Chapter Twenty-Eight
A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Eight. Gif of Connor ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
Everyone is awake now, apparently Connor snores extremely loudly when he is ill. I just feel bad for Connor, I hate seeing him ill and I just want to hug him but not kiss him, because kissing him could make me ill and I detest being ill – when I am ill, I have to stay in bed and literally do nothing which is something that I hate to no end as I feel like I am just wasting the day, I like to be productive and I like to know that I am doing something with my day. Then again, I doubt that anyone actually enjoys being ill, it's hardly something to make a song and dance about.
I actually dropped out of school around a week after we got back from the trip, Brad had explained to my head teacher why we were going to be away for so long but I decided to drop out – however, because it was my last year and I had good enough grades, I took early examination a few days after having dropped out so I have all the qualifications that I needed and I got straight A's which I am so proud of. I haven't really thought about what I want to do for a job, I mean if I stay with Connor then I am probably going to end up going on tour with the lads - as I have a part-time job at the moment, I would have to leave that behind and then I wouldn't have any source of income. There is no way that I am relying on the lads for everything, because I would feel so guilty about letting them do everything for me, sure they have the income to do it but I am not that type of girl.
We were all in the den, but I am now in the kitchen as everyone wants lunch and none of the lads can be arsed to make it so here I am. I didn't even ask what they wanted, so I will just make them all a sandwich or something. I decide to put the radio on as I make lunch, the boys' song 'Rest Your Love' comes on and I start singing along to it. I feel two arms wrap around my waist and I smile "Glad to know you like our music" Connor says as he puts his head on my shoulder "Oh this is yours? I just thought it was some random band's" I say and he laughs "Awh, I feel so appreciated Baby" he says as he rubs my waist "Well I am making you lunch" I reply.
I get Connor to go and make drinks for everyone "Put them on a tray and take them through please" I say and he taps his cheek, I roll my eyes before going to kiss his cheek but he turns his head at the last second and kisses me properly. I playfully glare at him when he pulls away "If I get sick now, you are the one to look after me" I say as he walks out of the kitchen "TILL THE DAY I DIE BABY" he shouts from the living room making me laugh. I finish making all the sandwiches, and I grab some packets of crisps and take it all into the den.
I go into the den, and put everything down on the table "You're awesome Hanni" Tristan says, leaning forward to grab a sandwich "I hope everything is okay" I say as I sit down next to Connor. Connor puts his arm around my shoulder, and I cuddle up to his side "Even though I am immensely happy for you two, the lovey dovey stuff makes me cringe" Brad says and I stick my tongue out at him "Get used to it Bro" I say and he rolls his eyes "I said I was happy for you both, you're lucky Connor hasn't had the speech yet" he says and Connor laughs "I have seen and heard the speech enough times, I know what you will do" Connor says and Brad looks proud "Big brother role for the win" Brad states making me laugh.
Tristan and Brad decide to start playing Just Dance on the Kinect and James is just watching them, and laughing at their rather odd dance moves. Connor presses a kiss to the top of my head, and I smile as I snuggle up to him "Hannah" Connor whispers in my ear, so I look up at him "I love you" he says looking into my eyes, my mouth drops but then I smile "I love you too Connor" I say and he breathes a sigh of relief "I thought you were going to reject me" he says and I shake my head "Nope, I am fully serious about this" I say and he pulls me close "I will never ever treat you like he did" he says as we watch Tristan and Brad dance shockingly "I know Connor, I know" I say placing my hand on his thigh, and rubbing it comfortingly.
Brad wins Just Dance, so James decides to step in and see if he can beat him "This should be interesting" I say and Brad turns around "You don't think I can win again Tori?" he asks and I shake my head "Nah, James is pretty good at this and I'm the only one to ever beat him" I say and James chuckles "She has a point Brad, your sister is the only one that has beat me at this game – unless you suddenly get skills at dancing Mate, you're going to lose" James says and Brad smirks "Let's do this then" Brad says and he presses play.
I find this too entertaining, I mean my brother cannot dance to save his life, I find his singing talent completely amazing but he has no dancing ability whatsoever, I could always teach him but I don't have any particular talent for dancing. Suddenly the doorbell rings, so I leave the den and go to the door. Connor follows me and stands behind me as I open it. I open the door, and standing there is Nathan "Get the hell out" Connor says stepping forward but Nathan ignores him and gets down on one knee. I move Connor behind me, but Connor keeps his hand on my waist as I know he wants to punch Nathan right about now.
Nathan pulls out a ring box and looks me in the eye as he opens it, "Hannah Victoria Simpson, will you marry me?"
That was Chapter Twenty-Eight, and I hate to say it but it's the last chapter of this book so the Epilogue will be coming shortly.
I apologise for the massive wait on this chapter, but I kept getting stuck with how to write it.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter......
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