm over my waist and the other I think was underneath his head, he kissed my hair and then he fell asleep. I didn't get to sleep for another few hours, I heard Brad go to bed and then it was just me that was awake.
Connor and I are going to do the food shopping today. I am kind of hoping that I can talk to Connor, I know that if I don't then I will go completely mad. My head will make things up, and I won't be able to face Connor ever again. It is better for me to ask him straight away, instead of making things incredibly awkward between us. I have just had my shower, so I am getting changed into a denim dress with rolled up sleeves, a long black waistcoat with leather stripes, black heeled boots and a black shoulder bag.
I go into the living room, where all the lads are sitting and they have frowns on their faces "What's up with you lot?" I ask as I lean against the dining table "We're hungry" Brad moaned and I rolled my eyes "And that's why Con and I are going to buy food, anything in particular you want?" I asked as Connor stood up "I will text you a list" James told me and I smiled at him "Thanks, J" I said and he returned my smile "Remember, we are only here for a week so don't ask me to buy stupid stuff" I reminded them all.
To be fair, the shopping didn't take too long. James did text me a list, and thankfully there wasn't a lot of dumb stuff to buy. James told me who wanted what, so I found out that Brad wanted nerf guns and Tristan wanted some random crap which I gave into buying for him. They're my best friends, I can't say no to them. I love them all way too much. Connor and I took the shopping back, unpacked it all and then we all had something to eat which was fair enough because none of us had eaten since yesterday.
Whilst the other lads are talking, Connor taps my shoulder "Want to head down to the beach?" he asks and I nod "Sure, don't see why not" I answered. We both left the caravan and walked down to the beach – luckily the weather is pretty nice, so you can actually sit on the beach and not get practically drowned by the waves. Some days, the waves will be so violent that they completely surpass the walls that are at land level. It can get pretty crazy at times, but at other times, the beach is an amazing place and I love just being there.
Connor and I sit down on the beach. I look over at Connor and sigh "Connor" I say and he looks to me "I heard the conversation last night" I tell him bluntly and he looks surprised but attempts to mask it "What conversation?" he asks and I roll my eyes "You admitted that you like me Connor, I just want you to tell me directly" I explain and he sighs "I don't know how to tell you this Hannah, I never thought I would tell you this" he says, more to himself than to me "It's just me Connor, I won't do anything" I try to reassure him.
Connor runs a hand through his hair "Okay, yes. I have feelings for you Hannah, I have since the day I met you but I never knew how to tell you" he admits to me and I find myself unable to say anything "I don't want to get in-between you and Nathan, I know what he did and it is unlikely that you will go back to him. But Hannah, you either love him or loved him – I won't get in the way of that, I don't want to give you a rebound" he explains to me and I look at him, finding things hard to believe.
Connor slowly stands up and starts to walk towards the sea "What if I wanted you to get in the way?" I call out to him and he turns around "What if I wanted you" I say quietly but Connor sits down in front of me "I thought the whole night Connor" I start to explain "I thought about everything – me and Nathan, Nathan heating, Nathan being my teacher" I say sighing and I shake my head, trying not to break down. Connor places his hand on my knee "My parents wanted this relationship more than I did, sure I used to have a small crush on Nathan but that fizzled out. I did this for Brad, I didn't want him to be made to marry someone because his career would be halted, and his reputation possibly ruined" I try not to look at Connor as I talk.
Connor places his free hand on my cheek, and softly rubs it with his thumb "Do what your heart tells you to do Hanni" he says softly, still rubbing my cheek "If your heart says to be with Nathan, that's great and I won't interfere" he says, I can tell he doesn't want to breakdown in front of me and I don't want to do the same in front of him "If your heart tells you to be with me, then I will do everything I can to make sure that you are happy" he says with a faint smile on his face.
I take Connor's hand off my cheek and intertwine our fingers, "I want to be with you Connor" I tell him and he breathes a sigh of relief "I don't want to sound pathetic here though" I say, not wanting to look Connor in the eye "I think that it will take me a while to be properly in the relationship" I start to explain. Connor places his fingers under my chin, causing me to look at him "Nathan cheated on me. I know it was just a kiss, but it still hurt. It made me question a lot of things throughout our relationship. I am not saying that you will do the same, because you aren't like that, but I just want to be cautious" I tell him.
Connor nods in understanding "That is anything but pathetic Hanni, I completely understand" he says sounding kind of sympathetic "I completely accept that" he states and I smile "You can have as long as you need, I am not going anywhere and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. Wherever I go, you will come with me because I am not leaving you alone" he says and I giggle "That's fine with me, I wouldn't want to be away from you anyway" I say and he smirks "I'm glad" he comments. Slowly Connor starts to lean in, I decide to meet him halfway with a kiss.
We both smile into the kiss and when we pull away, we smile at each other. Connor stands up and offers me his hand. I take his hand, causing him to pull me up "Can we do that again?" I ask and he chuckles "Your wish is my command Hannah" he answers, his voice no more than a whisper. We kiss again, and as cliché as this is, the kisses are better than the ones from Nathan. When Connor kisses me, my mind is swirling and when Nathan used to kiss me it was different – sure, I felt sparks with Nathan at first but clearly I was not right.
I know that I still need time, but Connor will help me.
That was Chapter Twenty-Six, hope you liked it.
I apologise for the rather long wait, I write other things as well as this book and my other book that is being updated. But, I continuously to try my best and I think this book will be finished soon.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter........
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